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The Wilson Bill Is Already Becoming

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-■i dlsfigured that its own father ean hardly recognize it. Tliey have not the tin plate te now su ih'it is nut much different froin the awful McKinley blll. Mr. Watterson still lives. He h;is been so quiet of late tliat tliis aunouncemeni geems necessary. Utah will be admitted as b state liy the preeenl congress. ïon know the Mormons have alwaya voted t ht democratie ticket. The Hawalian pollcy of tliis adminIgtratlon and the Hawalian throne ol Queen both appear to be in the saine dilapitated (-(inilition. Jí Mr. Blalne'e patriotlc pollcy of reclprodty v,-is Jlngolsm, then a good Injeetion n j agoism would be a grand tbing lor Mr. Cleveland's administraTidll. When we see delegations coming up from Louisiana, from Alabama, and trom other Bouthern states, proteatinp. agalnst the [ree trade provieiona of the Wilson iiili. H is a healthy Arizona and New Mexico are no Ung admission as statea ol the Union, and wlth a good prospect of ceedlng. To be Bure shey are musí all greasers out there, but then democratie senators are aeeded, you know. Colorado lias always 6ragged over Michigan and other oorthern states, bacanse of üs conti nual fine weaiher. Now that sta le has jnst been lndulging in a three weeks' snow nu. without any lei up. That gives Colorado the ball. The village oí Hoiiy Hl have to pay Dr. Hunter $10,000, the amount awurded by the Jury in the lower court, for injuries the Dr. recelved by drlving uto an excavatlon Id the rtr et iiru wae not properly guarded. A pretty coatly hole for Holly. E. N. Dlngley, formerly oí the Ka lamazoo Telegraph, has boughi a controlllng interest in he Grand Kaplds Bagle, oí .Mr. A. I!. Turner. Mr. Dlngley la a hustler, and Mr. Turner whom lie Bueceeds, is one oí the oldes1 .-mil !■■; editora Ín Michigan. Presiden! Clevelan ! in lils Bawal'.an mese Lge to cong "II iilon with n Eorm oí governí'.ir; own, Is mi regúlate our iluct, iiavc entlrely oilsappreilsslon and character ol ;; mil ii.-l.'i lour uiiieh demanda Vmi guesscd ii the íirst time, Mr. President. Yon have entlrely misapprehended the iracter ol the American people. WTien it is a question between a rotten monarchy or a n nelghbors yon wlll always Ilnd ag wlth those win) wam to rule thema Ivés and to put down a i Issolute monarch who ■ ni. We : to be consistent, lor . the waj ourselves etarted aa a republlc. It i nol the rlght íhlng to !o lo ti-y to a young republie tor the enthroning ol a BUllied queen. Look (in youT hands. Mr. President. They are covered with piteh. Better keep them out of Queen Lil'g pol dlsh. It takes n.iion ii:i-'.n-is di svhent lo r .-i congressman's salary tor n year. That's pretty high, tepecially for congressmen who vote to rob the farmer "f their eurrency, and makrs their wheat siill cheaper. The above l ip at Congreea nan i o - man. ot tiiis;.-!. ba taken trom the demoi ratle Adrián Pres. And now the experta are iirni in the bellet that Prendergaat, the man lui assaselnated Mayor Harrlson, of Chicago, is insanr. Perhapi he is. but Insane or nol . he should bc duI where by no poBsiblllty nelther GJov. Altgeld nor any guccesBor, can some day glve hiin lus Uherty. On young man ia Chicago flnda profitable work in supplylng min;stera vitn sermona. He lias l'.'o clients, vii'i pay 50 cents or '"! each. They are wldely scattered over the country and among all den minations. Hla work is so remuneratire tha1 he employs seyeral itadenta as , i - .- i - 1 8ay, Mr. ourter, we just want to see a bilí worth íiíty bllliona to Bngland, tor it wouil mean the best times in the United Statea thai ever could be wiBhed !- Tpsilantl Sentinel. Yes. Xhere are people, strange as it tnay seem, who figure out that t! e-m gel rleh by paylng out all the money they can earn to aome one cl-c Instead of keeping it at home. Ti hardly seems posslble th.u the working people of a country could step so suddenly trom apparent ii'iity to ;i1j:t! poverty, .-ís lias been the in tiiis country during the few months. It provea that o greal majority of them are Improvidenl and do nol save anything tor the future, but trust that to take cari' o!' i which is always dangerous. Kti'ii 1'rcy, the newly elscted p Ideni of the RepubUc o! Swltzerland, was a resident of Chicago, when the greal rebelllon bfoke out, and Berved ilii country all through the war. Ile enlistad as a private Ui Co. 10. - Illinois regiment, and was finally made Captain f ('o. i. n_' in. Infantry. HU health waa so broken at the close of the that lic retnrni'd to liis oative Bwitzerland, became .'in editor, was elected to the Bwisa conprese, and is now president. If you should desire to erect a fine resldenee yon would not send for a blacksnilth to draw the plans, would you ? If you were a sensible man yon would senil for an architect to do the job, of course. But the democratie party lias called opon a man tp construct for theiu a tariíf blll, lio representa nelther commerce or inanuíact nrcs. There is not a sea or lake port in hia district nor a manafacturlng Industry o! any kind. There are few coal mines, the owners of whlch hare protested againsí coal. lias that party shown ordlnaiy business sense In ehooslag an architect ? This has been one of the most disastroua yeara the tire Insurance companiee have ever had to contend with. To be sure there has been no great connagration Hke the Chicago tire of 1871, or the Boston f re a lew years back, but the tossea have been continual, not a week passing without gome serloue loss, and the aggregate is Bomethlng astonlahing. The Insurance companles will all have to adoit the plan that some of the more conserva t ivc companles have already adopted, - e., not take over $5,000 or $10,000 iisk in any onc búelnegg block. The éauae ui ;i large proportion of onr iiiisiiicss tallares comes trom a $200 capital trying to do a $10,000 bunlness.- Adrián Press. When Marshall Field, the Chicago merchant first started in business he had just $850 capital that lic had saved. If the Presa cares to Investígate, il will Fiiid that if a majority ui the successful business men of the day had walte 1 muil they occumulated a large capital to do a large busi, they never would have si, -ir The great beauty of thls land of Hberty Is tha1 a poor man may have au opporfunity to prosper, if he lias the ablllty. It is a natlon where bralns, noi boodle, carrles the day. The yct.y latett trom the Hawallan Isiands is the Btatemeni that Qi Ml. exercislng more good sense than President Cleveland, has decided thai she will nol aocepi her old geat on the throne. If Mr. Cl land iii maintaln an army there t proteci her and her monarchy, then ghe may consider the matter. Would nol the president o! the United States preseni a beautlful picture using the torces ol tli; United States to maintaln e queen upon a throne? Tin.besi thing Mr. Cleveland can do for liis own reputatlon and the honor ol this natlon, is to acknowledge, like a man, that he has been dead wrong in Iliis mat ter. and come out wlth a pollcy that will glve the peop] these i-l ad atable lcovernment. Mr. Blount, ia hls di Blre to haul down i ilag, has made representations to Mr. Cleveland that were faUe. Now that they have been proven so, the bes1 thing to do is in make a square back down. and do the rlght thing.


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Ann Arbor Courier