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Farmers Vs Traders

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Tin American Agrlcuiturlst, whieh a braóe {ounuü ;i bhorougfaly as tlic Grocer or the Dry Goods Econoiii i-i. is, randera au important service to farmers by explodtng Une talflelinoii oí 1 lio ínisciiU'vous Bbatement, "Niíiio-tontdis oí our farms are mortgaged al] thcy are unrtii." The 'i:il:i t ;- i ! t I ! is Ihat U;i ri-ly one-íonrth u, liic í.ii-ni temos of the country are ■ mortgage, and a veary small j ]■ . ■ ir i i i ;i ni íliis one-iourl il is mort gaged for more thaa one-third of its actinal valué. No gtpeater evil can befali a trade, ínrmin.ií is a t:iili-. ihan a general hi'iirí in (te unpiroütia-bleneaa and lm ttoe in'vcriy oí bhose who follow :. Wihio Ilkíely to glve a good prlce lamí from wluleih o j - c f l canaot iiihmI V likrly to offer a ïa prioe tor grain or obher íarm ace ií fas bellere liiat 1 lie n íiiy (!■; Mu' pnxiuoer Is 80 greal as to iiim io accepi a loweir price ? W'ltat vaüway. faetory, OT vialt!ippoductag Oniterprise is llkely to eetyhli.-h iteelf in 'lU;1 mid-í OÍ 8 ; i y-:-i rickea people ? No politica 1 lsgaee now dlfitorb tbe minds o4 our farming frlende, and in tiliis calm seave beg oí -tllicin to anawec 1 queettane tor tJiciusrivcs. The [alse statcüii'iit s comcemtag i.iu' porerty and indebteduess oí fanning ciiiiiiiiunitlee Jiave done mucli, very much, toward t lii'ir progrese. Tune American Agriculturist si a les sorae plain fact.s tliat aro calculated to ic'e rea.ssuraace to tJio.-e who have hcsit.-itcd to invest moiioy In tarín land-s, nnd to S"i:v! enconraiíein.'nt to iIium' wbo iiwn tiu'iii. ont oí every lnmidriMl (arme In tlie United States seTCTity tin: (ree oí incnnibrance, tho tliu-ty are moi-tgaged to in avwage of ome-third of tiieir vahío. The moiuey -tel in farm mortg-ages is mu equa.1 to one-tentüi of the valué of 11 the farms of the country. The ratio of mortgage to ïiuniber a.nd valué oí farm land-i lias not Inpreaed ; it has decreased, and that to a, very remarkable extent. In 1880 oaie-lifth of all the capital investel in mortgages ltstcd on farm lands. But in 1890 no more tlian ome-seTentUi of such inoney was loaned on farms ; the otJier six-sevenths loa ncd on town property. This shtnvs the oity people to be incumbeired by $0 of mortgages to every dollar ihat is a part of the burden of coointiry people. Out of every loo peoplè living on American farms in 1890, 47 owned tiheir Jands, (ree ïroni all incunibrance; 20 oiwoad) biit ander mortgage, and .'.L.' were rentrrs ui land. Tin-si; are important ftgwee. They prove conclusrvely Ihal tlic larnii'rs art: the iini.-l pi nsperous part oí the eoinmuiiity. tti no or manu[actoriog loinniuiiily eau it 1h_' i-aid Miat -17 owntheir homes, their places of bti-iiirss. aml their material ol business free oí incmmturance ; hhat so amell a part as 20 In eaob lumdred aro ini'iimlM'red wily to one-third of tlie real valiuï ii their homes, business places, and BtOCfc in 1 rade, and 1 1 1 .- 1 1 but ;S2 out oí eaeh hundred Hve in rented property. It is truo tluit the opportunity ior aciuisitiuii oí a ei-y lariie fortune (Inés not present, itseli to tin; farmer; but il also is li'in: tliat there la no liuiness in tiir WOrld in which a small capital direct ed by ordinary intellect and siipported by ordinary Lndustry is so sure of bringlng a. fair and absolutely c'i-taiu return of profit. The aliieriff, the aaaigaee, the receiver, and tlie ther a(lniin'Lstrators of failure and banki-uptcy visit commercial commvunrties ten times as Oiïtcn as tlu-y ii-ouhli' fa rinimï ]ieople.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier