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Enslih Spavtn Linlment removes all Hard, .So.t or Calloused Lumps and Blemíshes írom hrses, BloodSpavIns, Oorbs, Spllnte, Swoeney, Ringlïone, Stiltes, Spraïns, all S wollen TbrOOte, Cöughe, etc. Save $30 by use of eme bottle. Warranted the most womderful Blemteh Cure ever known. Sold by II. J. Iirown. drugü;s(, Ann Arlor. To California - Via Denver and Salt Lake City. Patraña oí Une Great Central Route Weekly Excursions to California via tlie Union Pacific can have their tickets read vla Demver and Salt Lake City without addltkmal expense. SfMid ior folder glvins details and advantaeee oJfered. P. E. Shearer, Maiiaurr, 191 S. Clark Ht., Chicago. E. L. Lomax, Gn'l Pa. & Ticket Ajgent, Omalia, Neb. Keliff in Six Hours. Dfetresslmg Kidney and Bladder dise.'ises relreved in slx Jiuurs by the "New Great South Amerlcain Kidney Cure." This nrw re;nedy is a great surprise on account ol lt exoeeding promptncss ;n r']it'vinir pain in the bladder, kidney?, back and every part Of the urinary passages in male or i female. lt reltevea rrtention of ; ber and pain in passing it, almoet imïiKïdiatoly. If you want quitk reliet and eure tuis is vuur remedy. Solil by II. J. I'.rown. druggist, Ann Arbr. A very fine Ptootograptolc View ol t li ,- Wm-H's J'air 8x10 in-hes In size, wroerk oi the Ofllcial Photographor of the United States Gaveromeat, juni acocMnpanted by a graphlc, intereetlBg and authentle descxip-tlewi. wflj be M-ni tree by tte Chicago Weekly Oceon to anj-oiv who will eend ii'' '-i-fnt Btam.p [or postale. Addnss. ■'Libra lian," ínter Ocean. For ('liri-t mas a ml New Year Boli(I.i.vh, Uue TL, A. A. & N. M. B'y win sell ccursicv:i tic tber 28d, l'.'tli aail :;ot!i ;in! .ai; iaiy 1 s t , at cine and one-1 blrd are for i Ue round trip. Tickets wil] I good going on iat e di sale and tor r s1 urn untü Jaarna i-y 2nd Lnclusir 'i i :ke1 a tor 81 aóe [te n IH lssued Dee. -'. in 231 id to 1 - 1 n:i i]] i) Jan. 9tih '9 1-. Hard omes to A gral e worl p tlw Li ■■ Sia iilai-il i i-iii atlon OH p-rïi Your Watch Insured Free. A perfect iusurance against theft or accident is the now famous BOW, the only bow (ring") which cannot be pulled or wrenched from the case. Can onty be T&ïfg] bad on cases containingthis trade mark. P -UAliE MV - Keystone Watch Case Company, of Philadelphia. the oldest, larijest, and most complete Watch Case factory in the world - 1500 employees; 2000 Watch Cases daily. One of its products is the celebrated Jas. Boss Filled Watch Cases which are just as good as solid cases, and cost about one half less; Sold by all jewelers, without extra charge for Nonpull-ont bow. Ask for pamphlet, or send to the manufacturers.


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