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Dana Rejoices Over Cleveland's Late Infamies

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Froin the Civil Service Reform Assbciation,of Boston, to the Evening Pust office in New York, the facteare bravely acknowledged and openly deplored. The trust idea, in the iamoua and fondled Cleveland phrase, "Public office is a public trust," lias given place U) the "trough" idea, says the I'" Public office is a trough for demócrata, and the ïnugwump pretentiona of the late mug. wump idol have been flipped out. ïlie Doble animal around whom they, the tnugwumps, so joyously and confldently built a china shop luis turned out to be a buil, and is BOW raging. The pieces will lie worth about as much asa mugwump tear, eertainly no more. ín justioe to Mr. Cleveland ve niust ask for the production of the piedle he has broken. When did lie niake one, " this trip?" Where was the preliminary to his recent candidacy and canvas one of those fresh and praiaeworthy semi-private epistles through which he was once accustomed to reitérate the first principies ot' mugwumpery wiilt alinost boyish simplicity? .Mr. Cleveland's school days are over. He is a gradúate and a democrat. .. V. 6un. i The present condillim of Únele Sam's strong box nrakea H peculiarly interest ing to soe liow tJie demoi rats will be able to reduce tibe tariíf without taking away the last vestage of ecurity. To be sinv Uve intemal tax on tobáceo nul liquors ïniiïJit be inereaeed and thus the consequent loss Erom iluiifs on Lmpocted ncrrsiiics !,■ mode uji liy a tax on the domestic tuxuries.- BeUevne (ialette. Tlhe Chicago Times (democratie) is g'etting aweary o; gang that is. running öhlngs down ai Waaiüngton. llear t Iiín, t aken ■iroin its columns: ■"1 In; democratie party eamiot hope to continue it.s a.sfcnileney in tJie nort-h, hoid it.s placE In [Hiñóla, Wiscinisin. New York, lowa, and ga4n footliold in otlicr oj the .rreat coramoniwraltJi.s oí tilia xction, 11 lt is to be nMtde eternally the apologista oí Uim-iM'iitant rebels who are nmv eatsag t!ie Uread ol Dncle Saín and asSUmlug to direct w liich way lie sha 11 go.-' Ami ag&ln : i "If the country Jias wearh'd of tüiese naicient Imnilmu-s, lilatant and iKwi.stful talker.s. WAO scem to know iwtliing of the genius of t ie republic wthlch .sim-vived deepite thelr êfforta to tlestroy it, it is anual] wonder. Tlie íellOAVs Ix'lo'ng lo a past age. A gemeration WÍlácJl is all imsiness and cares notJiing for rhetoricnl eant lias no patJcnce with the firandiose charlatans -tihat are torever pwstponing the di.sco'vi'ry of the precise lncation of tlnit ultímate cxcavatíoji." The tflocklegBi ïmin-s tmd anarchiste of Detroit elected their mayor Tueedny.- Adriam Breas. That Benteoce is uaworthy of the Adria-n Press. The bums, blacklega and anarrJiists were nol successful in Detroit. Tluv always stay by the borrel, and Ptaffpee's opponent, Grodipey, bad the barrel. Plugree had only tlie appcoral and affection of tJio great mtddte clasBes, tlie men nvJii "liew tlie wood and draw the water," bhoee wiiu to'd witli thelr hande, who Ibnn bh6 bone and sinïü'vv ol the nation, In wliasc lnterests lic lias toiled fearleeely and Unceaalngly 'it sílice b lias been mayor ; aad wiho have ppoved lo the world in ihis n-iiüüou thiii whena man stands bj i!nm, they win Btand by hbn, regardleee of politics. Une buma umi blMcklejrs. the ('onsidine gang, riT workinfí agalnat these people for Mr. Godfrey, openly and notoi-lously. Mar. I'ingree is not un(lci- auy obliga tions to t.liat ciicmnit . His followrrs ;;rr liniu'st, icarlcss, manly, wprighit, couragöOTM men. who lx'lirvc in lh' rlgbt and wlm stand by those wlio attenijit tO !(i rlgtlt. 'J'licy get ]vnodvi,nkfd Konict mes ly crafty politiciaiis, notably En a year ngo, liiu thiv are mow 1 1 y imí to make w3b ]' i ■ tint sad error of jikIlcinciit.


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