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1 NEVEX MAGAZINES IX ONE. ST. NICHOLAS FOR YOUNG FOLKS, " WIDE AWAKE," Now Merged in it. Enlarcfed by ÍO0 additional pages in the volume. Everything Ilhutrated. Of all publlcatlons for boys and girls, st. Nicholas, ,eonducted by Mary Mapes Dodge. 18 unquestlonably the best. It lias been pralsed by the press and the people of two continent- lts circulation is unpreceaented among magazines for young folks. Beelnningwith Mie number In November. 1HK, il is enlarged by the addltlon of about200 pages in the volume, and lor 1893-94 it will have the greatest program in its history, inctuding A NATURAL HISTORY SERIES, brilliantly illnstrated, deacrlblDg the qnadrapeda of North America loa popular way, by W. T. Hornaday, recent ly C'liiet Taxideriuist of the Ü. S. National Museum; 'TOM 8AWYER ABROAD," a Serial Story by Mark Twain, in whieh the great humorist's fmnous creaLlons, "Tom Bawyer" and "Huckleberry ■Klnn." visit theeastern bemlsphere (In a QylDg-macblne); a series on AMERICAN AUTHORS, by Bradner Mattnews, setting forth In olear ml simple furin the niiiin blograpbloal lacta and the ehief llterary qaalltles of famous men in American hterature, lnclodlng IrvIng, Cooper, Brrant, Hawthorne, Emerson, Lowell, etc; Stories of India by Rudyard Kipling. When Ruilyard Rlpllng was n boy in India heused toread st. Nlobolas, and now betakes hls turn at brlnging ilelis:ht to the thonaandi of young folks who read it to-day. He lias ritten forst. Nicholas a Heries of remarkable stories of boy and girl life In tlie jungle and with animáis. "Recollections of TWild Life,' by Dr. Charles Eastman, a full-blooded s'ionx indian, and a gradúate of a white man's college (Dartmoutb); a deeortptlon of I Ind'an 11 iv, - in oamp and on the war patb,- desorlbed Irom the inside. A novelty in llterature. Papers on the Government. "How monev is Made.' t lie Mint I, "llow tile Treasury is" Qnarded," "How the Government Promptes lugennlty" the I'atent-Ofrlce), "The Dead-Letter Office," "Witli the West l'olnt CadeU," 'How Armies Talk tol Each ( ulier," "Life on B War," etc. SERIAL STORIES BY Howard Pyle, Francis Courtenay Baylor, James Otis, Molly Elliot Sewell and The Author of "Lady Jane. " THE FAMOUS ' BROWNIES," by Talmer Cox, willalso be a feature of st. icholas. Are yon goim; ti have st. Nieln.las in vuur home In '94? New snbsorlbers Rhould begin wttfa November. The price of st. Nlcbolaa isii.OOa vear. Bvrytblog in it la illnstrated. Subscribe through book -sel Iers and newsdealers, r remlt to the jmbiisiiers by elieek, draft. mone", cr expreu-order. Dun'l The Century Co., 33 E. 17th St. N. Y. 1177. inr"}Iininhiir S!. .icli"lat."-ïn r. Ann Arbor Fruit Farm Smal] Pruil and trees from Ellwanger and Bftrry, tlio oldest nursery in the United States. Raspberry and I berry Shrubs, Domestic Wines, I'lymouth Koek Eggs, and Artieho E. BAUR, Ann Arbor Mich. ■■ƒ.. imr at the head of gü po iicati publiahed in the English Langtwgt II no longer diapul ■ . - ALBAKY A-BGU8, The CENTURY MAGAZINE in 1894. THE GREATEST OK AM, THE MAGAZINES. 2000 Pages of the Best Literatura. 1000 Illustrations by the Greatest Artista of the World. The Programmeof the new volume of The Centry Magazine, beginning wiih the November number, is one of rare interest to every reader of üterature. The cliief serial feature is a New Novel Ij Mark Twain The most dramatic story over written by iii' riea's greatest humorist. Like several of Mark Twaln's stories, it has for its scène a steamboat town on the Mississippi Kiver forty years ago. "Pndd'nhead Wilton,11 ;i bard-headed country lawyer, the nero of the story, furnishes much of the fun tliat one naliirally expects to Ondina work written by the authorof "The Innocents Abroad " but heappears in quite another light in the murder trial which forms the thrilling climax of the story. The plot introduces a novel mimI lngenioua employment of science in the detection of crime, and the diameters are welldrawn and thelr every aetion is interestlng. Tlie Century will oontaln i A Series of Superb Engravings of the Old Dutch Masters; Articles on Hunting of Fierce Game ; Anieles dOMsrlbing ARTISTS ADVENTURES, by leading American artists, wil h thelr OWH Ilustra ti ons ; Art iel es descrtptlve of Important Expeditions in all tlie grent continente, InolndlDg the adventure s o! Urn yoaug A merlcan wbo traverged cm blcycles; A novel series on Tramping with Tramps ; Howa young man disgnlsedaa a. tramp, traveled over America rnti learnetl all the. secrets of Lbo "profeailon"; Important Papers on Music bytne greatest living rampowri and musii-ialis; Tu pul'lisln-.l essay-, bj James Russell Lowell ; Short stories and novelettes by all tbe leadi 1 1 _: story-writers. essays on tlmely subjects, humor and lun in the "Llgbter Veln" departmeiit.etc etc. The The Great Christmas Number oontalnsa sermón by Phllllp Brooks, neven complete utorles, a magnlfloent array of fullpage enirraviML's, a new picture of General cirant. letters from Etdwlu Boulb, Blo. Subscribe Now. THE CENTl'HV COMPANV. No, 33 East 17th Street, New Nork. Write for a "Miniature Century," free. WANTED Men tO wni'k for us whodosire tumake money tiiis bil and winter durlug Black times. Ëzcelleni otaanoe. Liberal pay. Il' you bave time, out ol work, looking fora paylng business write me at once. Fred. E. Young, Nuiseryman ROCHESTER, N, Y.


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