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Where Are Our Rich Men? WMle we ï-i'.ni erf beqneal i I imusamdg ui dollare tö Harvard, Tale and !■ cu'i. ges, do nol n member ever rea ' : ' -■ ■ greaA si a-te Daiiversity, al VrbOT, B hIiiT.mI in .will ol any departid citizen of iliis V,!i:it la t in' matter, do the rich never lie In Michigan, O ilotliey t 1 1 ■ i -i re.-i su ivs wilh thein ? ]t in' (mr üiilliim.-iire.s lay up some oí tlii'ir Ireasures in the l'niversity. We iH gnarantee ttbxtt motli and wül n A CO TUp . fi t-'i i-r will tliieves break throu.n-li aiul steal, bnt will act as ! sown in fruitful soii eund beoeftt nwt only übs ili.iicrs bul 1 li()iis:iiii!s ol Dtlier.s.- Qutocy II era ld. Coughing Leada cu Consumption' - Kenij.s' Balaam stops thecongb at once. 1894. HARPER'S MAGAZINE. ILLU8ÏRATKD. ri:ns Magazine for 1894 wlll rnalutaln tlie diameter thut Ims made it tbe tevorlte llnstrated perlodlcal for the bo Among tbe resulte of enterprlse nndertaken hy tbe publlshers, tbere wlll appear darlos the year saperbly illustrated papers on India by Edwin Lord Weeks, on the Japanese Sessong v!i:ii Paksons, on Gerinany by 1'oui.tse-s Biobxow. on i'aris by Richard Harding DAVI8, and on .Mexico by Fkkdkkk EMISOTON. Amona tbe otber notable features of tlic year wlll be novela by Oboboe nr Maubier riml CBASLB8 DUDLET W'AHNKl!, tlie perBonal reminUcenoes of W. D. Howei.i.s. an.l ■ i ._- 1 , t Bhorl sioriisdf vrestero (rontiei llfe by iwk.v Wibtkb. Short Btorlea wil] also be :ontrlbntecl by Bbasdeb Matth i:vs, Richard Harding Davis, Mart k. wii.kins, 1U1H McENERX siuaht, Miss LaüRENCK VLMa'I'adkma. OSO. A. HlBBARD, (JüESNAI de Bkaurefaire, Thomas Nblsob Paqb, ind otherg. Anieles in topics of ourrent 1erest wlll be contrlbated by (iistinguislied special Is ts. IIARPER'S PEEIODICALS. PEK YKAJi: HAIU'EKS MAGAZINE (X, HARPER'8 WEEKLY HARPER'8 BAZAR 4 Uü HABPER'8 YOL'NG PEOPLE 2 00 l'ii'tage Frtc to all subucriters in the I State, Ornada or Mexico. The volumes df the MAGAZINE begin wilh the Numbers for June and December oí eaob year Wlien DO lime is speclfled, subscriptions wiH begin wilh the N umber currenl at imo ol receipl of order. Bound Volumes of Habpkb'sMaoazink, for three years back, in neatolotb binding, will besent by mail, postpuid, on reoelpt of Í3.00 per volume. Clotli Cases, lor biutling, 50 cents each- by muil, postpaid. Reniit taiKM.'s ;-hould be made by Post-Oflice Money Order or Draft, lo avoid chaiice of loss. Jïewspapsrs are not to copy tfiis aJverisemfnt tvithout me expres order of 11 ahpkk & Bkothi:ks. Address: HARPER & BROTHERS, New York. 1394. Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. Hari-er's Bazar is a Journal for tlie bome. H íives fiillt-st and lateet Information about Fashnd its numeróos IHustrattons, París designa, and pattern-sbeet BUpplementa me Indispensable iliku to the bome dress maker and tbe professional nodlste. Ño expense - Bpared to make Ita artlatlc ittractfvent'ssof the hifílisi order. Itsbrlght storleí, amusIiiK comedies, and thoughtful essays sniisfyall iaics. and lts last page la famoaa as i bndgel of wit and humor. ín i r s veekly Issues everythlng le lncluded wliich is of interest to woinen. Tlie Berlala Tor 1894 wtll be written liy WlLLiAH Black and Waltkr Iïksant. short Btorleg will be wrltlen by Mt:y E. Vii.kins, Mahia Louise Pool, RUBH McEnbbt Stuabt, Marión Haklanü, and otlicra. Out-door Sports and In-door Games. Social Enter talnment, Embroldery, and other Interestlng topics wlll reoeive constant attention. A new series Ib ?romlsed of ' ' Coffee and Kepartee." HARPER'S PERIODICALS. HARPER'S MAGAZINE $4 00 HARPER'S WKKKLY 4 (X) HARPER'S BAZAR 4 0U HARPER'S YOUNO PEOPLE 2 00 Postage Vree to all subscriben tn Ihe United States, Canada or Mexico. Tlie volumes of tbe Bazar begin with the flrst number lor January of each year. Wlien notlme ts mentloned, abscrlptloDS win begin with the Number curreut at time of receipt of order. Round volumes of Babpkb'S Bazae, for threeyears back, in neat clotli binding, wlll be sent by mail, postuge paid. or by expreM, free of expense (provided the freight does not exoeedone dollar per volume), for $7.U0 per volume. Clotb (nses for eacli volume, Hultable lor binding wilt be sent by mail, post-paid, ou receiptol 1.00 each. Remittance Nhould be made by Post-offlce Money Order or Uraft, to avoid chance of loss. Nnetpapm are not to comj this advertisemenl without the ej-presn order f I [ARPSR & BkotuKUS. Ad.lress: HABPER & HIIOTHEKS, New Yokk. 1894. Harper's Weekly, ILLUSTRATED. IlAiti'Kus Wi:i:i;i,v is beyond all questlon the leadlng Journal in America, In lts splendtil illusi iat ion. i u lts corpa of dlstlngufshed oontrlbnton, and In its vast army ol readers. i n special lines it draws on th6 hitihest order of talent, tbe men baat Btted by pösltlon and training to treat tbe leadlng topics of ihe day. In lie-tion, tbe most popular storywrJters oontrlbute to ts columns. Supero drawlngs by tbe foremost artista Illustratea its special artlcles, lts storlea, and erery nota!] event of jiuiiiie Interest : it oontains portraitsof the. dlstlngulsbed men and women who are making the history of Ihe time, Wblle special attention is iven to the Army and Navy, Ameteur sport, and Muslo and Drama, by dlstlngulthed experts. In a word IlARi'Ku'H Wkkkly combines the nrws features ot the daily paper and the artistie and literary (iialtics ol ilie magaslne witli the Bolid orltloal obaracterof the review. HARPER'S PER10DICALS. HARPKR-8 MAGAZINE i 4 00 IlAlil'i.iis WEEKLY i OU HARPER'S BAZAR 4 Oo HAHI'K.Its rOüNQ PEOPLE 2 uo : i êubtcribi ri in Uu UniUd 'itt . mul MThe Volumes of the Weekly begin with the Number for .lanuary ol' eaoh year. When no linie is menlioned, subscriptions will begin with the Number uurrent at the time of receipt of order. Bound Volumes of Harper's Wk. e kt, y for tbree yeors back, In neat oloth binding, wlll be si-m by mail, postase jmid. or tiy express freeof charge (provided tho frolght does not exeeed one dollar per volóme,) ror Í7.00 per volume. Oloth (ases for eaob volume, sultable for binding; wlll be sent by mail. post-pald, on receipt of $1.00 eueh. liennttance should he made by Post-Offlce Móney Order r Uraft, lo avoid chance of loss. ■ uu nl 1 II LRPEB .V liliOS. Address: IURPEH BROTHERS Njrw YollK. Nerve JJ. Blood MSiïÊtt jÊw descnptive ÏÜU I 1 I TURB V ' fS. C & 6o. C; J) Á ■■? S -Wooi ' ?0 s - V 4 -- --.l IS IN TOUR 'OWN HAND. Palmistry assumc to teil what the lines in yonr hand indícate. It wül amase yon. ir nolhiDK more. The above diagram nlmnt öxjilainn tteelr. The length of the LINE OF UFE indícate probable age to which you will live. Kuch BRACELET pives yon thirty ycar?. We'.l-marked LINIO OF HEAD denotes brain power; cl' ar UNE F FORTUNE, fame or riche. li(.ih combined mean success In life; bur, yon ;n;isT keep up wlth modi ra ideas to wiu it. Toa ill iíiiu pk'nty of iln.-e in Demopft'a Family Magazine, Bo at:ractlvely piesented that every meiñner of tho fainily is i-nter tained. Ic isa dozen magazines In oue. ACLEAB LIN'E OK HEART Beípeaks tendemew: a stnlghl LINE OP FATK. peacefal Hfe; the revé Be if crooked. A well-deftned LINE OF HEALTH tparefj you doctors' bilis ; so 11 tile hcmt'i i i i i : t -r in Deniorest's. No otber magazine pnbllshee -" many sioriee to interest tbe home cirefo. Yon ill be subject to extremes of high spirit? or deinioBdenev if yon haye the GIRDLE OK VEXDS weil marked; keepnpyonr fpirits by having DemoreBt's Magazine to read. By ínbfcribing lu it for I8í4 you will receive a jr.iilery of exquibite works f art of greai valué, besïdep the pnpcrb prriniuní picture, 17x22inches. " l'm a Daisy!" which dlmoBt a real baby, and equal to ihe original oil pitlnilng wbicn tost $300; and you will have a tlnit cunnot be equaled by any in the woild for its beauiiful illuetrations án i snbjcct matter, that. will kei-p ?ou posted on all the topics of tiie day, and all the ads, and different items of interest about the boaaehold, besidea furnifhinu' interestins; reading matter, botii grave and gay, for the whole faniily ; and while Detnorest's is not a fashion masrazine, lts fashion pa2s are perfect, and you getwith it, ?ree of cost, all the patterns yon wi-h to nee (hiring tlie year, and in any pize you efaooee. Send in your eubscription at once, oñly $2 00, and you will feally get over 35.00 in vnlne. Aridn-f s the pntiisher, W. Jennings Demoreet, 15 Eat 14th St., New York. If yon are nnacquaimed witli tb Mairnzine. Bend fora specimon copy. A larírctUADRAN(!LE means honesty ; a lanro TRIANGLE, generosity: Ion FIKST DIVISIÓN OF TBÜUB, etronewiil; I.ONfí SECONT) DIVISIÓN, reasonin facnlty. The MOfNT OF JUPITEIt licickcn' ambition that of SATüRN, prnde nco ; tho BUN, loveof splendor: MARS, couraïe; MOON. imnination ; VENUS, love of pleasure ; and MERCURY, bitelliLeice. Take oar advice ae above and you will be enre to oseess the last and moet valuabl ualilc ÍÜNT ONECMT jjiil 1 ! At the expense of little ■3fÉ$&y Í ' I money and his spare aLjíSÍl!j i t time obtain a fair work-HHLjfcgjj IstudyathomeI THROUGH THE SPRAGUE UNIVERSITY OF CORRESPONDENCE INSTRUCTION, ! Í Comprising the leadiflgcorrespoiidence schools in theworld. f SUBJÈCTS TAUGHT. I I A IM The School of Law prepares pupils for admission Í ■ to the bar, by an extended, thorough course. Hfti ' f 'n T over 1,600 students in every part of the country. ' inilDMAIlCM This school teaches journalistic : Í JUUHMALIoffl sj{'i(ary work irüm the foun' ■ Í DOOI ICCDIUP ThUKhoolli condurted by gBGOR-KhtPIWü su&SttTSst." f PUfinT Ullin This school teathcsbliort-liandby J M"ul" """W K the best expert work. i nnrrl .. J I ITIU TIib school teaches i GREEK and LATÍN ís,m í 5 ti on to the most advanced work in the classics. The above schools teHch by the f J ence method only, aud recognize uo rivals in i j thelr respective flelds. Address. stating m ? e Pv vQHSrÉt cose ten ccnts in J I -kI . .y HlSfi Eaffe tcliool hu .( . 5 QEiiL DIEFFENBACH'S PR0TAGQN CAPSULES, Sure Core for Weak Men, aa Iirovcdby reportsul 'luudinupbyBicians. State age in ordering. l'ricc.Sl. Cataloeuc Free. ara Q 0% A saíe and speedy 11 & U cure fur GIe et, S N Strlcture and all unnaturul discharges. PriceSa. ÁREEKSPECIFIC(Tosy wLiin1 Skin DlffCttHeK Srt nlon Sorea BtidHyplillItlc ASeettona, with outmorcury. Price, &2. Order frora THE PERU DRUG & CHEMICAL CO. ,. 18 WiMOMin Street, MILWATrgEE,JWIg. LtfcuPefRss OIVE BNJOYS Both the inethod aud results ■when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant aud ref'reslyug to the taste, aud acts geutly yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver aud Bowels, cleanses the system efiectually, dispels colds, headaches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever produced, pleasing to the taste and acceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its efïèets, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and $1 bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accejit any substituto. CALIFORNIA FG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL, LOUISVILLE. KV. NEW VORK. N.Y. SHILOKS CONSUMPTION CURE. The success of this Great Cough Cure is without a parallel in the history of medicine. All druggists are aulhorized to sell it on a positive guarantee, a test that no other cure can successfully stand. That it inay become known, the Proprietors, at an enormous expense, are placing a Sample BoUle f ree into every home in the Uniled States and Canada. If youhave a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for it will cure you. If your child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and relief is sure. If you ciread that insidious disease Consuinption, use it. Ask your Druggist for SIIÏLOH'S CURE, Price 10 ets., 50 ets. and $1.00. If yom Lungs are sore or Back lame, use Shiloh's Porous l'laster, Price 25 cis. Onlike the Dutch Process % No Alkalies áfm Otlier Chemicals Juli Wk are used in the Iffl preparation of iJlw.Bto&Co.'s Breakfast Cocoa, which is absolutely pure and soluble. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa Ddxed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is far more económica!, costing less than, one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, and easilt DIGESTKD. Sold by Crocers everywhere. W. Baker & Co., Dorchester. Mass. Garfield Teas? ■ i'ii, av'S Doctor-' Billa. Sample tree. C. i o.tS19W.tfthStN.T. CuresSickHeadache Nirn fiN 3 Wlimrn "tni"1i IfILtl HIIU IIUIllLll v.oik by n.; ins the CONI 8SXTI1.LE MFG. OoM M VNVI I-LK. R. I., mfgrs. o( Normandia flashes. Senil l lor -iniiphs. partieulurs, aud secure agency. Mentlon tliis paper. YsifASJHMA? SCHIFFWIANN'SAsthmaCure Nover fails to give in:tant relief in the woret caaes, aud effecti cures where othera f-ill. Trial l'flía(: F11KC of Drusglsts or hy Mali.


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