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Cleveland's Conspiracy

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The herolc dert irnilnatlon ol the provisional governmeni ol Hawali to restei to the laat, the attempt to force upon the pepple ol the lslands a degraded monarchy, la wórtliy the f reedom -loving Bona ol tree bom fathers. The Bpectacle ol that i i 1 1 band ol our brothers, Inspirad i'.v the same noble and herolc sentiment that Insplred pur fathera when they defled England's power and Englanil's halters, standing in the far away PaclHc, ready to Bell thelr last drop f blond rat lier than sabralt to the rile consplracy hatched between the Anulo presldsni oí the United States and the EngUsJb government, must arouse in tliis country unlver gal Bympathy. These are our brothers. They know they are rlght. Thc.v know they stand tor Ireedom, ï - clvlliïation. for Chrlstlanlty and a Chrlstlan God, agatnst slavery, corrnptlon, 11centlousness, paganlsm and a pagan God. Mr. Cleveland and England v.ill not, we believe, dare to carry out thelr innvortliy and mad schemea aainst thls llttle Spartan band ol patriota and beroes, bal Bhould they go down before England'S power, aldeii by the semi-barbariana ol the lslands and the anwiUlng United States marines, as the freedom lnsplred heroes of the Alanio feil before Santa Anna's Woodthlrsty Boldiers, then lieaven have nieny upon the ti'aitoi-s againsi liberty and republlcanlsm, v.iio wi'i-e responsible for thelr murders. We may Judge tii" presl leni ol the United .lates harshly, hut all the faets i luis í.'.r made public indícate that Mr. Cleveland entered Into a eonBplracy wlth England to reseal apon her throne the harlol queen of Hawaii. Is thls Is trae, and ii lt Is trae in attempting to carry out their mad and senseless scheme, he has rtolated all the us;i!' oí international law, and lias at the sanie time turned a traitor's hand agalnal the spirit and the sacred Instltutlons of liis own country, he stands not as Senator Hoar Kiiys apon slippery ground, bul a volcano is rumbling beneath hla feet. No president of the republic ever oeeupied a. more critical jiosition. This is a republlean governinent in faet as well as thcory. Let but one of the patriota oí Hawall fall a victtm of Mr. ('levi-land's uuAmerican pollcy, and the news, like an electric shock, Avill kindie nnew, the fires of true BepnbUcanUm from ocean to ocean. - Toledo Commercial. We have received in pamphlet forra the open letter of ex-Commlgsioner ('liarles L. Carter to Serrelary Gresham on the Hawallan question. It shows ii] in Btrong Iniiiíu.-iife tlie BXqueen'g politica! crimes, also how the revolutlonary party had deposed her, establlshlng their provisional governmen1 before the D. S. marines landed to proteci American property. The captain ol the U. 8. forcea twi'-e refused to scnd :i u armed guard to help the new government before they were firmly established. It Bhows how migleading Blount's statements were and the jiistlce ol the provisional government In all lts acts, as well as the fairness oí Mr. Stevens, the United States minister. A hustllng democrat who went frora southern Michigan gome yeara ago is interested In the stone crush[ng business in Detroit. The new tarIII law will remove the duty from his product, and he saya the Canadians can put the stolt lato the citles, which are hls best customers, at prioes which are slmply ruinous to liim. Well, he will have to pay less lor hls labor, that is sure, and that will be the first thing to be done when Ca nadian competltlon begins. People eau talk and theorlze ji 11 they will about compelling a manufacturer to pay high prices lor labor. 1 1 ■ may be lorced temporarily to pay wages which leave hiin Qoprofit, bul cv, -ïitiiually he will close his works.- .lonesville Independeni . The message on the Hawallan matter sent to congress by Presideni Cleveland is nothing more nor lega than a pettlloger's brie:', trylng to prove that some one else has lied. ThC vindirt iveness shown tlierein :!_:iii-t the late Minister Stevens 'n unworthy the dignity of so high aa lal .-'.s t he presiden! oí the Unlte 1 States, it is merely the attempi ol a drowning man to catch at a straw. President Cleveland knows bhai luis in the wrong. He lenows thai the public .-ent in:en! of the natlon is dead againsi him, and mule like, he Is er, deavoring to kiek agalnst tha1 sentiment, it will do ii') good. He will have to acknowledge that he is in the wrong or be overwhelmed in the avalanche.


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Ann Arbor Courier