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A Long Vacation

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Here is a s;id admfeaKm by t.ln Adrian Press : "Tbere ka mt on blue statute ïwjoks a law pnnnrirt by ühe democratie jmriv Btaoe isi;i." Nor wffl tbere be ome during 1'ais i-cnl ury. 'I lic people cimipii-iiii; t'.iat party are nol law makere, tlny are nt Hiiililcrs. Tiii'.v are crUtes. They iri' aog&i tves, ! li -y are liappy ;uiil experl only in tearlug down whai Borne eme else bas e DBtructed. It i tilielir mlsion to everlastlngly lili 1 fault, bul 1 i anyih'iij.. 'l'lvi'y Iiiivc all tlic power ii'iiv. 'i iiry Lave the Bouse. They have the Sánate. Tney have the preeldent. But i hry darc not ilo B tliinir. Thiey dare not touch the tariH. They dare mot emact a curreney law. iiiry dare not acoompliBh anylililí-'. Tlivy in.-iy. poaelbly, pepeal the Fed ecal electton law- teair down a proicctiiin to the puríty oí the hallot box, .imilt n]i by repubUcans, but they dan nol ptooe a new Btone In Vtu ioumlation wall ot tlns natlon. Tlicy ai-c cowanls when il COCtteS 1o ad ion. ' ■ They have nol wilhin their rank tille material lliat construct.-. liiit is whai atte the democratie party. To tJliow how ttioroughly the Tam many oru-anization crmtrols tliinirs i: Xi-v York City, fche tacrt is ainiouiK-cc iJiat iui tlu 2d aiul isth preednets o Ihc 22 d asscniUIy districl. tliri-c as not l república n vol e ret urneil. mul vel. tiiei-e was preeaal at the polls in eacli oí Iliose ]irecin.-t s. 1vo republican inspector, residente oí 1li' district end votors tinne. l'.ut the Tainmaiiy thuiis wbo had control of the ballot boxes at tlmse jilacos rctunicd overy vot.' l'or the democratie ticket. Doder the city ot díñame, pius can ïiiiw 1h ki'iit in the olty limits untl] April aiext. providrd 1 hc pent are kipt perfect ly clean. - Aini ArbOT Argftth. Ifc i gpatifylng to note tah&t at last tlue hogs and the Aim Arbor counci] ran lie 'down toget&er in peace. "Behnld how good a íhintí it is. and Ikiw plrasant, lor brct ircn bO dweil to.uillicr in unity !'- Adrián PrB8. 'Jhpiv ba a lüilcinan in tliis city whn dealtee to wager b goodly ram of mont'.v t!i:it the al, uve quotatlOn wlll not in tilw? "Adrián Prees wisins"' of t'ic Anti ArlMir ArgTM. Ut' had DO i akers up to date. As a political ])f(ip]ict the Detroit Freí? }:i ji it proven Ltsell wlse. lïniKlreds m' good dejnocrats, relylng npom what the I'i-it PreBB told llicm to (lipilfi-i'y's ili.i ni-cs for clcctiiin, staked thefa1 iihimy uu tlie result, and wtwe are t bey now V They brtfor hïwe Ustaoed to the warnings of tlie Argne, wihlch told lts readers, candidly wliat ti expect- only it did not prepare tliem for so niuch of it. This is mot tiie first time the Free Prees has footed it.s readers, and tihey ;r-' rapialy losng conndence in lts loreatgtot. IUit lts hindsight is BOmetfatalg marveloais. It8 tale ot woe eacb day now wonld niake tHe Gods of Ancient Greece }oin in lamcntatlODfl loud and prolonged. Correspondente fcJiould be care ful in wrlting mames, above all else. If the n's, m's, u's, r's, s's, in fine, all little letters without loop or stem, are made allfce, we eau u.sually declpiher anytJiiiiii Uut proper na-mes. At leasi we Kbtempt tx do o. People in general liavc little coqééptkMl ot tin1 number of possililc iv.'mies from one of five or t-ix letten Ladlatlnctly writtem. ]".!■ ix;nu])lv, a 1! followed by jyawl may hec mie in tSie typesetter's barade, Barnes, Bornes, Barrus, Borrus, Bawns, Down, Burne, I'.urrus, Burras. Burner, Banier, Bonner. and Bo on lot uvo or tlhree hundred more Tariatlona. Wtoatever elae yiiu do, wrlte proper nemes plalnly. - Grati'it Journal. T.ii' awpremie court ■' Michigan has ctecAded tha.1 the waman suJfrage law is uiK-Diisi il mioiiii!, and the decisión is swei'piim'. Of eourse, the court lx-in'-i (i'.ino-i uiianiinausly republlcan, jiotJiiiiiï iiifcrcnt waa expected. ■Jlvat part; destares no tatelligencti Ín the ol the ballot. It gave t H.' .r!Lili1 ot -u ir.-'K' 0 th fivcil sl.-ivi-. beoause it eouM alwaye voto the colopod mail. uut wiicn it comea to i lic. intcHiiicni vii:iKi:i. the republlian party wants nome (rf it.- Adrián Prese. Tïe Prese (orgeta tiiat Mie op&üoo in üiat case was wrtttem and dellvercd iy Jut!ce M,i-.'.t !i. a denvocrat, anl Ihat the dlsgetttlug )]ini(m was by Juetice M y, a j-cpublli ai:. Tb ■ r ■ , : : 1 : i - .- 1 i party lias always Ut03i the larty al latelllgeo progrese wad rlgiit thinkinii, and alivays wil] b ■■


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