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Our Burglar

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A tramp patotex nanifd Fred Wliitiiiiirc. ivIiíi liad lice ;i employed by Chas, i'. Staeble i ;- a few days, and ha.d Ikm'íi at work m tlhe Uil floor of th ■ Oonirler building on a room tobe ,nsed ii. une Sewlng SahooJ conductt'il }iy M:,-s ü'.-own and tihe Mlí Siiiiday ScttlOOB (or BhJa ward. was avi'cstnl Mimiiiv .-i! ïpe'üantl liy Sheri:í lirtMinrr. and brougfht back to tliis ciiy ííir buurglaxy. On Sunday he 1 entrañice to Oomrler builduíí by pe-ytng on1 a wiaCtaw n a di. at i tue wasrt t'iid oí the bnsement. He tli"ii took a plckaxe and toreeii a dinr open lcadlu to bhe prese poom, wtaeee !■■■ poaketed BOme toóla; tli'ii wriit íij) : 1 1 r tile office and brotoe opeo a drawer, taklng acmé lcad pemcilfl and a knife ; then be brotoe hhe loek from the door lcail■ hill. Trant ii [i staii-s ínto where he had been worküng and to Je überatram collection belongimg to tlif Sewlng School childivn. softne $2.90. A.íbe# th's he skipped ti Y'iis'.laut.i, itere he was foiund Une jii'Nt d:iy. I le was rvidcntly nnder Hhe Safhiaee oí liquen:. He had atteanpted to secure tceya toget to t'.io rooin, of Mr. lav:son, and falllng In his purpoee, wesil t o Mr. Baunden1 ■ fcr tfae same ptvpoaet When erreeted be liad 90 canta iu peuntee oq hte pereon, and si-vcral toóla taken froto tibue Oaurter Ofliee, som.' ol whk-li ■Kid Mr. I.-i-;-c c;i"s nanic lip n tliem. Measopefl been taken to preyent a reenrremee ; anyt uíh'j: of the kind. It iniay ibe out of place, but thuuniii Boggeeta rteeB to nstiKit it is a da ■nn'ci'ons practico t jiiok up tranips Bfkd send ttaem huo people'8 bTiiWings and Jiouses to work. The class wlio1 tramp are o.'tem dangerotre, and use tlif know'.ediíe tima gamed for just sutíh purpasíes as tliie man did. He had liL examhiation Tuesday, balare Justice Ponda and was bound over to tihe circuit eourt. Aun Arbor ha bragged all the seamxb aboort its progperity- merchants (verilead fn business - reaf estáte goInK i-kvwnril - even. hah honses i-pawn'ng millioma iros- t went y-seven paiirs oí tulas since t.lie first of May, and yet líecause Une board of supervisors liíi-s raiseil the city's nnormmntif, $200,000, a tihreat is made to Quy Fawkes ttae cutiré body al tlic .lajiuary meet ini?. - Grass Lake Xi'Ws. TlKit shows uliai rot a man can wrlite wlio doean't kimw wliat he is uriiinu' about. Tht idea is simply to raae t bean. We are astoolahed to note that the Seaitinel opposes a paid l'ire departmeait in Ypsilanti. TJie people of tliiH city believe that its dupartmemt more thaai añivee its cost in actual properly. vcry year, aside íroin the feeliiní? oí security -ivliich they have from fire, a tiiing tfaait cau not be estiniated La dollai-s and cents. The experifence oí Xhis city moet assurcdly fe ihat a paid lire departme.nt pays. The Mili EdttJon í QbmptA Hymns Noe. 5 & ti inay now be obtalned at Wüm'v's Musió, Stoire on State street. Price 05 cents. Aleo at the Presbytea-ian. CoogrefatKmal, Baptist and Methodist ciiurclies alter thé moraLng service Dec. 3. Iet all wlio vrül attend tille coininsí revival meetings pnivide tilieonsclves with copies. TiiüinksffiTmg sermón will be delivered om nvoraday at 11 o'clock, by Rev. Mr. Yonoig-, of tllie Disciples chiirch, rat the Prt-sby ferian church'. A Large collection is expcted íot the poor of tihe city. Let. every one gtve lilHially oti tlliat day. ''He that üivetih to the poor. kindeth to the tord." Make yooirselí httpplef lien yon are yoow ovra good Tlianksglvhig dhnier by tJue thought that you ha-ie helped soíuie less fortiinate une tJuan yonrself to a ddkmeralao. That wJiat. tihe deiy íb for. Be thankfnil. and in order to be truly tliankful ano maist be generous.


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