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Manchester is enj nylng guccessful revival meetings. The men at IM.vmoiith haye a club. Quite in eipeoalve ooe, too. CbriBtmaa tivi and Bdclal al St. Mary's i'hurcli. l'inrkncy, Dec. 28d. Ileliftionis meetings are In progresa ;ii. Ehe M. E. chnrch, Stoay ('reek. Mii-s (".ir.i Anilrrson, af Pittsiield. is tcai'Jiina sciidi)! in IndlanapoÜB, TJie. I'ii t.süi'id Stans School house Sumlay m-Ihhi] lia.s elosed for tilt' vmtr. ('hrist mas nafflefl are nnw being arran.u'cil !or. (inly Ofte nut o I Iro lot - I lic tiii-kcy, y:in know. Mrs. Naney Stephensoo, ot Ypsllan1i. died Dec. rit li, aged si years. She iiail rc.-idrd there 18 y roiinly s partlog willi niany iif its iiiii plomeen tilla winter, more ,i ever befare, it is t tiauffhi . Au Vjisilantian is getting up ui excursioii to Californi.-i, etc. To be -ut '!() ilays and eost $350. TLfc Lapham Corners Sunday school at Salem, made $14 ooit of a chteken pie social on Thanksidving J)ay. .1 1] h t li.-ili and lus daufihtcrs will appear at tdie Dextor Opera ho-usse next Satorday evening- and they will siiijr. Over at Stocfcbrldge the other day, .1 dray beam ram awuy I .lust think d it I A dray team away! The Leader aays that the work of retmiMlog O. A. Kelly'- heen commenced already. That'e busineu ent Tlic Saline Maccabeea have purctiasod a new organ from tfoe Ann Arboa- nr;'an Co., and it glves excellent sat isiaet ion. dbae. Kiiücrs. ; Webster, Bprayed his apple t -i-i-s laai spring, and - j bas a cellar tull ; ehoice apples tinto white!-. AH rigtot, Bro. S. anilaril. w enjoy laany of them ave excellent, and th.y are always !-MÜte(l Wil. 1 lufb al 8to :kbrlüge meets every Öaturday p. m., at 1:00 o'clock oharp, a ml every meeting is re( Ing and jiiM.üalili'. I i irl e Milán . ,-ays : "Ome man was obeerved t" plek u]) a lii'oken lamp chtmoey and ï-eniove it. ,1(1 a sater i. l'red Kam lelrner is quite a. (armer. killed tuii 8-nunit!i.s-old hogs tliat welgted 582 poimdB, ace wegheö i".)i; and iiie 286 Chelsea llerald. The Wilsiiu bilí jias created quite a feellng amoog wool aml gheep gTOWers. The oi-dinary jnilit ieians warm combate ovr tibe aiialr. - Saline bserver. Dogu kilk-d and mangled nine valuaT.le slieeji for llaiisiiisbnri; oJ Augusta, recemtly. The Kheep wciv WOtth inore tlian all the doge in tüie county. It is sald tanait we are ln.ated om tlue tongeal st reet in tliu world, whlch taegftM ut .Miiliiiian aw-rnie in Detroit and onds at .Mi-liii;an avenue in Chi0600-286 juilvs.- AVayne Review. You eau liay yotir Webster town taxes at the Oexter SavtagS Bank ernery Saturiay tibtê mnntb. And the Dextor towm toies at the same Jilaee. t lie last tiro Saturdays in Deceinbor. At lUiniultis Jnnction, Wayne Co., a company propuse to '■■.■ul s5,000 i" tor aalt, olí, eoal, gas, er BomeThey belteve thefe is eometlhing uoder them tba1 lias mil- in ü. Saltee Obeerver aaye : "The coininhtee appolnted last week to .soüeii for iiie Dortfaern mifferers report good BUCCeSg and 1h;it in most ea i'.ie people appUed to have b e,, very geoeroufl." II ym du not ecure for the Courier amd tJie New York Tribune lor pier year iof ïm-Ui papers, take the OosmopoliUrn and tiue Courief for (2 per year in:' 1., tli. This is open to new Bubeci-ibers only. p The 8tookbrtdg 8tm Ls responsible tor the statement that Oeslie'i (k'partincnt Uoys respond to an alarm at tlie alarmiiLir gat f 1 mile per 1 liour. Im.vs do'a't want lo dte■oliraive llames, yon know. Last weck 3ctm l'ratt. of Lima, W itirkett & Alley 11 loods of wheat. oí 84 bagseacb, whieli made a total ii 48,990 pooiindfi. Some of the. 1ku1s wi'iu-lied 4,920 poomdfl, 1-iiiir 82 in-iieis t. :, i baga.- Dexter Ijeader. Hiu-idai-s liavc attetnpfed I ■ .-ii Saline agaln, tu1 iliil iiot Icaw wry i. They only burg-lura ■wil! gel up i i i o.1 Jota. Mre. Hnrrison Werner liad ■ pboien Monday ir■ had k.i ii i 11 .-i fcfliopping bag hang on the w -droom door and i .-in una tor it Taeed&y mornt bad ited.- SaJttte Obserwer. Alas! Muncy o.ten takes wlnga. Watáon i e r. ome tl i h raot prominent ot the ell izii: rloTi died kast Satorday, ai FpeÚanti, Irooa injui-irs reeelTtd ;i weeik prevloua by tJie running away j.' hls team. Ho was (l'.i ycars ui age, and Uved in Superior iir npwrdB of 80 years. He loavcs ;i ianiily. Andrew OanqAeU i; Plttatteld, bfw teen appotated by Qoviernor Jti.:li, to n;precnt the secoud district in the i'ainuT'.s Natknval Oangresa al Bavaun.-iii, Ga., on Deoemlbei1 12. Tiiis is a gOOd appointincnr and the fnriiiers are smt bo lo wel] represaated'.- YlisilajiUan. Wè barra been requeal d k publish tQie nains ot all the ld maids iu the ciiy. We respectiuUy decline to do O, iH'i-ausi' Ufe still Jns chai-ins ÍOT 0B, siut willislaudiii'i the ïart tlial timee are BO hard lliat nicals are acaree and provtelone iianl bo get. - lliiil.-on Toet. The -V mi Arbor Oonrter olfl( been burgtarlsed. A tramp palnter naiiu-d l'r.'d Wiltmore went iiirnuïii t'he building froun oeUar to garrei ;iiid finly KTiircil n nhoot.inii .si iel;, load pencil and ] , 1 1 1 ■ v knie. I[ tliis Um'1 a elear case Kleptomanla, tbere aavtx was ona. - Dtradee Ledger. Wnile rein" i wi'ck pubtiebed ii Boe dotngs ol TOurkxaa clubs, mii-t of WbdCD are la.dics or.nanizatíkOBB, nothlog is over said about tlie club beiliLnd the door wlth wliii-li the lady of tUi'O house wrlroni'S lirr hushaud wiuea he happena fco l.' The last ono to reaclh home at niirht. - Hudson Poet. Tlhat club is to be iouiwl iiniy in EDadson. -t needed elsewihere. J. M. Oattime, at Dcxti-r village, tV.fú on the 29tb uit., aged 66 yearo. He had Sved in Dextier i'l yean, and was a man wlio iras unusnally well known in tiliat vk-inity. Belng a populist in politica be wrote maity ai-üicles of ■ i;i.-i iI.t.-i merit for the papers, advocatAng his views. He wffl Ik; inisi'il (rom tliat village, ae a gooö cltlzem and able man is aiwayB niissed. Mrs. Grover l'hillijis. al Bamcroft, fornicily MUti Lols l'.arnar;!, daugÜLter iu late P. i!.iriia;-d, well known 10 all Uie ld settleps ol this eounty, by i:ic ,!raiii al Mr. Phfilips' hall brotber, a wealt-hj man o! New York c-ity, ri'fcivt'd a lc.nary ol $50,000, and ut nvo iininarrird daugtiterg wort' ri'inrinlwrrd $20,000 fai-h and llii' inarricd dauslitcr, Mr.-. II. ('. OampbeU, $15,000.-Hr. Hemld. TIkto's a lawyer ni at Featoo naincil 'liiikn ; a juduc namrd Walt; :in nin'.iTtakcr iiaiiit'il Unhot toni ; i doctor iiaincd Sur and an auctioneer nanii'd tW'.v. Quite i omiiinat ion. Xow tl Kulioiioin should knoik the Dop ".i u Stfte" and he in turn ehouM uiidri-tiiikc ti "Sue" hiai. we wonder ii they wooW ha v i o "Wait " long before they eould "Tlöker" up a law init. - Xurthvillc Bepord. ('liarles Woolger, of Deuton, Wa'yne couiity, and :i boer, wiili the saaie postoftloe nddrcKs tnt)k Iiirns alxml leailing eeeh otber. The teer is all r%bt, Imt Woolgee te not. He annjx.d wiih tlic teer tui his atmospüneric appaxatoa gave out and was tlien dhwgged distance, tlu; tope hoving taken a hitch iiround one leg, it' -'in ii? couidn't "teer" clear of the oaWe-tow.- Adsrlao Prese. At tilue amniuia.l meeting of Corustock poM No. 352, G. A. R., of Manchester, Oie foUorwkag ofHeere were elected : Commatiulrr Geo. Mslcy. Sc.üiur vice com. - II. II. Hough. Junior vice com. - H. H. Fellowg. Sui-iïcdin - H. "li!i])laiai- TIiok. F. Knsliton. (u terina. -ter - .luim Braun. Olllcer o Ube giiard- Jae. Kelly. Delégate- Joe. Wbeatoo. Tlie speaks oí a íiock of wild gjeeoe whieU are hovrlng aroumd J'inrkm.y. We have looked up the temn in our .Natural Htetory and scai-ciieii out Emcyclopedtta Brltanmica t.liron.uh ia va in. lor a (U-x-ript ion of this iinimal whatever it inay he. anl are now forced to aak -wim's a geeee ? '- ' h 1-ea st-.n ïard. A'nyons ouirlit to Ihí able to aiasvT t-liat aflor.n W Slandard's invn Btatemmit.. ; Pire in the Chetaea M. E. church two Bundaye bso, brouiht out the deliartmeiit . Tüie maiu atulionco room -man cansUlerably damaged. Now, conrerni'ng' tQie subject of fire as a pumishment for imforgiven sin, we leel delicate about offorüig an opinión ; but tilie incident at the Cheleea church, does suggest the pro]riety of combustible sermons belng written on asbestos paper.- Adrián Press. Wit.h göOK] rn.uN t4lE .ar.'iier COuld keep ili ■ I ii ■ snppiy P aecal[y (■ I ' lOtUS n hand whi-h i 'ii'iii. i w 'Me i-iiy ■ i:i.v higher alid w I tie r ■- ■d quahtlty i h y rroel ■■ x Jouraal. Iïill Nye bits II miu.uv : ''Go where wil In iliis r.iinii rj bo-diay and yon will i i ■ 1 1 1 men balking atoout tarifi nuil om raw matertal, while tlhere vraa none al that or any kind lm Uirii' huus's weeks cxcept as i wi.e eanmed it ani brougdii U tO t'lK-iii. The country is mil oi men wta have bhooghi ui bard tor the teotinnnm wcal i:iai t h , ■ se&ta 0( llii'ir txou ■ llke i be dam on tln jln-wiKüiH'i i s state house." Plhysiiians are liarvcstini; great feea at presemt and it is asserted iiiat i;' gome ome Bboivtd iakc any one ol Chelsea's Btreete, say the kMisrest ome, Main, tof instaure, go In r;irh separale lmiix' aod iiKiuire. lie would liiiil at least me mnil. t 0Í ca:!i iaiiiily ili, oc recoverkng from Mime illness, even edttOTS lm. exrmpt. Wllcll suöh is the eo'mlititm oí public liealtli what wi ii '■: that the medical m-IiouIs bom .in: (JoötOTB hy the tens ui thOUsanils yearly V Hiey B6em 1 i be a haea Steíidard. 'i ie tak. 'S eXCÖpi i.l.l tO the Tree i'rc-s correepoodeal Irom here i-all' :r eogtne ■'au uld fashd Miu::(-min." And weli it may i'iiine is (in ■ o.' the 'S hand etigtoee In bbe state, and will do as gpood aerv4ce as any otftuer engine, ei like capacity. It was sold tu Milán by Ann Arbor ttre commiaeloners and thiey did nut inisi-epresíiit it a partiële. In the las.t Ore it paiil tor ty ü.kmI wiii-k. A steani ca gliOS is Uet t i'i' only liir.-iitsi' steani will not t oit and iirmi will. The Milan ccirre.-.pnudent of t h Dt'troit Joonaal givee tbls iatetrestlng item : .1. Ii. X'crcelins. win) was ooe of tibe heaTtest lemen by the recent fire here, aaved lus valntiUlc colm collertion in a peculiar Wftjr. I.ast Satiirday lie rrceived a letter [rum a Bosbom eoJn o&llector, stattng tluit he would 1h here in a (ew days. and ii B prire eonld he auri'ed upotn lue would hny the coHectioa. Mr. VeaceUus book tive eoine out of the : ■(! tlhem (iv, t and i:it tlieni into bage. Thea, as he bad had severa] M.ili.i previonsly. t he thOUght eanie bO Ii i ni tO take tiieiu down to auk and ]ia; tlieai intu the vault. lle ininiediateiy acied UDOiD thls i i. Ught, and t luis liis -:iin ere saved. Ttoe ooUectkm constata ol 1.100 cotas and wetgthe 20 pounds, and the valne w',11 go iïlibO t lic t huasa nds. Mi--. Baxter :n Wonner, : tliis village, lias a Bilver dollar ol the date L804, lor -ivihii Ii slie couid ge $1,000 if abe ohnee to sell it..


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier