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Be Generous For A Day

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Next' M iini.iv commemmoratea the birth of the Saviour of the world, .lesus Christ. Hls Bweel spirit should on day prevade and control the mimi and beari ol every human being on earth. Thai one day, al least, of the 865 daya oí the year should be glven over id deeds of Love and charity, and in making those aboul us comfortable and happy. There are tnousnnda of homes In this greal republic thai will be cheerless, and desolate, cold and miserable, without lire, without food, without a ray of Joy pr hope even. anless the spirit of the Saviour enters t he hearts of the people who have been blessed witli plenty, and prompts them to care ïcir these needy ones. There is a work tor you to do. my triend. Von ïnay give what you think yon eau afford to give for the poor and needy in' the northern península and elsewhere, and then your duty is mil done. We have the pooi' at own doon. There are men, women and innocent little children rlglit here in Arai Arbor, who are without food and lire unless it is furnished them by the hand of oharity. The number of such is nol great, bul because of that they should nol be overlooked in the greater needs elsewhere, for their necessities are jast as presalng. Do not forget t hem. Take from your plentlful store a suf'leienl amount to make some famlly iess fortúnate tlian your own, comrortable and happy for ihis one day. the most blessed day ii the calendar. The sun should not set next Monday night on a home nr a household in this city oí Aun Arbor tiiat has not been visited by some messenger bringiim- glad tidlngs in the shape oí tuel and food. Not a person in tliis city should re t ire Monday night without belng made to feel that the blessed Bon who gave bis Ufe upon Calvary for all mankind, had come close to him, had touhecd him, and brought joy. Jsever before in the hlstory of this generation has there been so many needy ones as now. There .ire htingry ones everywhere. It i.s a time for givlng. Give generously as fortune has dealt generously with you ; and in so doing rest assured that the peace that paaseth all ondenrtandtng wili fili your heart, and yon will retire to rest with a loy that you perhaps have never experienced before - tlie joy of generous givlng. It is more blessed to give thnn to re ceive. and a kind and generous deed makes every one who does it a better and a happier person. There is no familie in the land. There is plenty for every one. The only thlOg i for those who have more than thelr needs reqnlre to give to those who have not. It does not require self-sacrifici even. It almply requlrea a spirit o.' gen erosity- a spirit of bumanlty. ï.et not thy brother hunger when thou Jiast plenty and to spare.


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Ann Arbor Courier