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Mrs. en), a. DonglaBi o! Toledo, is visiti:i.i in tdue city. Mrs. Bastman, oí Chicago, is tlie gueei oí her mtother, Mrs. O. B. Hall. I. X. ï'.-iyni' and wtfe, ï Detroit, .-)). üt Ttuaaiiksgtvlng wiili Dr. Darling. A F. I' oí Maociheater, haa been in attendance upon coart Uüa wek'. Mi.-s I'.lia Clark, : Detroit st.. bas been vut rl atnlng i v sister Mis Mary ('la'rk, o4 Jackaon. Mtb. I'. 1 1 arris, oí E. Ca t.hariiir si ., lias ri'i in-aeil lio'im' trom a visit v.iilt iiiciuls in t'ho western part oí Wir stfl-tie. MUs M i 1 1 1 1 i I'olry lias arrivcil iroiu CSttaago ti remaln dortng Uie winter witJL grandknother, Mrs. M. A. Folf.v . Mrs. Khcltoii ie of th World's Tair Maaiairers, (jí PhUadelpfala, Pa bas been the oest i Mrs. AneeU ïor a few days. Sleislh rtde porties are begloalng to be ploaitifud. There wre aboat $700 In taxes ji.iiil in last Saturday. Tbe vSunday Soliools are preparing In-isi nris wrvicoe. Ome liundrfd and niiic iurkcys wt-rc boM at Hoelzle'a meat market lor Tliaiiksjiiviiig. x The oexi Soda] Gírele Receptloo oí he Jlnb.u-i GulSd is appoknted ior i'hursday cvt -iiini;, Dee. lltJi. Bev. Jici'l Staart, oí Detroit, gave i vn-y ínetructive lecture on Maiiomoed, a1 ttoe ütalty Club, last Monday "il! '_V - Mts. ivi ■ Mg .:mi, e.' K. rnivcr-city :ivc., was cotastdea-ably Injured by i iaii ome lay last week, but is lmproving. i:.' coal men amtte amd the cold men irown, as OM Jiorcas and Jack i-rust keep imsy playlng tlic gaan freoze out. ■i b ■ eoS] cl ton a1 Uie umion om ItuamkBglvlng Da-y at the Preebyterian i-imrch hw chaxitaWe purpoeea amnKumted t $57. Tlxirc will le a pupila recital at the Scliooi oí Music Satui-day p. m., at 2 o'clock. AdjnJeslon íree, and a genoral Imvltation extended. At tJie Youtog Peöple'a Vespers on Bunday evening next at 0:-1.5 toer wiil be a.n iniiiatioii 01 probationers int-o Uie lirotherhood Ol t. Anilrow. Tlue iuMiilturo ior the Qew city oilíces íias ai-rived, heen pub In place, an-d ome city can öcxw boast oi as otee ofíioee as atomost any city ol Ita size. in t'liie stal e. ihr..a,h Mldway is m langer a faíhionable amusement," saya ihu audaom. Bost. Quite rlffht. The niidway is jiuw walking tbTODgb us wltili Alaskam fei-ocity. A grand concert is to be given by Katte Carsiwi, on ttae evenlng Dec. IBth, aasteted by Miss May Jewett Blad ot'hers, at the A. M. E. church. Yon are uiviti'd to bé pceseat. TliiC dwelliuiï heuse Oi Avthur A. ('rawiord, en Fuller t., eaugttxt lire Moraday íiion-nins, trom the stove, and as s!i! befOM lire dt'iiartiiirnit .i;o t t liriv. ÜOB8 a bout $25. On account oí tli-o religiOttS meetiims condueted tij l'-v. T. Pay Milis, wffl be u,! faculty concert toDttiCrrOW, ïliursday evoaiinyr, as luis lfai annminrrd. It will be glven later. It is i gea&rdl coimplaint that "coal oever bunied up bo i'ast before aa it does tliis year." It doeaa'1 tJiko hut a k'w daj's iwwv to bom tihe avrrayf tan- frorn 1,00 to 1,400 lbs. On S'iindiiy aïto-niooii at 2 o'clock, hO huteral Berrtcwi o Mrs. J. P. I-Uiinmerville. fornuTly MlBB Moore, of tJlis city, was held at Kt. Andrt'w's dmreb. Bbe difd ut har home in Monroe, P., hwrine a. (imily oí wo aOSM and 09M daaiyrlil er. Aid. .lolin o'.Mara, oí tdie 4th ward, lias Ix-eii eng-agvd ior a íew weeks as ÍDiTinan oí a lartfc establisliinent at Ierre Haute, Ind. Ii be Ukes tdie job and tbe fiiiil(iyi''s liUc him, w are lia ble to lose Mr. O'Mara íor Lood. He ví;i be inLsscd (rom tiie oouncUs oí his jKirty in t 4tli ward. and pcople ciicrally WÜ1 regret to bave him leave here. Hare is a trutli that it wffl ilo wel] iminrss nii'n to consider: 'A jiKtii'.s siyrn 0Hem only a mute invita1io.ii to ilni.-e wbo pass hls place ot l)Uiui's ; iiis circulan can inly rcac-h thoee to hom personal attention is ühra. bot Iiis a.nnouncement iu a uewBpaper ;-n-es iato tJie hlghways and byways, Madillg custonifi-s and Uicni U) c-onsiilrr liis ;u-feumèmte." Aan Arbor Lodgie 'o. 4-i, BJllgiltfl of Pytdiias, havo electcü the lollowinji officere : C. &"- Dr. Frank II. r.niwn; V. C- Olías. F. Dfetae, Jr.; Pretat- JuliUs Traris ; M. of W-- Win. C. Jacobus ; K. of R. and S. and M. of F.- Jainee H. Ottloy ; M. ot E. - Fred. Barker ; il. a.t A.- B. Frank Ollnger ; Truetec for tliree years- Dr. J. 1. Kose ; Ileprceeiiitatiive to Grand Ivodge- James H. Ottley ; Altérnate- Fred Barker.


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Ann Arbor Courier