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The Next Democratic Candidate For

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iiTiiii:it win nut be one oJ the Iowa Tbe deposita ia the banks in this state decnsaoed si ..000,000 from May Lui tn o. ist. a tribute to the tree trade poücy oí thfe administra! Urn. Heavy aa air the t.-,rx t„ K,,,ll(, ttons and devouring as iii;,nK;iï,, ;,, iit.m ni.iy 1k. yet bad roeda cóel '■nnrrs more ,.v,.ry Jreor Iha.i ili the iiit.MTsi combtocd.- American J'ariii t. bars Gresbani Is os a with ; ■ ■ ttpy rar aa i erned. Ho public man ever abnudc more rapldly In people ui the natten taan has. A1 ""■ taborerg thrown out of cmjiicv,,,,-!!, beomae oJ tbs mreatened poUcgr ..; tree tirade, t lus is i,, tii,' mp house admlnistration," be cause eo mauy laborteg people have to be anpported by diarity. obtaiaing lood in public soap höuses. A (lixpatt-Ji fro-ni Wasliii,-, ,,„ M Hiat omr itemooratU; iiil propose tai ratee roven by levytt ;ln . come tax. Tlie Btatement Is of no' especUU uüvrest. Thtrc are no many inooraee left to tax, (ince the return of t;he "gooil old democratie times."- Grand Ilapids Eale. A professor ia Kenyon collogv afik tii perUtaeat qmatlon: -In thi age of .push, of material progivss amd luu-rah, doea the moral cftaractcr fJio in.i-n.-t ir. stimiiJatiiiK, uplifting fatltaeoce of the teacher, wn j.s tb guMe oor hild through the dangers of scJiool life, receive the recogiiit ion tliat is is lue ?" The „,.„- r. s. cmleer Oolumbia, i., the fastvst bOat on any ocoa.i in the "woi-lrt, maklog on her trial trip 22.87 knot.s au hour. The old country Peom.. will have to come over to Vank.T. laad t„ learn how to make txat, after all. Yomr L'ncle Samuel liever Kvt6 lelt 011 thf water ; amd very seldom on land. "WJinl is fcuiwii in th state CHt Alabaan.-i a (l„. faction, hare organizMl onder tan; naine oí sommi democcaey," and to make tt h.ot ior the rehilar demowacy tbeve at the oomftw ctate tton. Th,, kieken agaten the deml:'- rtag hum tiiiiiKs in tiuit state have trted befon to etaange tJiin-s, lmt nol havlng the rtghi ii.M. H-, "democratie," has been rata! to tiueir edorta Nvw tfaey hare adoptwl tlie name and ezpect to win. lts au im i name down ia Alabama. Ooogreae hevlng stoppel n,,. ,,,,,-. Cbase oí siiv.T eaeh momth, tbsn is ;l karge stxyppage of new suppüea of momf.v. Wlt i EHjiiiig to be done to remcdy tlife thortoge ? The proiliu t. (i: mr zilver mames must be used to a coMBiderable cxU-nt for cotos, rnostly Butwidiiary, but must alsa lor lolla.r i:.cs. Id is come toben na. ed queetion untdl the governmenta of América, ( üritaln, (Jermany, Framce and.ltoly wntt ior gold and sllver money to be usod bLtercbangably. In tlie meantimc the admlnlstratlon has a toqgfa probten In ftname before it. Ninv congress is off the presiI dent'a liands. he has an opportiinity to review the errors of his party.- Hllledale Standard. Uw Lansini; Journal says "obey the gpcventOT and glVB ihanks to tho Iord ov. 80." Uacl lihat tbe .Imiriinl teelt ihal w.i.v. TIhtc mms lo be more beart in the jiovernor's proclainatiiwi tOian in t lic preeldenfs, anyway. Wc'll do it. 'l'lie man who coinplains mO8i iIhmii tbe in.H riir.uics .►; t hr )f is usii.'illy tbe ono who inaki's i lir ml strciioiis eiidcavors to misload tbe reportera wheo he ík called npon ht Information. - Harbor Springs I!epiihlican. There'fl jh doubt about it. II is nul a ver.v bopctni síkh whcn voii beor iiKMi ol all partlea nagrettlng thai ngreM is to reaMemMe on the tlTBi Muind.iy of noxt ïiKHiMi. and expresstng the opinión t lia t the country ..iilil be bettier otl U tíae memben w.mlil u:y at hmuc inst t-ad ui pemni 11.; i'i tsapitoi.- Cedai Sprlogs Clipper. It sernis as il tais OUgfrl Im Ik1 ■iicm.iiii ior in;m siniplitiiy. Mr. Cleveland, ae president ot the t " 1 1 ; 1 1 -r i si.nrs gete $5Q,000 per yeai salary ; $8,664 in ji;l.r 1 ''' salaries of hls .-li-rks aml siihorduiatcs; $8,000 for incilciitalN, such as stat idiicr.v and carpets ; $12,500 for ro]airs aml refuriiuslniius ; 2,500 tot, fui'l : $1,000 tbe .lifcciiliiMisr aml $15,000 for j tüie atable, gaa and otber Incidentate. Tbe nvonl .