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The County Horticultural Society's Annual Meeting

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The Y:i;iK u: 1 1 . i-l i .Milt ural Soiii'lil lts ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .- 1 1 meeting last s.iiin-il.-iy p. in.. Dee. 2d, La lts room hl Wie couri house. The o ticen made t.hcir aanual reporte, election ni olfleere book place and the business ti. iinjMir! uu-i' w;is traneacted. Presiilinl W. 1'. l'.ird viv -0111111, 'IkIimI that iicrc.-i : t i-i1 the supervlsor's room be lleed if ] ) i-.-i - 1 i-:i 1 ►!■. in whic-h to hold the meel Ing oí i in' society. II ■ al so suggested tíhat ;i suttable occasions meetings be held at the residencee of vai-kus fruit gTOwers Ln th ■ coumty, lic'.icvin.u' th it sach meetings wou ld poseeos Boctal advautages and ie!d niüch practica] Information not obiaincd iiMim meetings held ta the city. The i rcasurrr reportad all bilis paid and . smaii balance on hand. Th;' eeoretary revlewed the meetings oí i he year, dweUlug partlcnlarly upon tlu' pari taken by the society iu Becurkng an ameadment to the yeltowe law and the reviteiicw at the fruit cal alog-ue. ' he e Por-I ; o secure a rr.iii : i .',i in th' rate .' transportaea in v!ii -h i he society was asked bo assllst, had proved d i successful. ■ correepoittdtng Becretary then pi-csriitril i fcllowiaig outllne ol tih work of the soctety, diuriMg the flfteen yeare ol its exisi en ■■ : From the firert tb Bociety has taken an a.-tivc Interest In ai1 latrs i.i ;..■ a;i ,-in ■i'üi'iH oi üortlculIta Vhie 'ü ''.ity. Those who wi'iT Imstmiimenital 'm lts orgaalzatlon were known to ae n i',y as guccesshll fruit ktou public gplrited citizeme anxious to eee ; in;' a Ufee pïOBperity. We rauiiot kaow in 1 1 the peach growere i tihis vicinlty are Indebtcd to Mr. Baldwln foc his eerly exIiriinu'nts witli this uit and tor liis jici-sisicnt efforts yi-ar alter year to itmpre.-is upoo otters hta jaith in the aucoeaa oi tltue peach upon the hills surroundlng our iiy. To Benjamin Day and liis early bxuïcess wit!i the ('ut hin-n rasp-berry is Kiidoulitedly dtie mucli of the promln'ence wfaicfa mh.-iII trult luteresta liav' Bibce al laincd. To J. Austiin Scott. ior many years the honoced presWenit ol onr Bociety, is doe in DO small degree Bhue interest ■wJiich has Uept Washte-nau' roiinty foir o lonvj; a time in tlhe fron.1 rank siniiouig the nipV prodmc-lmg countiee oí tihe state. The tateUigence and leal wlth which otihers of oar society who are stiil among ue, have cultiTated certain otlher imi't.s and made known their niorits. is raiinliar to us all. Eurly fel t.he liistury OÍ the so.-iety, it.s mentoen bsgwn i ■ coopentte ln various ways to tln-ir commercial advtuu'a.iii-. one o-l" it fint acts was a comiMnn tion tor tlhe jmirchase of peacüi taahete, by whlch a consldei'nble mtrttog was effected. The matter of tnwMportattoa recelved early att"ntioi tnd lias been the subject of loaig conthiuod laibor and discul Kion. At first all fruit had be hipied by exprees, and the excessive chargeB, togethe-r wfth the caretess maaner m which the fruit was bandled made ft iniperative ihai. some re farm ln Muit directton be secured. It was not howcver. imtil Bpeclal arraiiu'enients wre made wlth vailria.d -onip.iny wilik-h Becured quick Iran.-pm-tat ion by freii?lit that any adeiinate iniprovemi-nt was obtained L-n the expfeaa service in regard either to i hi' rat i's (: the a re hl handlhiir. Ia 1885 tilue Bodety pubUshed a Uei oí Bugge8i i ie u-e ol shlppere and dealetn in fruit, also a set of ralee fi' the gnidanoe ol berry pirkei-.-. Ii 18S7, throagh the efhirts n' I his siü-iely. a. fruit preservfag fai-tory was es; abüs-hed in Ann Arbor. which has been of considerable service in times of low prices. Iu Oiriler to secure the crection of this laciory tln soriety procured for tli iirm whlch iiialntain.s it, ;i bonus or Mibsidy oi One l'iousaiid dollars. Ai tlie meetiiiü-i o rty, numeróos new vnrielies have been exhübited ïroni time to time and thelf cliaracter deserÜMMl iu its publislud prbcecdiaig-s. New iinplements, fruit package?, etc. bare alao been brought ii ■ ore tlic piibü" an tii ■- occasions. ■ tety ii.-is usually liad charge ii' iii' horticultura] exhibits at our ei luit y lalr, and lias (reqnenl Ij n ■ el lona ol 6ruil for exJiibit Ion - 1 -- WhclV. On tttiree occasions the society has 1 al n ained 1 be animal ín ■ 'i Ing ol State Horticultura] Society. It lias memorialized the Btat legislature regarding Uve preaervation oí foreste and mi otlher ptublic questions. ín -i.vnr oí Aun ArbOT iii--i 1 : í 11 1: - cil uut a ili'ici-t iu state yellows i.-iw. and this society passed the lirst rr.-niinia, so Bar as known. looking ttiwaril its reriSlOU, uhich lias sini-r been acoompUebed. it a.s al tlie requeet oí out society th.n the townebip officers ol Aun Arbor proceeded tu appobti the propar eommis i mera tbe siippiTs-iiiiii oí the yellows. win'ii t li.t dteeaee was dlscomered in Hocality. The soctety ha.s been fortúnate in Ikivíü'x aesistance trom professors n írtate rnivcrslty wího have servI imI iis ci,nsr.tin.u' alfieerg Ln 1 n s:-ii-ntiie capacitlea and ha-ve presented papers fPOM t illli' til ini ! !)■:■',■ t.h)3 SO cdety. '. m n 1 1 wbom the 1 y hias '-i 1 t nis mi :btedi Doctors Vaugban, Steere and i'rrs ■ Dr. ■Viiiu-!if!l, aiul l'ruteesom &pauW!ag, Da vis and Harring1 1. MeetllngB have oeeaeicmally held ota special topics of Interesi to írnit growers. Arnong - ■ none have been : greater valué i t he amiual r tags held ■.iaiv.h in receñí yean . The society faae at all times endea viii-'mI fco keep . i all mod1 u - 1 1 -: In hor! i -Tilt ure. spraying oí f ruit s for the destruclina .i Injarloiis Inseets was adopted as f.n-iy as L880 by W. W. Ni.-hois, its lirsi secretary, witno lias eince been partlcuiarly suceeesful In tii ■ ase di Parte jareen and London jmrple ai;.i!;ist ttne eodJlng motli In the apn'.i'. Among titxoee who have employed the modern remedies lor the black rot and cxttuei diaeasea ol the grepe, none have been more enterin-isiiii;- and Buccesglul lihaii the one wlio is ntXW OUT president . Mr. ". P. Uil-d. Out c.-rnnaie ui t'.n' iiifiui'ii ■" ui the society wouW be far trom complete with-iiHt a referen .'e tO the p-ubllcation of its prooeedhigs, The meetiii'-i"s whethei' lariii'ly ur poorly attended have aïwaye brongütt sub-Iacts [acte oí róaJ valuc bo üte power. Tïw preseaDattoofl ol iu'v items of experlen -e, guclh as noies OO varieihs and meiho'ds of cnlturi; has at all times been a leadtng ieanire oí our meetinirs aml tnese faets have been welC'Oined by otJivr fruit growera wherevec iiubliilKHl. Ever since tJxi' orfjajiizatioii tvf tlwi society i record of its ]roceedi:ni;.s lias liad a place In the t ransactio'iiB ai t'.ie. State Horticultur.-il Society, t luuik.s to the faithful services oí OW recordinu secre■tary. Mr. Jacob Gamziiorn, who has OCCltpted ihat office since 1 lie s ■.oud year o4 irs extefremce. T Mr. r,.uir. tor 18 yeare correepomdlag secretary, is due t lie jiupularity whlch our so.-iety lias eajoyed with its peen ui city a:id state. He not imly Mircceded in makinu' i;s proci ed in.n-s eoaiglhrt tor by all the papera of Ann Arbor, lmt had the sattefaetioo oí eeeïng thcm frequently copled into O'tJier Mirliiiian papers, aad eome times ïato tiioe beyond oxur Btate The delegatie appoiuted on au o.-casioiis Erom our society to atteml meet inii's oí similar BOcietieS elBewhere have done their Bhare to liiseniiaiate in.'ormation on horticultural mattere anil hae brougili b valuable inioa-matiou in return. Throuiih au airaiiiiement with the State llurticiiltural Society our ocieiy is enal!Ml to iiirni.-ii each oí iis mvmbers witli .i COpy oí the animal proceedlnga that society, the most valuable hort k-ultural publicatiou in t lie state. It, is evident that the so.-i,-ty is iluinü,- au important part in the building iip of the horticultura] lnteresta of tliis lorality. More ol' onr gfardeners aml fruit growers ouglil to be ainoiiLf its active memlH'rs. Sojaa are setlsfyed to reod the rot dlngi bc p;i!i;-!:r:! in the l íi i papera. Tliis i is a mlstake. The seweta-ry, ii is trae, endèavoro to record wint i? uU'i-s oí special veluje, he ean oinly jmliir-ÏL wh.-it is jii'i'si'iitcil ; he r.uniiit know tin' particular needs o! c.-icii. wfalch -;i n tmly appear as quesii iis ai-i' askcii al the meetings. Lel nu theretore emdeaivoc to ii'.l up our mjeetíngfl dnring the oornlng winter nucmthe and hy so the iiiliiciirc aml uciuln .'s (if our valiK'd !-iy. 'i ii ■ society tiicn ])!(;, fccii'd ti) the electioü oi offlcere tor tSie ensulng ji'iir wltb t lic lo'.lowiiiii rcsult President, W. F. Blrd; vlce presidenta, O; R. !.. Ooilea-, Bml) Baur, B. J. (':i;irad; .-firclnry, .iacoto :i i uil ïwrii ; correspomding secretary, A. A. Ooeler ; treasurer, J. II. Alma iid ; ■Ncciuivc conamlttee, B. '■. Buell. J. C. 8heock, E. II. Bcott, C. .T. Coiu-at'.i. olficeis : Botan wt . Prol?. V. M. BpaiuMtng ; oinitliI i-i. Dr. .!. I!. Bteere ; Emtomolouist. Pro!, i!. C. MarkhMiu ; Hygiënist, Dr. '. C. Vaaighan ; Cimatologiat, . .1 . M nt gosneory. riiiciit was made 1 iiat Siatc ; ni-ai Society would hold its animal meeting al Lawiotn, Van Burén coonty, during i ii.' 1bs1 week ia Deceaab r. Pri siBird was apiinintcd Jelegate i i-o ni t ;- society to atteatd tbal meetum". He wil] present a paper or "Grape Gjww


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Ann Arbor Courier