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A Tidal Wave Coming

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A groat n-viv.-ii .' reügtou Interest, a tidal wave o! religtoua awakeming wLll sweep ovw th" hills and througti the vulleys oí thi city In i H'iijm witih the ministrations to begtn Dee. 66h, oí the Bev. B. Fay Mills, tih-e evangelist, and the Rey. .loilnn P. Hillis, the sirmiiiK evwngelist, w.ho are wurking together naOer töe plan adoptad la years gome by, ly the faniouM evaogeUical duo, Moody and Bankey. If tfoe pt recortl of tihene nKirveloun workera can lie tukeoi as a cr i ter ion froin which to Judge, naught hut kokmI. bat pori'iíica tion and conversión can follow t hem. Fot mamy inonth t he ministers oí thiss city hare been Beeking to arrange and prepare for a neries of revival services more peñera! in iheir sweep tJiian any ever betore accomiili-hi'il. DenoininatHiual lines nnd denoniinatwiTOil prejurticeM jiavc been forgottin, and Avith a BeeHntng ïvalization that lieavciu is broader t-han man'a cJiarity, all are workin.i; Bide by Bide, atteiupt inur to iollow the czample of thelr Mastor who ''went alKWit dolng gcKxl." Aa awkentajï of rellgiOBB mterest is wanted. ronvcrt.s are wanted ■■'hether they afilíate with the Mcihodü.S'tK, Baptlste, OT any other d;enoini inwi t.ioii . For Unía parpóse, bh leadinir EvanHclival cJiiwcheH uraite and have Becured Uu' evaaiiifllwt.H inent io.ned. The committee ill leave in hvi'.v houee iin the city au announcement of tiie of the srries and in invitatlcm to attend. Many will no doubt attend out OÍ coriosity pure and simple, bat t majority witJi prayeriiil hearts and willimi s]iritR. Tlhiese meetings will continue one week, and tv or three services will be held eaeh day. The work of organiza t ion has been uawler tule supervisión of a general coimmittee composed of tlie pa.stor and two laymeu ivom eaci church. On eacili day, for one hwur p-receding tule regular service, will be a meeting tor women only, to be umder the jurisdictiosx ot tïi ladies' committee. For all the meetimga a chorus of 135 voices, wnich has l)eetn drilled by Alvin "W"iley, will furnlsh the muslc. The Rev. B. Fay Mills, ol evanffelical faime, has had tlie gospel bred into hilm. Hls father was a minister before hiini, and in 1860 was moderator of tlie New School assembly in Plttsburg. The Rev. B. Fay is but 35 years of age, tall, smootli faced and with light hair that curls O'-er a foreihead t.hat denotes trengtb of intellect and character. He began hds ministerial woirk as a in Granite Falls, Minn.. and froon there went to Camión Falls, same state. In 1884 he was called to Rutland, Vt., wíiei-e he found a congregation sundered by di-sensions and Jiere he began to apply hls evangelical methods. His fame soon spread alxjut and ne was leseec4Hd to lend a hand in other eities, and iüially in order to work in a broader field, resigned frorn the pastúrate to engage in revival work. He la said bo 1m' a great preácber, beca-UBe he is so much ji r;irih-M and a])peals ti) thv h'arts ol his heari'rs. Mr. Mills has held siiccrsslnl reviv,-ils Lu Etoston, Phiiladelphia, Brooklyn, 1'riivide.inr, Cleveland, Clnclnnati, Ban FraiciBco, Portland, Omaiba, Des Moi.ncs. Nashville, Miniieaiiolis and ot.her oltíesi Ui1 aas jast eiunplet .■(! a Kiries í meetings at Grand Rápida u i:rh w;is öl the greatefft rellgawiakeainga ever held in that city. Al lünnimmtoi!. N. Y., (.0 pel erin. '' tihe eivtlire popalatioi) were uniinUcrrd amoing ilie converted1. At all i : i , ■ uu-el ü-s there will be au ch:iiüvs few Beate, and no colleetiom ill be laken up.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier