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THE NEXT MORNING í FEEL BRIGHT AND NEW AND MV COMPLEXIÓN IS BETTER. My doctor say3 it anta gently on the stomarh, liver and kidnevs. and isa plezant laxative. TJiis drink is made fmm lierbs. and is prepared for use as easily astea, lciscalled L AHE'S MEDICINE AlloniL'íristssellitatñOc. andfl ftpaokajfe. If you cannot get it. spnd your address for a freo sample Innen Family Xoiirinr innvii lionili enrh dny. I n order to be healthy tliis is necesaarv Addresa ullATOli F. WOODWABD, La Roy. N.Y. JNO. BAUMOARDNER, sej T co o JSONIMNTIL GEIWETERY m W AND o BUILDING Also, Stone Walks. - Estimares clieerfully furnislitil. Cor. Detroit and Catherine Sts.. ANN ARBOR, MICK WOOD'8 PHO9PHODINE. The Great English Remedy. ■■Bk jSSSi roinPt'y an(i pormancntly ■ cures all forms of Kervous jIavK' -T} aiorr'i('a Impotency and all rAÍSiBív 5j7 effects of Abuse or Exce$ses. iJNf SlTC Eecn prescribed over S5 hBIBI MiW'c'arsi'1 tliousands of cases; Before atldAfter. teïhvortvneiiableandHon ' esí ?neíícine fc.'iotrn. Ask druggist for Wood's Phosphodine; If ho offers some wortlüess medicino in place of thls, leave hls dishonest store, jnclose prico la letter, and ■n-e will send by return maiL Price, one package, SI; slx, $5. One willplease, six cill cure. Pamplilet In plaiu sealed euvelope, 2 cents postage. Addrcss The IVood (licmicnl Co., 181 Woodtvard avenue, Detroit, Míen. Sold in Ann Arbor and everywhere by all druggists. Ore ovx a irViendAo z cause oj$ PgdVeVon. Are you willing to work for the causa of Protection in placing rcl!ab!e infortnation ia the hands oL your acquaintances ? IL you are, you should be identified with THE AMERICAN PROTECTIVE TARIFF LEAGUE. 135 W. 23D St., New York. Cut Üds notice out and send lt to the League, Matine your position, and rí ve a helping hand. TH IS YEAR TIfE BOYS WILL WANT TO economize: btit you cau't afford to alwmwalk when POLHEMU8 has addedalot of new tylish rigs. before hard times were upon us, nnd now i determlned to uiake the prices bo low.thnt it will be a pleasure to spend a dollar now and tlieu. Saddle Horses for Ladies and Gentlemen. I am prepared to answer all calis for Hacks with the fiuest turnouts in the city. Ciill op P0LHEMU8 by 'Phone. or order t biiru. córner Miiin ainl (ntherine streets. Cars f rom University stop at our office. 83yr Sept. 27, 1SM. PROPOSALS FOÍliir" Sealed proposals for about 100 cords of hard wood, fourfeet long. sawed uiuls, young, greeu body or straight hickory, hard' maple, aud seooud growth white or yellow upland oak in quantities not les toan ten cords, and aoout 2: corda of basawood, good quality will Ived by the nndersigued until the 4th day oí, 1898JncIU81ve,np to 6 o'clock p. ni. The wood to be delivered withiu the next tliirty dnys nfter awarding the contract, at the school houses, iu such iiuautities as liirccted. The right to rejeet any and all offers is reservcd. h. GRUNER. Treasurer. No,8 South Maln.St. Ë- N". BZLJBIE, TEACHER OF VIOLIN. Pupil of Emil Sauret, BeWin Germany. Can be seen Tuesdaye and Frldaya a1 rooms, ."1 N. Main Street, Ann Arbor Organ Companya' Block. How's Your Complexion? Most toilet preprations ruin the face. Rozodorodoesnot. Hfsguaranted to remove f reek les, tan. Bunburn and blotches of all kinds; leaving the face a natural white, aud impartinsr a youthful delicacy and softness to the skii Thousands of ladies have used it for vears and would not be without it. If there is no agent in your locallty, seu3 75 ets. to the Rozodoro Co., South Bend,Iua.,foralarge bottle sent in plain wrapper. Agcnts wanted.


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Ann Arbor Courier