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About The Hogs

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Feeding Uve píg Bhoald begin three monUis betere it is Uttered. The )'si (eed tof 1 1 1 ■ ■ sw and for the pig is timt in the miiseic tormera. Tlie patiOO tor 1 lic Ured wow and tliat ic' the fatteming hog shonld be quite differen.1 . Jliuiy t housands in' BOWB wi',1 Ive bred tiblM month ton prins pig. To be sare o hardy, grcxwtby yimnir. select, the sire witli greal care. l)n't ïmdor any ciiTiinistaiiees liave liim akin In liis liareni nnU-ss you are willin)T to risk (liKiippoint iiH'iit and luss. Sucili matiniji is nof always punlahed. luit iai :i inajmrity n' cases a notk-eable loes in vigor or Imperfection of the bodes digestión ot the ptga is Men Tbe wont pbaae ai nch n'ti-iimt iwi is nol In tbe eariy deatfa (jf young pi.s. bat in dwaiied and dwindiiim: inmatea of tai pen where insty üi-o wtii and rapid (inifibing shmiid reward tbe libera) feeder of gpood ï-ations. I'ack Uw swiii barrel K it canooi ire.'zi'. Tiiis is e.-i.siiy dome i iv boxing it in i'ouiïhly and jiackintr ircnind it closely Avitli cliali. leavo. s.nvdust . harecial. Tliis peoUog slionld nut lic teM than one foot on all t-iil.s and at the bottom. A lieavy top box land ome w.iueii can be opened (luickiy ootnpletea wiiat wili prove of S'rat proiit and conifiirt to tJW swini'. Now n'ive tlB poetara ;ill 1 1 1 1 - mcal t(heyvvi:i at, and pudh theJrfatt w'mx t its groatest capadty. 'ut a littlo .hai-ciKil in tb tronga daily. wili mi usciiii In keeping i iirir (UgesttouB Btrong. The eold weejtibet wfll bood Dateriere wiiii rapid fatli'iiini;-. i li-t us di oir besi before it cDiiicss. Most smvs v hut two ycnrn and tlu'ii so lato the pot barrel. Oettiiiii growtli tlicy Incline tobeCome heavy and inactivc. and BUCh si s lose many plgB by lyinu; on tliem. Let'a 1h' more oareful In feeding ewwe i hai are : id hkhIiits, not to fatten tJwm. Fat is aliso Oetrimental to coiict'iitinii. Nnhody la pleased to keep a sow niontili aitrr inonth and le nraable to get her in tli deelred dit ion. (oi mctben ore toept lean and un active, alexi aad abte to nurse thcir lit tt-r may be kcpt mx to elgfhi yr.-u-s profitably, anaually breeóíng fcWO litters. Sm-li animáis pay well. To Uve loas and do well a brood sow siioiiid oever 1m eooilned to a Ieai OC sniall yard. A gOOd pastni-c and fiiods lUte liran. vnois. rtr.. hnt lit tic comí cw inral. will keep all requlrementa satisíird and tbe body lean and suppif. Clovee and grase ar lii'altlifnl and wtdl-Ualani-rd (oods, and tile mature sow in Bummer needs iKitliinu' etoe uiilcss sncklinií ])ík. Tiu'ii ab KiHuüd ie ted n mlddlings, barlcy. rye, corn, brau or oate ground and in a Mop, tliree tUmeS as nmch hran as otJier foods bíing gh'en when they are ntlied. Tlie progeny oí yxtimg sows are always sraalk-r and Icsk in nombera tilinn the young of mature animáis, and tJiey rarely make as mucli and as prO.'itaWe pork per head.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier