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The Nation's Humiliation

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If auy ome li;il daubted that thto iMi-AiiiiTk'tin .■uhiiiiiist rat imi was in iull Hvinpathy and accot-d uith Rritain. they nmv liave UlOM donbts hilly et at rot. Secretary Oreaban) ji.-is issucd a "state paper," nm only repudlattng all Friendly Lntercourse witli t present provteloaal government !' Hnv;iii. bul nrt nally direct - ing that the n.ival and military of tlie L'nitcd statcs be einployed to place back UpOD ihc tlirom: oí that cDiiinry tlic old (ineen, liliiiokalani. Nu greater insult totbe patriotlam and intclliiicncc n' tlhe Anirrican people i-nulil be (i.j'crrd. It le a dtegpace, amd a deep disgrace, ti tlhe Amerlcaji peoplé, that eucJj a jiropositioa sliotdd come from :ni American scerctary oí Ntatr, back ed by au American preteldent. Tlic propoeitlon u ase the naval and military Orces oí 1 liis republlc to re-establlah a monarcliial gpewernmemt repudíate and thrown o.ï by Ita oun stibjerts, is .-onict liinjï appallIng. Ii tlie sail:irs and soldier of the l'niteil Slates are ord:rcd In do sncli a dastardly act the patriertic peoplc oí tlie natiim wonld upliold them in Im.víhü: down thcir arma and íiatly rolualng bo obey surh au order. En.ui;ui(i bas tor a lang time had a n eye m the Sandwich Islands. She wanitfl tiiem for their commercial and str&tegetlc Importamoe. Sta wants tJiem beeause t hey practlcally control tlie hlgbway oí the Pacific oceaai, and are the key 1d iis commerce. Presideni CleTelhnd practlcally hands them OTCF tO lier. "!iat cai-tlily excuse c;mi lic have for racli a cmirse unleea he is owned body ODÚ noiil li.v I.hat power V Tboae wilO are familiar Wit afiairs on tlic Hawaiian Islands gay Ihat .ScTct'!ir.v Crcsliain's orders ian be carrled out o-nly tbnougb bloodshed. If imy ailor iir soldier of the republic oí tfli Dmlted States steps a t on Hawaiian s;il wltfll 1lie purpose of ! ii'lpiii'-c to restore a moiiarchy llierf. ■'ie onuiit (o be hot drad in liis tracks, and it is tibe prayrr o; the juitriotic citizrns of tile nat ion tliat Ue wlll 1m'. Any official who would gflve suicJi an order to Ikí hung for treason. If Gresham's ".state paper" had been issued jnst iM'fore toe recent elections trastead oí just after, tbe majoritlea rolled up, enormouB na they were, would have been doubled and trebled. I he citizcns of tliis nat ion - wlth bnt íew coc])ti(iiis - are Uberty loving patriota, aini wlll oever tolérate, for a moment the oppresstoo of any o t lier people seeklmg liberty. Tliiti xi np.i t i-i rl coin-se is on a par wltib tbe commercial policy ol thto administra! ion, wjik-h is warmly in i.-iviir (.f .-ï-ii t liiiiii that will open up our markets without Iet or liimlrance to Great Jiritain. Tin; rciiuhlican party beltevee In the American bushol, the American yard, the Amrioan pallcwi and the Amerloan dollar. Eacb yard, Imshcl. gfallom of tilw; same quaatíty of any other of its kimd, and Overy dollar the equal of amy otlher dollar of paper, silver or goilú. It does not believe in nor wlll it tolérate tflie introduction of SoutSi American or Meiioan financial systeins which makc peons of the wag-woricers and nabobs of the capitaliste.- Pontiac Gazettc. The democratis brouglit out as a i Mii]ialsnn card dnring the recent election in New York, the fact that Capt. Jota l'aijiirr, the rcpublican candidato for secret, -n-y ol State, was "oely B )ia';nicr and decorator,"' a common babocitag man. and o tíhould be defeatcd by a geatleiman of wcaltli. The peoplc reapottded tn that soit of 'argumemf' in a way Uiat made thn democratie eara ttogte, and elected Palmer by over 35,000 niajurity. He wlll nww proceed to ''decórate" tilie ring occupants of the Becretary n' Bta1 e's office wit b a "ticket ï tea ve." Tlie porties of this nattoo wi'.l iind out after a time, perttapa that the juilici.iry must be kvpt. pure Wlu-n dMiiotneat and corrupt men lite Isaac II. Maynard, oí ,cw York, are prescnicd tor the approvtü i iiic people they are re] ted and cast ut, When p;i: e patrióte, like Judge Gaxy, oí Chicago-, are wp tor vtaKÜcatlcwi, they are vlndlcated. The electlon of Gary a grand brtumph ior liberty loviiiii Aincrican cltizens mvr anarehlsm and anarchteta r,t,v. Altgeld and the red h.iiulcd murderera he pardooed i'd o-at h' Btaibe priBDn wbere they h.-ni been jusiiy m-hi. In New Jersey demócrata had ruin. I ■ governiment Into a greal So y and race track aseociation. The bet u-r i-lement of party protestad lm vain, the jcys wve lm a lange majority, and oan-ivl with a liiy'a Iiand. The reenlt was tbat tiiere is now ;i twoIliinls rcimhlican majority in the New it was ïormerly t!n.' ollicr way. The people are alrigb't in .Nrw .ici-sry wheu thy once lecoiiic arousi-il as to uli re they are at. They accompliBhed aa nlce a job as Herenls did u eleantng i Angean Bteblee, and as qulckly, too.


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