-11 Washington sh that 12,000 pensionen were sii.vpunili'd ii-. un roUg hy order of II ifce imilh. M.nd U tiu-thiT BhOWB i 10,000 oí ttoese wre restored witttxmi -vcu hiveBtlpating thelr asee. The admlntotratioa jrot Bcarcil nací huiTird 1o takc back au order ' íii.vcr ouíiht 1o havf been made, i.iiii liever wouw nave been made by ;in ;idiiiiiiiMi-;iiiini írieiidly lo the old siililirrs wilni Kin-hl. tO preserve tliis nninii. ■'iu Bteretmry Hiofee Stnltb please lip bte rigbi W ;ui:l listfii tn UhiB : ir. h. m. Oarey, ei Band l'.r.lrli. rciusrs t(i serve ,i.s IllellllHT Of the pension boord in hts district. In lus letter o( feetgnation h says Aiiiuiiiiíii .-ippi'nit -.l years ago ■ a (!- ni:.:-]-.i! .-iiiii betng eme stili. yet I do jioi i.sli io serré under ,-i y hlcih I beliervfl to be Lnjudrlotic n ttue welEare at out country and dishni to tiir defenden n' onr na" II i s.ii'I üiai i;„v. Altgeld, oí Illi""'-■ t.ti.-i iVrls -that the people at Cüiioagio reeaatod lus par08 "it in' tin' Bbafe prison the l.lin-i' jiiuj-dcrims. n-il-ha jidid anarctolstg, Neebe, Schwab mud Fielden, and that the electlon ; Jndge Gacy, m a remira bo iiini. Thai is a gooi sitfu. WIiimi B man who ivül tosucfe a deed oa tiiai ÜnowB enough bo rc.-ilizc ulirii ih,. people Kit down on liim, it. la au cncoui-.iiring sign. Pass it. nu to Majnanl. Tlir Supreme Court has öeclded that InoMvtea eoottned in the SSoídlere" Home it (iranil üajiids can not vote in townsliip elections. Thelr cititénMüp is in the town from Avhence tUey oaini'. And tliis is not a democi-aTic -mrt -itlicr.- Xpwayg-o Dom i-.i t . Ni', f course not. Ilepubliean courts decide actording to the viction of the jiidircs ae t whai is rlffht and wtuad is wotaL emocratlc ccwii-ts as tin; party bossM (liet n t . ■ . a la Maynard in New York. See ? The editor of the Thomas Cat, ;i iicwspaper publislioil at Hot Springs, Ark., has been suorl for libel by a fruest ut ome oí w tótela whom lie aasartod tm a man-led mau ; the sald Btèst udrvN.-uil Waiming tobea single man. Wliat txmms t be conBMered c&uae for libel down at Hot Spring, wouM be the highest comllimeait that cO'Uld lx' paid a man np Jiore ka Mkliiji.-in. Where does Iilaiutiff live at, an.vwa.v V AVe niisiJit add iiiai the cat rehiaea to 'sCatWJaconsta ami Miciiiíían newapapera liirl. ar,; oMiri':,' STTatUJcatioo that the lunxber oamns in the north ar belnjr opened and tbooa&nda of mem emptoped, f.-itl t ment ion whai i recent ïit in tbe north wooda revcaiiMi ui the wrtter, tx-wit ; Tbat [Umbertaig dkrtrtot whlch paid wagea ot $30 per moaitli last yvar are payDg 920 tliis ; wfaOa (ithcr dlstricts hii-li p.iid $24 last yrar are oflerlmg $16 this ycar and getting '" Ih1 '"''H 'lial wanted.- LeoMnau Entw-piriae. It te quite proper tíiat a sheet like Jve Detroit Free Prese, whlch advised ite readers in 1861 to fire upon the ■acka í ttn üakm soidiors when they vore imarcliing to the front, to quick.v íall in line wlth the uopatriotic and America n policy adopted by thla (ImmMration in relation to Hawaii. The Tree l'ress shcmld move over the line into the queen's dominions- Ywít pardon of the respecbable and pa tritic Oanadiajis- and asslmilate with lts kind, and not polluto the aoil of a fre people wit'h lts monarchlal and iri.stx-nitic ]rLnciplc." It U a fit hainplon and companlon tor Queen LU. It tras found its l-el. Long may it grove! amd revel In it. EHjCretary Horbert is reixrted as sayintr : "WÜMD t.lio Amrrican pw]t' come to tiioroMhiy umderstaad tiie poeBUoa ol tliis ftdmlnlitratlontowardi Hawali bhey wili kndone it ae mt:iTiy just and patrkrtlc," and "The people f the riuti-ci Statee may lx1 reUad upcm to be fair and favor jiisI cc whi'ii 1 hi'V knnw ;ill t lic (acts in auy giveo oaae." Wiiiy tlu'ii. are nol the (acta gtven iJic people 1 WJiMt is tiicrc su terrible ab n this Ilawaiiaiii baeinees ih.-it tbe peoole slioiild opt knmv UW taets ï Wli.v keep ïhe pecmlr ia LgnOTSOCti n ml allow the admiii'istrat ion bO bc peraded before the world n mach au tlnpatrlOtic and iin-Amcrk'an wa.v V Si'i'y Herbert is merely trylng to üluss over tí hlai'kcst staiatlial was i-ver pat apon 1 Ik' rsi-iilchrcia Ol a vrIiublir - tille stain ol impa t riot ir ])iu'poeee ; tbe stala f au by o.ïi. -i.-il autJiDTity t:i restore to power a rotten and corrupt monarehy; in plaoe back apon a toctteritig ilirinc a 11 inmoral and iHsjtraood queen ; an attenipt bo :-u-a oui i lic i'mti ii t lic paople ol ;i feeble Bister iinvcriiiuciit. Tiiat is jusi lui ü te, not&lng more nor nothlng leas, try in gtoea it over asyou may.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier