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Il t he w .■;! I fSte 1 here wüi j 1" more (oot-b ill i hüs win" e ■. i: smem'ber t 'i ■ : h ure Sa1 arday ,iii!;', by P l 't ■'.-[ . at l "11 ier-:ty Hall. The 'h i.i mas Wrlttkle wlll ruake yo taugth. 8ew wjj your buttons lilit be.'ore buytog ü . 'l'lio extra in the 8. l.. A. cowee wlH iv gtvetn blils u'.ir by Mrs. Susan B. AntilKiny, rometlme in Janury. Mtesea l.n.-y i:. Testar, [reme Stewart and Marton Patton have lecn ■; :■'! r ii'il .■di' oa i' ]i '!t l ('aslalli.'ll.. A:i incipiriii lire in tb.' psychologie ca] lab. I'riday nrocntag was extingutehed hi'.orr ara&ing fchlngs iincomrorte ii'.y hol ■ Mm Ttoúlnfet, llcr.ii .M.-ii-i i'jui, was emberbatned by thr Delta Tao Delta írfttienníty PWday at a (i:00 (v'c'.iK'k diiniwr. James Iiainl. '96 lit.. haa been choabo eaptate oí : r U. ol M. fooi iall ti'ani. A niii-it ■ xc.-l :: t s lectfoa. So say vi' all oi 08. Michigan Agricultura] Ooilege üTadiiatrs it I !i I . i M. wTe lwln(iict'il last l'riilay evemiag by Mewn X. D. OortAn vi n il C. s. Goodwtn. Judge HwLn.ii. of Illinois, told the opatxxrtoal aseoclatlon Oiat eloqneace vs. on Sa.tnnlay niliiiit. He is said bo ii .Mr been wvy eDoqtvent, htmself. Tlw ''ilit (U's of 1 hr Iiilandcr are mnkIng graal preperatKuna tor ttielr Cliii-tjnas issui'. It -will hc an illust ra teil .tn.i u;i -' 1". t !i ■■ HrM ever isMicd trom t.liis rnivi'i'sity. New nils;-ril!'rs can srruiv CosmopovitJim, one of tilic best perlodlcaW in Une wci-ld ti-day, without exoepüojii tor -Si'. togttor with the Conricr. .']u. tliiink ol it ! Only (2 üteme two putoltoatlona. a at tempt i's to le made by the rastere coUegea ibo fcake away tii' gluggiing lactit-s in ioiot ball. It is tol be li ivjH'd i iiat the effort wi'll meel with smri'ss tor Wltb tliat feature ■'.niiai i i'd ii is a. granel sport. It itakes Pro'. Cooley an 1 Prol. Wagni'i', asnisted by fivr studi'iits of tlic Meciiamioal Engineering dcpari inrnt of ili.' luiivcrsity, i ] 1 1- ■ i ■ d i.vs to test tin' ca.-kill pump receutly boogbt by tlhe City O! Grand Raptóte. And tile pump pumps omfly wiaiter ! A toriles of eojlale is eontemp'jatton by the ChoraJ Onlon management, to be held in Erteie SáemorltU Mali. Xlhie idea, is an eicellen! one. Se vui -es u hirii ml rrtain the pubi wi'ü ín tlhe grand choras, nüi;-!it prove ar more eatertajulng and iliaiiir.ii'i :n privarte ootnversatlon. Thei-i' is i; be an A:-t Eteclt&l, ander tlie direct ion af Prof. Trueblood, on l-'riday erealng, December L5tih, at Fa-leze Memorial Hall, comenclng at 8 o'clock. Dramatic readlnga avüi r n by Miss I lah Aiidfi-son Gïlggg Miss Mami. Mr. J. 8. Ilanily, and Mr. E. i'. Ha i several musical tseleutions. The Ai!. Ir! der the new ngenueooita malste o. Prof. A. II. l'a ! , rimiil, Tlinnias, Knowlton and Xanci'i'de, pepreBentlng 1 1 1 ■ faculttes, and Meears E. 8. ShfeldB, H. G. Clevela:ul, (. .1. ('aldwell and Chas, l'.aird, til ■ st u.l'iils. Tliey wil] iiave complete a ad mi in' charge of all aihlrt i,-s. Il is a;i 'trao:idinary goxl comiait t ee. Miss Helen lïnndall iias been doing i pesa ski'ti-liiiití and ilhist ra t inií stortea hw tfhe OracJe, the annnal publication of the. Hophomore (dass of the State Bit Aun Arbor. This ])uHlicatio'n tlii.s -vvill perhaps be t lic best evar Issued, md the board of niamarers, In securlng 1iie ïuggeettoms and assistanee oí Miss Jianda.ll. eau COOSidM" that thal iartof tlie prochicUoB -wili 1m exactly appi-opriate and very art .-tic. - Co'.dwater .Smn. 'i he 'il concert ' i he Dioral Untan Sei-ie ]iis been decided nj i. ii 11 be i;ivcH by de Pachmann, the i irst Itvtng iut arprel -r oí Chopln, l'ilili ai .lairnary. lt is SUlivnlt ín tell by tli ■ sp lltog o! i hls I 'imaii'e name wüiel her he is a Fieiu-hinan Oí crina n, but it is asMMicil i hia i c ni play the plano in i. :::■:■ taiugsiage. I : l I , ■ 1 1 1 1 ! ■ , ■ i i , , ■ ! v. , ■ ■ ] . p-u-ii ■ i j .- i t i ig in . he programma at i h Ooíe v. vntng, i o be gtven belore d i Leagiue, Dec. "01 h, i Ue name í Mi-s Fannie Lotilse Gwinner Wiaá ■. ni : 1 1 ei. Miss (winner [g n i ilirur 'i 1 .le ; ,i) 1 1 ; l rl lm 11 t OÍ tlll' Rlpoii Conserva tm-v o Muele, oi whieb Mr. i'n'.f is director atad by her dally música] w-k with Mr. ('ole is mi dcubi iut able tln1 rpret hiscomposttions tlhan any otiher pianist. 'l'liis íact with Miss (iwiancr's well Uiiown ciiïiity. wflí amare an enjoyable ppogramme. Mr. Oote will alao be Js.sisi.(l by MUs Ij.-y C'ir'.i'. Miss Carrie l'.dxvanU and Mr. E. X. Bilbtei The Ohoirel Taion miual nell a large munter otf seasom ticiketa yd to meel ttlw ezpemses oí i lie year. To be suri' people are ecoDomizlng in every way possiblu. SaviiiL; dollars 1ht'. and dftnm ttiere : iut hen is a coure ptoasoraUe entertainment, t!i ■■ equal oí any given in any ■ity OT place in urcat natiion di onr.s, and tlu-y .- h 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 nía; ilaiurd. Aun ArbOT fe tíikhi.í hiiíh poeltkm as a musical Cantee ; ils í.-i in t-'ais pesp ti i gefctlng world wide, and t.lve peaple here dhoaild Bee to lt thai iiiis tame nrviT recectes, wpectaHy íor the want of a dollar tW tWO from eacdl lover of good rniisic. Sa vi' soini'Wlifri' i Isc. but Riv tiliis ClKi.ral Finion Series the beuieiiit ,of patrosvage. Tlie cominir ■'Messiali" is nclli SU' alone, 1o s.-iy DOtJhdtag o.f i Boston Bympíiony (!ir]irMr;i. atad the other .■ntertaintaiinmentH iiiinounced. Tule Dunilee 1C(lrer, tclls the follow11- story: "A couple oí Ann Arbor studenis, ne from Frankfort, (rrmany. and thf otiher from Tecumeelh, carne to Dumdee, lntending to clliiangt! care and gi to Tecunisfh to spend tbelr Thaoiugtvlng. As the trate wats. ii r -t due for soime time, tile boya tihouglit they wonW walk over in Kea aliiil wtiíi tfliere ír t.'np train, '1 bey started o'f up the track and aft-r wïilkuiiï alinat (ve miles, carne to a villa.w. Imagine thcir surprise and eliaurin wlnen they learned they liad w.-iTUimI direi-tly toward Ann ArbOT and nriv in Azalia, ; so tliey aUniu-i'ared and walUrd baCk to Dundee. Tliey were exoeedtnly i!'(d and earnestly requeeted Tli" Leader lint to ínriitinn tln1 iai-t. [eaortng that fellow Btudebta would leam oí tlieir f;reat bilí ihIít. lint it "s too to keep." The I'aruiiy CoMCfert at Friese Memoria] Hall, Tliuixlay r-vi n i i u' , Dec-. 1 1. wiil tibe ínrni o' a BODg by Misa Alie M. I'.aily. iiiterBperaed with orgun solos. The new organ wül be uaed for tune llrst i na iliai n'-.-asion . Tile admission ti:-ki'ts, 50 cents stoeteholders, leeiiuv! ;l.00 íot all oí íi-rs, are ora sate. rr -eiity-iivi" cents for e admiggtwni. ( n ■ í greal - iiluremenis ol membersttüp in ítoe 6cí1mk. s Mu' fací that all these concerfaB are free to bhe pupiüs. These concerts are admirable dhamb r co-ncerts and tiie i.s iiutcIv nominal. Dr. W. P. Ijotnbard, n. l'n'. er.-ity. ives a lei-tui'e on 'nal PbyflfoiOgy at 2 o'clock Satuialay. 'J'liis is a vei-y impní'lanl subject oí imtiei'est and pcotM 1o all, and is nnt ■restricted to smj?ers. Admission to tlie s.aturiiay aftennooii leotures and pupils .recital íref. 'J'lii' recital last week was most deliurht íul and showed the great progresa made by the School. Lecture mi "Meesl&h" Monilay at 5 p. m., by ProT. Stanley. A ruebing business - Football playera.


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Ann Arbor Courier