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Stop Hungarian Immigration

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The iirubvm ,ï lmmlgration most sJnorHy receive more attantiiMi inini onr nat ional lpjjislators H thoy liavr yt deTOted tO it. Wbile we are proud to regard our country ae a haven of refuge for the i-ov:i it -rid.i.ii oppreesed ot erery nat.ioii, w most diH-iiiciiiy object to ita beoomdng a sink toto whlch raay le swept the undesirable odds and rinls i o!,1ht cnuiiu-i-os. Oar honest tabortag rlnsses have suffored too long and bitterly from the competition wliicli lias come in witli the ilood of beggai-ly hordos froun eastorn and soutllieirn Europc, wiiose vory preenc iis oifensive to tbe cleenly, and ■vhosfi ]i:ihiis of liïe are liardly above tilvoise of tihe most Ti:ncl(ui doraestic animal. The only iramigi-ant wc oan welcome to oor hliorea are ( i wï come tn Kiay, aaxJ whose blood a:nd liabits ronder iliein eapable of growtng iiito wortOiy citizeais. We ïH'iievc it, poaatbte to (ornvalate and cute i:iws i lint win regúlate thö ni.nicr, aaid sluit out the nnlesira,ble na, witJio'iit dolng vlolenoe to the gencroeity of our institutions. A cfoeerful sign of tJie times is tbe tad fchat ïminerouK large eaarbem nianufactorleii, wtoose "laboren" have lately been Klected trom sueii people as tbe Potes and Huns, are now exclndlog all bilt "AiiKTk-ans which, of '' "i bakea in the better clan of ritizems of foreiirn Mrtb. This acttoa will baad to discourage the furthec influx of sucüi classes, and oven lead to a considerable exodus - conaummations devoutly to be wished. We belleve tlnat our national government niny lcKitimatoly gastill further, and absolutely protect our working classes by a means quite as honorable and effective as tlie protection to mamu facturera which has been attalned by tbe tariif. We are sure that we give voice to public sentiment uilen we deniand of congress early Oud cnergetic action looking to this end.- Blue and Gray for November. Hood's filis cure lh-er Hls, comstipation, biliousness, Jaundice, sick headache, Indigestión.


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