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Camdy pull aare allowalile nov-;idayts. dhrietmuit and New Tettn como on Mandn.y tllilö year. The way the Sumilay Scliools ure tillimg up these diays is eomotliiiiK quite wanderiul. Am arttele on tJic World'a Fair is comtrïtutHl to St. Nl&holas by Mi-s. Clara Doty Bats. Texas Slitings will Iwive the lotiglooked-for artlcle on Aan Arbor in lts issue oí Dccembor '1. There weire two car loaLs oí Ypnlamtiains up to tJie Nórdica concert last Thursday eveaiing. The law oí tJiis state requires that all gusoltoe cana SHALI be properly lo.belel Are you complylaig witJi taio law ? On Sunday Nov. 26t!i, at 9:15 a. m., Bt Newterry Ilall, tJie general seoretary oí tihe S. C. A. -vill speak on 'The Life and Work of 15. Fay Mills." Mitote Imwirmn rare and hcartache, so teacih the childretn liow to sing. TMe good oíd Thanksgiving day occurs ome week (rom to-niorrotv, Thursilay, November 30th. Proif. Lloyd wlll iieak it. Uve Areeper Services at St. Amlrow's ohapel &t 6:46 Siimlay cvciiiiig. Miss Emma E. Bower of tliiw city, haa lxH!n elected a trastee of the Suprenie Hive L. O. T. M's of tfie warld. Some very conven! nt improvemente hiave been made in the office of BOgfe & Cavsmaugh., In. tJie Masonic block. Fall ])lovinsr receiVed a m't back Jast WediK'Kday. The wcaMier clerk gave us a taste of wiliat January had in store. Look out for silver hall dollars beariaiK n 1877 date. Many spwums omes of tJin-t date have been put in circutatton. Invite your democratie neighbor to cat turkey witlli you next week. He must be aAvhil ttred ohewtog on that crow by tüiiB time. John Schneideir, a foo-mer keeper oí a N. MJn st. meat niarket, was taken to the Ponttac Asylum laat Thmrsday by Officers Peterson a ml Cnllins. üfv. Mr. Elliot, tilie Paulist priest, has been draWlog good at NewbertT Hall, hmd he pntertains thiem, too. n nnd bear him. It will be time well sprint.. The Siuwlny Free Press rofers to "N. D. Corbin, of tihie Ann Arbor Register." The word "out" betweem. the wordi "OerMb" and "of" was probably omniitted unhite.ntionally. The boy ar girl wJio is allowed t-o secure tihe education oí the street wtU wurely reap ihe harvest of the jail, the brotJiel anil the den of infamy. Keep yonr cliildrem fne froim sueh a future, as you value yoiir om happiness and tlhelrs. John W. IWbinson, wüio made a nnirílerous aísault upoñ David F. Tnylor, somethn'iig over a year ago, and t.hfii skippeid tifie country, was arrested kist Friday in Chicago', and Saturday nigblt vrmM landed in Sheriff Breainer's hotel. Sohie inquiry being made as to the dijKposition of the fund raised in Ann Arbor to ald suíferers from tornado, the committee haa authorized the stotement tliat It te yet intact, and wlll be uwd u needed thás winter.- YpeilantJi Seutiiiol. The ChritJible ünkm desires, as heretofoi-, to furnish Thanksgiving dinnerfi to tllw poor of the city and earnwírtly solicits for tlhis purpose generous contributlons of provisions or of mojiey. Such gifts sliould be sent on Tuesday, Nov. 28tih to Misa Matilda Brown. 13 S. State st. Theo. Siioulders, who was wantod at Mil.Tn hw aiit and lenving nxaasrom CCeAtOC, ni arrested at Vandalia, Ind., last Friday and was brooght to Amn Arlior Snturday niirlit ly Offlcer Feterson. The ctuvrgie preferr(Ml aj?ainst litan is larcemy. Wideb Tost G. A. R. has beon invitpd to nttomd tJie MUlway Plais.inco of the A. A. L. L, n.t the Riak. and hfls acceptod for FrKliiy nifflit. Tlint wlll be a j?ok1 time to go and soe the old Yeterans and thp yonngstors who h&Te yet to wim t'hHr wpiirs, meet in social eorioord. 'VJi!] tho faniiorH are nniv engHged i.n loinir the cfofwes only, and enjoyina: la rest from th lard lalxrs of the Klimmer, the mercha,nts and business mn of tihe city are hustlinsr with all tbe strengtii t-hey possess to pret togetiliea cmoush moiK'y to pay thoir tiayes and to meert tbelr obliirations fallimff hio Jan. Ist. "W'liú'h onc i-; tilw l'st off, todfty ? Borne oí tilie appltoauts for teachers' CerÜficatee wfao baive falled to pass tlli'ink it liard, anl aro often jicüiumI i □ erttlclse Oxinty Schooi Oommlsstooef oc tSie ler wJiat tbey woiiUl thimk if 11ip Boord in Uiis cowüty was as particular --is tin osae lm ('aiiiomn county, w-beat nivly rstx onit or a olas of is appttoante awnirwd a certlttcate? Itw state. asekniUy ol tii Brotherhood of St. Amdrew is in sosioii at Hnrris Hall to-dny. It gpssimi 1li!s aJtemoon is open to tlhe pulli!', and this evoninir a mhmIpu is 60 lx' held nt Kt. Amdrow's chareto, to bo addressed hy Itev. T. W. MT-fn, of Bny City ; Mwiyor I!. Sf. Tfliompenai, of this city. and Mr. Panntee, of SpTinfffiold, 111. who is a time speafter. Mr. Parmlee wlll lm-vp Romot.hinir to say to younjr ïiitii, and will eay it well. O and liim. Giy Beckley, for majjy ycars a resident of the Northskle in. this city, diel laat Sunday at Bay City. and his imains wpro broiight here for itaitiennont ïuoslay. They were met at the staUon by Welch Post G. A. R., he haviag ben an okl vetean. He got up in the morning built the Ore, Ud it down in tüue sittinff room to nead. Whoji tiiey went to cali him 1 ltreakfast they found hitm sitting ïu his ohialr, p-aper ia hand, dead. Wlunt a glorieus way for an old vetenan tx close tlils liie. Xo pain, no Rufferimg, sLmply dropping to sloop suddonly, and awakening to roll cali wttli the comrades on tlie other sido,. The wanton hills He naked to the breeze 1 hc flelds are bare, the groves unf roeked Bare are the limba of shameless, shiveiine trees- No wonder that the coru is shoeked !- Ex. IÜU gTOCpry si ore at Xo. 11 E. Ann si., lias a new proprtetor, Mr. (!. A. LaagMlb. TJie Aim Arlir Orgian Oo. wliippod tJiree of fheir mipcrl orgiaoe to Lon(liMi, Eiiíflaiaul, a few days ago. Tlue Ix'autlful STiow si'cnis to be ongiaged tor a frequent appearaoee by thie woatiuT Kcrvico management . It Is expected tlvat the population of tliis city will be aroused as never tiefore wtoaa the Mills mpetingH ure lield. The nortilicm statt' iap(-rs have considerable to say about deer huters. TJiore are plenty of dir hunters about hear. Those lang overcoats that reacli lalmost to rtihe feet are know.n. as charity, because tfoey aotnettmea cover a multitud of akm. P.m ■.e.-ithers begin to start on spring aandldates, it is sald. Gopse-pimples will be plemtiful befora tihe featlicrs giet mucih. of a start. S. S. (ialc, w-Duo was principal of the NorUisüdc teiMOi iiiviiy back in the early 50's dci'il ai Mi. ClemesM laBt ï'riilay, of pnentnooia. Amn ArboT tJiimks alie )ias 13,000 soute.- anclhester Eaiterprise. "VVitli two oles for every soul, Ann Arlor must have Uü,000 of 'era. Amy ome wa-ntinir a Beat pocket folder comtaintag the state game laws oam secure it by addipesslng ('has. llampton, Btat game warden, at Petoskey. There were 14,055 bunhels of peacJies shipped to Detroit from this sta-tion by freight over the M. C. R. R. Amd abowt half ae many more by exprese the past seaaom. The i rotracted meetings that ere to com-memce thls week have becin poetponed until next week, beoaiine oí the ijulispoBition of Dr. Cobern. One meeting' wB] be held this venine, liowever. TJie cheapest and best readtng matter possüble for you to secure Is to take the Amn Arbor Oourier and the New York Tribune for $1.25 for botli papers. Try tlhem ome year and be tilioroiiglhly comvincel. On Sundlay evening next, at fit. Andrew's cihiurch, Ilev. E. M. Duff wlll give tlie fchird imd kist lectuire of tifoe series upom "Tlie tíospel In lts Karly Yeairs," the especial subject beiing- "Tlie Defenderá of the Faith or ('liri'.stia.n Aixlogitx." A wrftr in a fasshlou paper calla attention to tJhte Important iact : "The ears shouid be so placed as mot to be higher than the eyebrows or lower thx-ux tJie tip of the nose-" I'eople who aro divssiiinr ior :i iarty sjioiild nöt forget ftihis. Will lï. PHee, agent tor t,he Equitable Iiïe Assu ramee Sock't.j', of New York, received a ciheck for $1,000 last m favor oí Mrs. Caroline 'Woodmansce. widow oí Jobo WoodmainstH', wlio died some four wet'ks ugo. It will Ik' i v-ry acceptable elieck, no doubt. Mr. A. W. Adam died quite sud(kMily Friday nwrning, at the home oí hls son, W. I. Aihms, cor. Diviniou a n.d Liberty hts. He luid ben in teebte licalth for some months, but was not consUtercd daniíerous. He locwea a wtdCKW anuí tWO sons and two dausjMers. '1 li.t rcinahruiit Winnan's Union Mfitiiiiis jirc]aratoiy to Mr. Mills' COmillg, are as foU0W8 : - Saturday Not. at :i p. m., im the Uaptist c'lnii-cli. aiiid Saturday Dec. 4th, also im tlie Bapttet c'lmrch parlors at the ïwnir. Tbese meetings will i' coaitiiuicd daily aiter Dec. (itJi. All laxüies intcrestfd ari' coi-dially invited and urgred to twhig a triend. Tilt' Adi-iau PreOB nian cvidcntly jml.iic Aan Arhor by Ailrian, in t'iis itMt : "In liis rlïo'iM to up'liold the law ï-cl.u.ivc tu tbe (ln;:iLr ol saloons all giooíl citizeiis oí Aun Arbor sfeould staand by fche mayor. The man who, Ktariiiin' in iiUr Slipper, caiinot get drank ly nine O'clock on Ann Arbor whisky, is ,1 (listrt'dii t his calling, and sJionld be discounti'iiam ril." Tlie Diuidee Ledger lias Uiis ï t -m : Dr, C. E. Burclliilelil, our popular, young den tiet, has aecepted a veay Jlattcrtng offer trom a iiroiniiifut a mi Arbor (icntist to iariii a eo-pariiii'i-ship in (Uat city, and will lravr jK'xt Monday. "l'.nrrh" Is a clever derrtiltrt ind ono oí most popular yoiMi'4' H'H. W'f are sorry DO lOe iiin and the vecy bH wishes ol The Ledgvr follow liiin to his new lioinc. "Tlwro's more hypocrtey orer tiiití business," said a well known gentleman in ,w acribe last Prlday ïnorniiiir. "than anytJiing else I know oí. Peopie will go lo mu1 u' Uioso coiicerts amd wí.itk!' and Hdget ttarangb a ciassii-ai profpramme, belng nearly ilead with fatigue whon it is ovr, nml then teil wiiat a lo'vely time tliey had, aad how much they did en}oy tUic beantlfnl music and pretend to bc cnraptnivd when in truth tUuy wen nearly listratel, all Ik'canse it la fnshlo-nable Just now. For wne I lo not pnjoy wiuat I cajinot umk'i-stand, and will not pretend to." The wrlUv was oni'c an Oíd fopry like tüat himeelf, btit by eoustaat and unco-asinsr cndoavdr lias beootne a convert to the claesical. It is stated tbat the taüoring iirm of J. W. Sfheeley (■., cm K. Aun ■., baa made au amigameat to Coa. on-. Of this city. TJk' Qeaaiag Venta Lyra. ander the leadt-rship of Prof. K. II. Kemj)f, will gtn the eocnlc opera of Pknalore, witlniu i lew moetíia. Georpe StoUattaner, ngtHl 70, dled at the home of hte daughter in Dexter villiipo, Friday lant. Ho liad lived i'n Scio since 1833. New time tables wcut int o effect Huawtoy on tlie M. C. R. R., and m the motor line also. The corrected tables wlU be -fomnd in tJu-ir proper pkices. Mrs. Oatbarlne A. Fnlconer, mother of M,rs. H. M. Taber, of Uiia city, died at Mie home of her griind-daughter, Mra. McAUaster, iai Detro-lt, urday, of congestión of the lungs. The dewast-d was quite well kinown in tJie city. D. J. Hawkms, oi Dixboro, was buried Saturday, trom the family residente. He was a brother of the l.i Ir (Hiicy Hnwkiiis, oí t liis city, was 78 years oí age, irae of tlie early wl - t tem oi tJiv riml.v, and leaves a íaniUy. TJie body of a tramp was found by the railroad track near Geddes last Thursday. A coroBer'a jusy saya he (Hcii oi ezporare. Therc was no clue as to wJio )ie was or where he carne trom. Aai eartJily myst?ry added to the mystory oí the futiu-e. The Illustrated History of tliis count.y, wjiich is being öolivered to subsciibora, is a very fiaie work. There are somo beaiutiful aceoes, pretty eoiough to be framel. The history Iart ís not very extenslve, the pictures alone gtvúng tJie work value. The house of Jas. Cuimnigiiani, of lijndon, burned Nov. 14tJi, in the day t.iinie, fire taking from the cliimnoy, :iear the roof. House insured for $600 in the AVashunaw Mutual, total loss. The fajiiily living in the house at the time, lost all household gootls, and no uusurancc. Resklemits on tlhe cast side of the city re lookiinj? iup tihe law on the uuibject of oruelty to mimáis witüi a viiew to applj'bng it to the party gnilty of turning hte liorO on the stj-eet to star'V ot freeze to deatli. - Ypediaiitlan. Whioli is the woret ? To turn the horse loose to fi-eezt' to U-ath, or to tie him to a post and let him freeze to dea tlli ?


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Ann Arbor Courier