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Strength and Health. ir you are not feeling strong and healthy, try Electric Bitters, lf "La Grippe" lias lelt you weak and weary,' use Electric Bitters. This remedy acts directly on Liver, Stomncli and Kidneys, gently aiding tliose organs to perlorm their functions. If you are afflicted with Sick Headache, you will find speedy and permanent relief by t.nking Electric Bitters. One trial will oonvince you that this is the remedy you lieed. Large bottles only 50c. at Eberli.'irili & Son's Drugstore, and Geo. T. Ha.ussler. Mamliiester. NEW MEAT MARKET Send the 'r' r boy with your order, and rest assured that tlit.' quality and weijrlits will be the same as if you carne yourself. I carry in stock everything found in a FIRST-CLASS Meat Market And buy only the best stock. I am better prepared than ever t supply my customers in my new market J. F. HOELZLE, Cor. Washington and Fourth. 'Phone 75. 83-103 1894. Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. IIaiii'KrN Hazar Is a Journal for the lionv. Ir elvea cbe rullest and latesl Information aboul huis, and lis Dumerous lUustratlons, Paris designs, and pftttern-sbeel snpplementa are Indispei allketo the ]i e dres maker and the professional ïnodtste. Noexpense [a Bpared t" make lts artistlc attractlvenessof the blgheel order, lts bright tti amustng comedies, and tboughtful essays satlafrall tastee, umi lts laai page is ranuras as a iimluct of wit and humor. In Ittrweekly Issues everyttmig is inrludcd wlilcli la of Interes! to women. The - Cor I8M wlll be wrltten by William Blaoi u.tkii Bbsant. Short Btorleswill bo wrltten by Mart E. Wn.Kiss, Maria Louisk Pooi,, Rueu MgEnkr? Sii i; i . Marton Hahi.anp. and otherfl Out-door Sports and In-door Sames, Social i talnjnent, Embroldery, and ot her Interestlng topics will recelre constant ittcntlon. A new Bei promlsed of "Codee and Repartes." HARPER'S PERIÓDICA LS. HARPBR'8 UAOAZIKR., 4 00 HARI'KIfs WEEKLY 4 (K IIARPKUS BAZAH Ot HABPEK'a YOUNG l'KOI'LK 2 0 Postage Free to all subscriben in Ou United States, Canuda or Mexico. The volumes of the üazar begin with the fitst nuraber for January of each year. When notlrae is men tlooed, 8u bsorlp tlooa will begin witli the Xumber curreut at time of receipt of order. Bound volumes of Harper's Bazak, ior threeyears back, in Deal cloth binding wlll be sent by mail, postape pald or by express, free of expense (provided the freight does nol exeeed one dollar per volume), for $7.00 per volume. Cloth Cases for each volume, sultable tor binding will be sent by mail, post-paid, on receiptol $1.00 each. Remittance should be made by Post-offioe Mouey Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Nfivsvaperg are not to copij this advertisement wiüwul the txpress order of ÏIakhek & Bkothers. Address: HARPER & BROTHERS, New ORK. TERMS OF CÖÜET FOR THE TWEKTY-SECOXI JUDICIAL CIRCUIT FOR 1891-95. TEUMS OF CIRCUIT COUKT. Statí " Michigan: Th Twenty-second Judicial t Hrcuit, TERM8 OF COUKT IN AND FOR SAID CIRCUIT FOR TUK YKAKS 1894 AND 1SÜ5. I. E. D. Kinne, Circuit Judge in and ior the Tuenty-soeond Judicial Circuit, do bereby lis and appoint the times of holding theseveral terms of the circuit court in and wlthlll the Twenty-second Judicial circuit for the years 1894 uiid 1886 s follows, to it : I n KONROE corNTV. The first Tuesday of February. the first Tuesday of April, the tecond Tuesday of September, and the flrst Tnesday of November. IS WASHTENAW COUNTY. The Brit Monda; in March, the flrst Monday In May, the flrst Monda; in October, und the first Monday iu December Dated.Oct. 2U, 1898. E. D. EINNE. 91 Circuit Judge DO fOU OWN i HORSTT We have removed our business to the shop ofM. STAEBLER, south of our former stand, on the other side of the street. We are prepared to give you extra good shoeiiig for the same money. Come and see ournew style of shoes, also our turned shoes. We are not offering cheap shoeing but good shoeing. Thanking you for the past favors, we kindly ask you for a continuaucc of your patronage in the future. Eslinger & Bro. ASTHRSA7 OÜRÈDbut Jhe PEERLESS ASTHMA REMEDYwlfl Bive ïnnuint relief. 25o and 50c Slzes. Mample ma leu f ree. At drugKitH or muiU'd o rectiipt of pne l'-i The Peerless Remedy Cd Gubloville, Mich


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