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Motor Line Time. Taking éffeet Sunday, Óct. i. tS9g. I cave Anu Arbor. f rom Court House, at 7 :25, 8:10, and l():U) it. m., 12XÓ 3:40,4:411,7:10,9:10 jiml 1040 l. ni. Lenve ïpêllantl at 7:15.9:00, and 10:30 a. m., and 3:80,40,7:00.9:00 and ll)::-;o p. m. 8UNDAY TIME. I, cave Aun Arl.or írorn Court House at 1:10, 3 :40. i :-2h. ■ :40, 7 :l'i and '.' :40 p. m. Leave Y pallan ti at 1 :■:). :'. :.). .' :'M. 7 ::i0 and il ni. NitthtK of entertaiiiments tlie last trHin will be held to accommOdate those wlshiug to attcnd if conductor is DOtlfied. All cars run on city time. Coupon tickets J5 ceuts, for siik' by couductors. J.B:. BEAL.Pres. WANT CÜLtJMN. 9hort advertlsements not to excced three Unes, or Lost or l'ound Houses for Sale or Rent, Wants, etc., luserted three weeks for 25 cents. Situatlons wanted. f ree. FARM TO RENT- A fine 210 acre furm at Argentine, Genesee Co.. tive miles Ironi hyron. on ihe Ann Arbor railroad. All tools, stock and cropê may be purcliased at a cheap figure. A plendld opportumty for a good larmer. The torna teintbe edgeof tlic viilage with posi office, eburob, milis, store, etc. WANTED- Ladles or entleinen to canraas. Quaranteed $15 per week. Cali oraddreei88 8ummlt it.. Ann Arbor. Sw To BENT- Good 2-story house on Boato Btste htreet road, just beyond Hamllton Park, on Morgan farm. Apply at Cuiirier ollice. LOST- A Ladies Silver Watch, marked on inside k cuse, "Babe '99." Leave at ( 'onder ollice and get Reward. WANTEIT- Bv a young mnn of goou nanita, a pusitioulnDry Goodaorllothiug store. FOR SALË- A young Jersey Hnll, reftlstered Sired liy a grand sou oí Stoke Poeis 5th and MatildaJth. Dam Blred by a grand sou of stoke Pogis 8rd, sire of 27 cowa with au average of over 20 pounds of butter a week. Address J. F. Avery, Saline. Mieh. ' 89 TO PURCHASE fruit and vegetable farm, fortv or slity acres, withlD one inile. or less.of c'itv liinits"of adu Arbor, or Ypsilantl. Qive (uil descriptlon, location and bottom, cashprlce. Address " W," care Courier. 89 FOR SALE- Two Farms. Mrs. North's farm uear county farm and Bullock-Eyeretl farm in Salem town. Andrew E. Gibson. 80 Maynard street, Anu Arbor Om ROOMS TO LET for light housekeepiug- 3rd floor llainilton Block. Steam heat. water-all modern improvements. Apply at Room 3, 3rd Hoor. tf


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier