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The flnnnrH PubUahtag Compeay .is sdiii al auctkm on Prtday, Oct. i'Tiii. t parebaMn betag The CaaseU PuWfcflüng ). The nw eoneero oiiiisists o; müiic ui t lic storklioltlers oí the old company, wttii other. Mr. W. L. Idenfaon, inrmeriy oí the Mrr.-lini-ji PreBB, Kahwav, N. J., !"- r mee preWeat .- 1 1 1 I manager ; Mr. :, .■■iMi.-ui. vtoe president : Mr, B. A. Arcbear, uv.-isuivr, aod Mr. Joton T. E.v;u!. aeoretairy and asooclate manager. Tin' oampany wfll continue ba be tfl seje agemfte w! Casflël] . Co. i Ltd.) f i.oiHinii. il A-iii celébrate its orgaalaatkai iy nurving inio new quartew in Dnioo Square, wittere amld Miriiiuiiilnius i( will try to gel the misfiirt unes Hiat (ivcrthrrw tlie inriuei' c(iMii).niy. AnioiiiX Tlie lirst imUlicntiniis ni llif Cassrll l'ttbIL&lng Oo., wili be Uw ''LU and l.ater Speeches oí ('liaunccy M. Dejjéw," and a neW novel hy Sat'ah Cranil, av.tiuir oí -riK' Ilcavenly Twins." 1894. HARPER'S MAGAZINE. ILLUTRATED. II Ai:ri:u's MAGAZINE tor 1M1 11 iiiaintiün tbecbaracter thai lias matf it the fcvortte Illiwtrated perlodlcal for the home. Amoug the resolta 'r enterprltes andertaken iy the publishers, there will appear durlDg theyear superbly Illustrated papers on India by Ebwin Lobs Wbkks. on tbe Japanese Seasona i Ai.KUi.ii Pabbows, on Germán y by 1''i i Bioblow, on ParlH by Richard Hahdim; ihvis, and on Mexico by Fbïdbric Kemihoton. Ainong the other notable features ol the year wlllöe novel by Qeobge dö Maurifh aml CiiAni.Ks inii.i; WABHKB, tne petsonalremlnlscences of sv. D. IIoh c.j.i.s. umi alght short storlesor western frontier Ufe iy Dwkv Wmtkb. Short storles wil] also be contrlbated by Bbandbb Mattbkws, Richard Harding Dayis, Mart E. Wii.kins, Kdtii McEmbrv STUABT, .Miss I,auui:mk Alma Taii:ma, ÜKO. A. BibsabD, iji i---n ande Beaubbpaike, Thomas Nblson Page, and otners. Arlloles od loplos of anrreal interest wlll be oontrlbated by dlstlngulshed special IIAHPER'S PERIODICALS. PB YKAlt: HAHPICRS MAGAINK HARPER'8 Wl;KK.LY I 0Q FIAIU'KK'S BAZAR 1 06 HARPEH'S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 00 Poslaqe Free to all subsertbere in tht i Staten, Canada or M The volumes of the Maoazink begin wüli the NumÜQra for June and December ol eftcta year When do time is Bpeclnecl, súbecrlpMens wlll beglD wiü) the Number curreut ut time ol recelpt of order. Bou tul Volumes of HARPER'S MAOAMTNB,fOÏ tbroi vt'iirs h;if'k, In Deal clotb binding, wlll besent by mail, postpald, ob receipt of 88 00 per volume. L'lt.Mi ( 'u.-rs, For binding, 60 OGQta eacli - by mail, postpanl. RemittJiuces should bo made by Post-OUÏCÖ Mnncy Order or Praft, io ayoid obM6 of ' a spapers are nol to copy tkis adverH$emét without í 'ie order of Hakpkk t Bi'.othEBS. Address: HARPER & BROTHERfti Nuv, York. , 1894. Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. IIahi'ek's Bazab is a Journal fór the home. it ;ives tic foUest mul l&test loformatlon aliuut l .i-ii mis. nul lts nmiHioiis lllustratlons, Paris d - and imiii-rn-slii-ft Bupplemetttfl me Indispensable ilíkt1 to tin lióme dress maker and tlic professional modlste. Ko expense Ia Bpared to malee lts artlsclc itcractlreness of the hlghest order, lts brlghl storii ft. imnsing (■►nx-dics. and thoushtful essays Batlsfyall tastes, and its lasl page Is famons as a budget of wil tmi humor. In lts veekly Issuöfl everyüung Is in■ludfd wiiicli is of interes! to women. The Seríala I wiii be written by a'h.i,ia.m Bxaok and Walteb Bbsakt. short s torios wlll be wrltteu by Mav.y K. Wilkins, Había Louisk Pool, Rubh McEkbrt S-rtAiir. MiBtOM Haiilanu, and others. Out door Sports and In-door Games, Social Enter talninrnt, Eratiroidery, and other lntereatfng tupies will recoive constant attention. A new serles is promlsed of ' Coflee aád Reparte. " HARPER'S PERIODICALS. HARPBR'S MAGAZINE J 00 HARPER'S WKKKI.Y 4 K lUKI'KICS BAZAK 4 ÜU HARPER'S YOUNO PEOPLE 2 IX) l'is'aqe Free to all subscribers in the I States, Canada Mexico. The volumes of tbe Bazau begin with the tirst nuiiibi-r forJaDuaryof eaohyear. When no titne is m ?n Lioiied, sufoserlptlons will begin witli ttie Nuraber currem at tune of re ceipL of order. Iïrund volumes of IIarpek's Iazak, for tbreeyeara Imck, in neat clotli binding, will be sent by mail. postase p:iid. or by espress, free of expense (provlded tlie freight does Dot exceed oue dollar per volume), for Í7.U0 per volume. Clotb Cases for eaeh volume, sultable lor binding will be sent by mail, post-paid, on ! receipt of tMBeaob, Reraittance should be made by Post-ofBce Money Order or Draft. to avoid chance of loes, NfWtpoptrv are. nol to copy this advere i xemtnt tritium,' txprtit order of Haki'kk A: BbothEB8. Addresa: harper & brothers, Nbw Yoiik. 1894. Harper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATBD. Ha&pbr's Wkkki.v íh beyond al! queRtlon Lhe leadlng Journal ia America, In it splendld illuxtrattons, in lts corps of dlstingufsbed contributors, and in it vast army oí readers. In special linea il draws on the liigliest order of talent, men best Btted by posltlon and training t treut the leadlng topics of the day. In Sctlon, the 'most popular Btorywriters oontribute to lts. colamos. Baperb drawings by tbe foremost artlsu Illustratee is special artloles, lts utorles, and every notable event óf public interest; il oontalna icirtrallaof tlie cllstiusni.siied men and omen who are making the hlstory of tlie time, while special attention Isglven to tlie Army and Nuvy. Ameteur sport, and Maslo and Drama, by distlngulshed experta. In a word Eíabper's Wekklt combines the news featuresof the daily paper and the artlstic and literary qualities of tlie magazine witli tlie sol ld critical charaeterof tho review. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. HAHPKirs MAGAZINE 4 00 HAUl'Kli-S WKKKI.V im HARPEK'8 BAZAR . 4 n0 HARPEB'S TOUNG PEÓPLÊ ........'. 2 00 Poetage free to aO tubêcribtn ín tht United Statet, ('mui,,, and Utmteo. The Volumes of the Weekly begin wlth the flm Number for January of each year. V ben no time in mentioned, subscriptlons will begin with the Number current at the time of receipt of order. Bound Volumes of Harpkk's Weekly for three years back, in neat cloth binding, will besent by mail, postage paid, or by express, free of cbarge (provlded the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume,) for $7 00 per volume. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitahle for binding, will be sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of S1.00 each. Kemtttance staould be made by Post-Offlce Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newipapert n mi (o eom thU aávtrtltemaU without lhe exprett order 0 Haki-er t Bhos. Address: HARPER & BROTHKUS, Xew TOUR FUTURE IS IN YOUR OWN HA2ÍD. Palmistry assumes to teil what the lines in yonr hand indícate. It will amuse yon. if DOtbing more. Tho above diagram almost explains itself'. The Jength of the LINE OF LIFE indicatrs probable ge to which you will live. Eaoli BRACELET gives you thirty years. Well-mmkcii LINK OF HEAB denotes brain power ; olear LINE OF FORTUNE, fame or riches. Both combined mean success in life ; but yoa must keep up iib modern idoas to win it. You will fïnd plenty of Ihese in Demorect's Family Magazine, so atiractiyely presented that every member of the family is entertaiued. It is a dozen magazines in one. A CLSAR LIN'E OF HEAKT bespeaks tenderness; a stniigbt LINE OF FATË. peaceful life; the reverse if erooked. A well - deüned LINE OF HEALTH epares you doctors' bilis ; so will the healtii hints in Deroorest's. No other mapazine pnblbheg t- many stories to interest the home circle. You wili be subject to extremes of high spirits or despondency if you have the GIRDLE OF VENUS well marked; keepupvonr spirits by haviog Demorest'a Magazine to read. By inbscribing to it for 189 you will receive a rallery of exquisite works of art of great value, hesides the supcrb premium picture, 17x22inches, "l'ma Daisy!" which is almost areal baby, and eqaal to the original oil painting which cost J3iX): and you wiil have a magazine that cannot be equaled by any ín the worltl for its beuuiiful illustratione ani subject matter, that will keep you posted on all the topics of the day, ai'd all the fads, and different items of interest about the household, besidea furnishing intereslir; rcntünL: matter, both grave and gay, for the fumüy ; nd while Demoreat's is not a fathiou magazine, ltsfashion pages are perfect, and yon get wiih it, free of cost, all the patterne you wish to use luring the year, and in any pize yon chnope. Send in yonr' subscription at once, otily $2 00, and you will ïeally get over $25.00 in value. Addreesthe puhlishcr, W. Jennings Demorest, 15 East I4th St., New York. If yoa are unacquainted with the Magazine, end for a specimen copy. A largeQUAPRANGLE mcanJ honesty ; a la'rge TRIANGLE, generosity, long FIRST DIVISIÓN OF THUMB. etrongwiil; LONG SECONI) DIMSION, reasoning faculty. The MOI'NT OF JÚPITER betokens ambition ; ttrnt of S ATURN, prudence ; the SUN, love of splendor : MARS, courage; M00N imagination; VSNUS, loveof pleasnre; andMEKCl'KY, intelligence. Taka onr advice as above and you will be stuc to iosjess üie last aod most valuabl ulU.fc ■ - iNerveVk. BSood Tonic ifcBuilder Jm-SOo.fcSjSDr. WILLIAMS' i„-r box. 44BF MEDICINE CO., g fr s.5o. JT schenectady, N.Y. j jTnYohèIaTI J At the expense of little ?sfÍ&Lf i i money end his spare jfnHSi i time obtain a fair work"BsBfc]jfcó[ ! IsTUDYATHÖMEJ THROUGH THE SPRAGUE UNIVERSITY OF CORRESPONDENCE INSTRUCTION, Í Comprising the leadingcorrespondcnce schools inthcv ; f SUBJECTS TAUGHT. I A UI The School of Law prepares pupiU foradniission 9 f LAW to the bar, by au extended, ihurough course. Has J w .n i Over 1,600 students in every part of tlie country. ' iniSDIIII IOM Thi5 school teaches jourr. SJUUHNALlolVl tL!nyworkiï mti ÍOnni UCCDIMP ThUschoollsconductedty ' ioOüK-KttPlPib srsss.0' 'PlinDT UtMn Thisschoolteachüshort-hanciby t i .Nnlln I nfillll ""- lestyteni,andfrunilheta. 5OIIUIII IIHHU „„„in„ LL Ust „,,„, v„rll. J jnnrCI oml I 1TIU Tliis school GHttK and UTffl üttggtfg.g' 5 5 tion to tlie most advanced work in the classics. i The above schools teiich by the $ { ence method unly, and recogui.e uo rivats in Í J thelr respective ílelds. J Address, stating in J DESL DIEFFENB ACH'S rHK PROTAGON CAPSULES, ift"Vtft Sure Cnre for nk Men, u hSL %k& provedby rtjportsof lüiidinKphyCs)B.-==l v? öiclans. State ge in ordering. ■fl iJU'rice.l. OatalOBUc Free. P . VMMÏ3lï% O A A safe and speedy HMÉriB 11 fV 11 curc or ei et, l.Jt !■ ■ mul all WM W nnnatural disctaarKes. PriceS. MW fiREEKSPECIFICÏ mtr 1Í and Skin IUeaei, Scrof. nlon Moren andSyphllltle AdVctlon, with out mercury. Pnce, S2. Order from THE PERU DRUG & CHEMICAL CO. VS? 18 Wi3conin Street, BtlLWATJKEE. WIS. oiveí enjoys Buth the metbod and results when Syriip of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshiug to the taste, and acts gently yet proniptly ou the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the system effectually, dispels colds, headaches and fevers aud cures habitual consti pation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever proel uced, pleasing to the taste and acceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and $1 bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substituto. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, LOUISVILLE. KY. NEW YORK. N.V. SHILOH'S CONSUSSPTION CURE. The suecess of ihis Great Cough Cure is without a parallel in the history of medicine. All druggists are authorized to sell it on a positive guarantee, a test that no other cure can successliilly stand. That it inay become known, the Propneton-, at a enormous expense, are placing a Sample Bottle Free into every home in the United States and Canada. If you have a Coui;h, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for it will cure you. If your child has the Croup, orWhooping i .nuh, use it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious disease Consumption, ie it. Ask your Druggist for SHILOH'S CURE, Price locts., 50 ets. and Jl.oo. If yom Lunps are sore or üack lame, use Shiloh's Poreus I'laster, Price 2,5 ets. Onlike the Dutch Process ÍNo Alkalies Other Chemicals are used in the preparation of W. Baker & Co.'s Breakfast Gocoa, which is ahsolutely pure and soluble. It has more than ihree times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Stareh, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is far more economical, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, and easili BIGESTED. Sold by Crocere everywhere. W. Baker & Co., Dorchester. Mass. GarfisIdTeasi Dures coi)?tiiat 11 ni, KeutortM Complexión, Nares Doctora' Cures SicK Headache DMWHSC3ÉS ius the Contiïexvillf. Mfg. Oo., Manville, K. I., mfgrs. of Noriiiandle Plushes. Seud 12 tunta tor samples, parttculars, and secure iigeucy. Mention this paper. I ASTHMA?! ■ SCHIFFMANN'SAsthmaCurel ■ Never fails t give instant relief in the woret ■ ■ cASeö, anii vliVc-tM nNt whrru otlicru f-ilL ■ ! Trisl l'IIti: of Dniib or hj Slall. I gjtajr DR. R. SCHIFFMANN, Et. FnU Mlon. B


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