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Tuk cmirthouse a Brook Haven, Miss., was destroyed by fire and all the records were bnrned. There were about seventy-five indictmems pending against white caps, and they were charR-ed with burninff the buildinjr. THB animal report of Commissioner Seymour of the patent oflice shows that the last fiscal year the nuraber of patenta granted was 23,471; trademarka Lssued, 1,884. The number of p.stenls wliich expired during the year was ::,C. The total receipts for the year were f], 388,809, and the expenditnres $1,111,444, leavinjr a surplus of i! 77. :;;:. Mondav, November "7, has been fized for the trial of Prenderg-ast, the. murderer ot Mayor ñarrison, of Chicago. Insanity will be the plea of his attorneys. Thb World'g Coli'mblan commission and the lady manag-ers ac.journed sine die. Thk annual report of W. T. Harris. United States Qommissioner of education, shows that the total number of pupils enrolled in the public schools in the United States for the year 1891-92 i-a ia, 204,108. the average daily attendance bein 8,552, Sol. The enrollment for the year 1890-91 is sbown to have been 18,084,282, and the average attendance S,4U7,n3ö, Neab Ingram, O. T., a negro burjflar cut the throats of three men in order to secure ?Hl). Gov. 1' osteu says he will do everything in his power to prevent the uett-.Mitoiieii ñgm taking place in .New Orleans. J. V. Rbodks has been appointed receiver of the I'huenix Hotel corapany at Liexington, Ky. It had a capital of íiíTj.OOO. Aftkr a quarrel in whieh she received several blows Mrs. John Miner, of St. Louis, seized a revolver and killeo her husband. LonöPELLOW, the greatest of American turf siivs, died at the Nantura stock farm in Woodfordcounty, Ky. He was 36 years o ld. Wiih.k drunk Charles Manningr, of Toledo, ().. shot and killed hiswife and her cousin, Mrs. V. K. White, and then killel himself. Sevss students of Princeton collepe at Prinfeton, K. J., have beeu indicted íor t.aking part in the hazing of Robert Leopold, of Washington. Trkasurv department figures show that 430. ."Wi immigrants arrived in this country duñnjj the nine months ended September 30, against 47B.S48 for the same nine months of 1802. Miss Clara Barton, president of the American Red Cross eociety, pleaded at Washington for assistynce for the unfortunate people of the Sea islands off the coast of South Carolina. She said 30,000 of the people wero homeless and without the bare necessaries oí life. On the kite track at Iiidependence, Ia., Bicyelist Johnson rode a mile with flying start in 1:58 3-5, lowering Windle's record. SnPBBDHTENDENT JENKINS reports that a,L29 patrol calis, 95 íire alarms and 2,o07 ambulance calis were responded to on the grounds during the world's fair. BbCBKTASY Gkesham has demanded an explanation of Honduras of the insult offered to the American flAgf. Boilers in the Elrod milis at Sand Mountain, Ala., exploded, killing two men and injuriüg' two others. Aftek appropriating $320,000 to institutions under its control the general committee of the Freedman's Aid society closed its session in St. Paul. The steamer Altany of the Western Transit company and the steamer Philadelphia of the Anchor line collided on Lake Huron off Point aux Bs.rques and twenty-four seamen were druwned. Thkre were 1,894 arrests for different offenBes at Jackson park during the world's fair, as follow6; Smoking, 24; disorderly conduct, 709; drunkenness, 156; pocket-picking, 162; jumpiug the fenee, 382; theft, 240; andmiscellaneous, 871 Six men were killed by the cars at Sedalia, Mo. Fbancis H. Weeks, the New York lawyer who plead ffuüty to the embezzlement of over a million dollars from various estates intrusted to his care, was sent to prison f'or ten years. Thk Lyceum theater was burned at Mempliis, Tenn., the loss being Í250,000, aud other property destroyed made the total loss $360,000. At Camden, N. J., thirtesn persons ■were injured in fights at the polls between democratie policemen and repu blican deputies. Street traffic was seriously iered with in Chicago by a dense iog and heavy smoke and artificial light had to be used at noon. Neakly 1,500,000 persons paid to ride in the Ferris wheel duriug the world's fair. It earned $150,000 for stockholders above all debts. A negro named Bob Kennedy was captured at Gaffney, S. C, by a mob and hanged. His crime was attempted assault. John S. Johnson again broke the world's bicycle record at Independence, Ia., going his mile, tiyinff start, iii 1:58 3-.". In a rear-end collision on the Rock Island road at Eggleston, a Chicago suburb, four persons were killed and thirty-three were injured, sorae fatiilly. Louis ï'loyd, who, with his brbther Frank, robbed the Bank oí Minneapolis at Minneapolis, Minn., of $90,000, was arrested iu New York. At Moberly, Ma, the Wabash "cannon-ball" train was wrecked and Fireman Malone was killed and Er.gineer EobinBon fatally hurt lx a railwiiy Wreclt at Ilutto, Tex., fire broke out in tlie mail car and 2,000 letters were bnrned. Stepiikx and Mary j. Toole, ayi-il resp tl, 81 and 30, were under arrest in Boston charged with their mother anti sister with poison. 0. J, Ahnom), ex-oounty treasurer of Niágara eounty, and ex ra-.;iier of the Merchanta' bank, ras in jai' at LocUport. X. Y., charged with embézzlins $100,000. 1 wo standing starts world bicycle records, the two-thirds and full mile, were broken by Johnson at Independence. Ia., he going the raile in 1:58 1-5 and the twothirds in 1:21. It was announced that Secretary Carlisle had perfected plans to stop the making1 of any more silver dollars. Henk y Kou uk, a negro who took paró iu the murder of N. .1. Duncan at Lake City Junction, Fla., was shot to death by a naob. JOSEPB Fi K and Mrs. Ada Brown were rundown by a freight train and killed near St. Joseph, Ma Cakter II. IIakhison's will was filed iu tlie probate court in Chicago by a son. The estáte is estimated at Í960,ÜUO. Tuk drop of the trepsury balance in Washington below $100,000,000 was interestiiifi the officials of that departir) ent. Tmk barns of the North 8ide Street Car company in Chicago were destroyed by lire, the loss being $100,000. Fxying Jib paced a mile in 2:0fl% and Directum trotted a rano, in 2:08 at the Hartford (Conn.) track. FotTR lives were lost by a colusión on the Hocking1 Yalley road near Fostoria, 0. COKGBK88MAM Oatks, of Alabama. calis Editor Hawkins, of St. Louis, hard iiames in a letter and wants to fight. Jojí.n Dossktt, of Guthrie, O. T., is the first man ever sentenced to be hanfjed in Oklahoma. At the seventy-fifth annual session in Minneapolis, Minn., of the g-eneral missinnary rommittee of the Methodist Episcopal church it was decided to spend Í15U.0OO for mission work the ensuinof year. AmrOTKD by a persistent collector at Duluth, Minn., Sam Johnson seized him and painted him a tiery red. Two more victima of the Rock Island wreek at Ejrsfleston, a Chicaífo suburb, have died, makingf a total of six. The exchanges at the leadin clearing- houses in the United St-ites during the weekended on the lOth aifgregated $9:W,85H,717, acrainst 1.050.712.06S the previous week. The decrease, compared with the correspondinfj week in 1S92, was 20. 8. Eleven persons are now dead as a resul t of the Hoek Island railway wreek at Eggleston, a Chicago suburb. Thsbe were 301 business failures in the United States in the seven days ended on the lOth, against 358 the week previous and 210 in the corresponding time in 1S92. Loris T. Mexage. the abseondmg president of the Northwestern Guaranty Loan compan y at M inneapolis, is said to have stolen tl, 650.800. .l(in:" D. RoCKEFRli.BR made his fourth gift to the anlversity of Chicago. [ts amount is 9600,000. With his previous donations this makes Mr. Iiockefeller's gifts to the university $3,250,000. Tin: World'a Columbian exposition received at the gates up to November 1 !10,576,208. There is now in the treasíry f'J. l.":;, 12S, not Including souvenir ■oins. 1t was reported that settlers west of the Montezumu valley in Colorado had a colusión wlth the Xavajo Indians, klllinff four of them. Skiüetary of Statk Grksham made public a state paper addressed to President Cleveland informing' him that the overthional of Queen Liliuokalani of Bawaii was brought about by sueh an abose of the authority of the United Stiltes, and by such "foi-ce and íraud," that nothing short of a restoration of the queen to her throne would satisfy the demands of justiee. Thk situation of the minors in Iron coimty, Wis., was said to bo deplorable, and they had petitioned to Cov. Peck. Illinois ranks seuund in postal receipts and third in presidential post offices, according1 to the annual report. Mureo Murdoc, proprietor of the Egyptian villaje at the world's f:iir, was robbed of 85,000 at Brooklyn, N. Y. Millkr Davis, convieted of murderiiifi Sheriff Dollerhide nearChapel H1U, October 23, was hanged at Centsr Point, Ark. The Middletown (O.) Paper company assigned with liabilities of about $00,000. The home of Louis Lonff at Stanchfleld, Minn., was burned, and his wife and one child perished in the flames. Coukty Trkasi-rkh Cashmax, of Greeley Center, Neb., was saicl to be short in county funds between $20,000 and 25,000. ■ iTdii 8. 1'ATiKEu, of Toledo, O., was foun.l dead at his home with his heart broken, Hterallv as wrll as figuratively broken,' for the orgaan was rent in twain. Grief over a son's misdeeds was the cause. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Reppbt.ican mayors were elected in the cities oí Detroit, Mich., and }5rooklyn, N. Y. Lkyi T. (i!em.), of Detroit, was elected from the First district of Michipan to eougress to succed J. L. Chipman, deoeased. M BS. U. S. GBAKT will reside In Santa Barbara, CaL, durinjf the next two yeare. Furtheh returns from the elections on the 7th give Palmer (rep. ) f or secretary of state in New York ö.'i.ouo pluraJity and Bartlett for jurtge S9.70U; the legislatura is also republican. ín Pennsylvania Jackson (rep.) for state i nv.surer has a plurality of 128.000. In New .Jersey the republieans elected the leyislature. In Massaehusetts Greephalge (rep.) for governor lias ;i plnrality of KI, 000. In Ohio Gov. McKinJey was reelected by a plurs.lity of S0,000. Tn Iovva Jackson (i-ep. ) for governor has a plurality of S.j,OOO. Iioth the republicans and popnlists claim Kansas. The demócrata were successful in Marylend, Kentucky and gima, ln JSebraska the popuhsts car"iea the div Thb republicana of Chicago and Coo'c county reelected Joseph E. Gry judge of the superior court by about 11,000 majority aad also elected the entire ticket with one exception Pkof. Herman Augist Hagrv, o Harvard colleg-e, one of the jrreatest scientists in the world, died in Boston, aged 76 years. New Jersey's redistricting law of 1891 was declared unconstitutionah Legislators shall be chosen by counties. it is held. Francis Parkmax, the eminert historian, died f rom peritonitis at Jamaica Plain, Mass. Ilo was ïO years old. Fl'Rther returns frotnthe electiop in Nebraska sliow that the entire republican ticket was elected. In Kansas the republicans were also successful. M.U. Wll.I.IAM I.A1VUK.VCR PoOLE, of New Orleans, the oldest editor in the United States, died at the asre of 90. His journalistic career befan in 1823. Junes RlCHABD Pakkkr, of Winchester, Va., (Heil in the S3d year of his age. H WM noted for havinp presided at the trial of John Brovrn and his men at Charlestrn. FOREIGN. l'r:i:KK I. T8CUAJKOW8KT, tlic famous Sussian composer, dieil at St. Petursbiirg from cholera. He was BH years oía. to anrreader a püssenjr to fcbe Honduras ffovernment the United Stiitcs Pacific mail steamer Costa lüoa as fired on, but none of the shots hit her. AdvICBS f rom Acora, on the West A frican gold eoast, say the kin# of Asbantee was stoned to death recentiy by insurprents in the streets of Coornassie, his capital. Further advices from the dynamitw explosión at Santander, Spain, say that 1,000 persons lost their lives and mauy others would die frgjn injuries received. Sir Andrew Clarke, one of the most eminent physicians of. the world, ilied in London. He was born in Scotland in 1S26. Emphror Wiixiam has issued an edict affainst in the Germán army. Games of hazzard of all kinds are forbidden. Ar Halifax, N.S., Eichard Savag-e fatally shot his wife aud son and then killed himself. He was iealous. Violent earthquake shocks at Americus and other portions of Mexico did great rtamage. Duri.vo a performance at the Lyceum theater in Barcelona. Spain, two bombs were thrown from the gallery by anarchists and one of them exploded, injr Uventy-three persons. An 111rnense nuruber were also injured, both by the explosión and by the panie ivhioh followed and, several more would die. Admiral Mello, leader of the Grazilian rebels, resumed the bombardroent of FtTBTHKB advices say that of the twenty-eight pt;rsons on the steamer John Frazer, bnrued p.n Lake Nipissing, Canada, only seven were saved. A.VM1-: PlxUiY, the famous actress, dieil in London of brain fever. She was a native of Krooklyn, N. Y. , aud wife of Robert Fulford. A WORKMAS named Metzg-ar and an innkeeper naraed Ubeluem were executed at Uerlin for the murder and robbery of Herr Grunbaum, a cattle dealer. Fiftken cities near i-entral Cuba hare declared against Spanish rule and ara in opn rebellion ag-ainst the govecament. As explosión of ether at Kreslitovsk. a tüwn of Bnssian Poland, killed twenty persons. LATER. H. Bell, ex-provernor and ex-United States senator of Xevv Hampshire, and a historian and author of reputation, died at Bzeter, aged 70. The price of admission to the world's fair grounds has been reduced to ty-five cents. Pbof. Wii.liam L. Shoup, who had a national reputation as an author ol text books, died at Dubuque, Ia. Fivk masked men held up an Illinois Central train near Bardwell, Ky., and robbed the express car of some $7,000. Amused at the remark of a young man, Miss Bertha Pruett, of Philadelphia, laughed until seized with a fatal hemorrhage. The Honduras jrovernment has apologized for firing on the American flag and Uncle Sam is 6atisfied therewith. Tubpin, the discoverer of melinite, has invented a machine to combat the effects of tornadoes and cy clones. E. P. Bernard, aged 80, of Yates Center, Kan., tired of life, killed his wife, daughter and himself. Wabbeü P. 1'itxam, president of the National granite bank of Exeter, N. H., was arrested on the charge of embezzling Ï30,000. At Middletovvn, O., the Gunckel JJankingcoinpany assigned with liabiütios o f Í200.Ü0U. Thk eutire rolling mili plant of the Whittaker 1 ron and Steel company at Wheelinir, W. Va., was destroyed by lire, the loss being Í100.000. The wife of Adam Urig-ht, a farmer near Troy, O., who was beaten out of 94,500 by gold brick swindlers, died f rom the shock produced by the loss. Tuk chief of the Osage nation in Oklahonju iasned an edict ordering all ii' moes to leave the reservation in thirty days. At IJtica, 111., the Fire Brick company plant was destroyed by fire, the loss beincr '2(IO .000. Fbaxk Kxox, ag-ed over 100 years, ;in ex-slave who had been a barberin Liberty, Ind., íor a ffreat many years, was found dead in bed. The Academy of Muslo and other property was burned at Fort Wayne, ind., the total loss being $100,000. The fury of a Bardatown (Ky. ) mob ended in blowing i-.p the home of Phil Evans, a eolored criminal, his mother, wife and daughter. James E. Whitb, general superintendent of the railway mail service, ia his anmuil report says there ere handled during the year 10,386,814,915 pieces of mail matter Thia is an iacrftase over 1888 oi 49.68 Der cent.


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