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8EVE5 MAGAZINES I OSE. ST. NICHOLAS FOR YOUNG FOLKS, "WIDE A WAKE," Now Merged in it. Enlarged by 900 ndditional page in the volume. Everything Illustrated. Of all publieations for boys and girls, St. Nicholas, conducted by Mary Mapea Dodge. is unquesttonably the best. lt has been pralsed by the press and the peopleof two continents- lts clrealatton is unpreceuentcd arnong magazines for young folks. lleninningwlth tlie number is enlarged by the addltlon of about2üO pas;es in thevulume, and lor 1883-U4 it will luive the greatest program in lts history, including A NATURAL HISTORY SERIES, brilliantly illustrated, describing the quadrupeds of North America in a popular way, by W. T. Hornaday, recently Chiet Taxidermist of the U. S. National Museum; 'TOM SAWYER ABROAD, ' a Serial Story by Mark Twain, In whlch the ereat humorist's famous oreatlons. "Torn Sawyer" and "Huekleberry ■Finn." visit the eastern hemlsphere (in a ílyiüg-machine); a series on AMERICAN AUTHORS. by Bradner Matthews, setting forth In clear and simple forni the main blographical facts and the cliief literary qualltles of famous men in American litprature, including Irving. Cooper, Brvant, Hawthorue. Emerson, Lowell, etc; Stories of India by Rudyard Kipling. When Rndyard Kipling was a boy In India he used to read St. Nicholas. and now he takes hls turn at brlnglng deligbt to the thouaandi o' youug folks who read lt to-tlay. He haH wrltten forst. Nicholas a series of remarkable stories of boy and girl life in the Jungle and with animáis. ■Recollections of VTild Life, " by Dr. Charles Baatmao, a tall-blooded Sioux Iiuliiit), anti a gradúate of a whltfl inan's ooilege (Dartmouth); a descrlptlon of Ind-an llfe,- In camp and on the war path,- deaoribed from the iuslde. A novelty in llterature. Papers on the Government. "How raoney is Made,' (the Mlnt),"How the Treasury is Gttarded," "How the Government Promotea lngenolty" (the Patcnt-offlce), "Tbe Dead-Letter Offloe," ■ ' i t ii the West l'nint ('adfts.'" 'How Aruiiis [alk to Each Other," "Life 011 a War," etc. SERIAL STORIES BY Howard Pyle, Francis Courtenay Baylor, James Otis. Molly Elliot Sewell and The Author of "Lady Jane." THE FAMOUS "BROWNIES," by Palmer Cox, wlllalso bea feature N icholaH, Are yon solux to bnve t. DTIch 'las in y;mr huriic in !u ? New Rubscrlberfl Rhonld bfgin wmIi November. The priceofSt. Nic 18(3.00 a year. Everytblng in it I illnstrated. Subscribe tbroogh book-Kellera nul newüdealers, or remll to the pubUsher by cliick. diat'r money, orexprera order. Don Í mist i ' JSi tSH i The Century Co., 33 E. 17th St. N. Y. Writt . Nicholaê.'' - free. Ann Arbor Fruit Farm Smal] Fruit and trees from Ellwanger and Barry, the oldest nursery in the United Stutte. Raspberry and lilnckberry Shrabs, Domestic Wines, l'lvtnoatfa Rock Eggs, and Artichokes. E. BAUR, Ann Arbor Mieh. ! "ItS ' publttlu 'i in Uu E ditputed anywh n .- Ai. han v A.BOO8. The CENTURY MAGAZINE in 1894. THE GBEAT8T OF ALL THE HAGAZINK8. 2000 Pages of the Best Literature. 1000 Illu8trations by the Greatest Artists of the World. The Programmeof the new volume of The Centry Magazine, beginning wilh the November number, Is ooe of rare Interest to every reader of literature. The chief serial íeature ia a New Novel "by Mark Twain The most dramatic story ever written by Ainerlia'R ereatest humorist. Like several Of Murk Twatn's stories, it has for lts seene usteamboat town on the Misslssippi River forty years ago. "Pudd'Dbaad Wilson." a bard-headed country lawyer, Ibe hero of the story, furnlshes much of the fun tlnit one naturally expects to flnd in a work written by the authorof "The Innocents Abroad " but neappears in quite another light in the murder trial whlch forms the thrilling climax of the story. The plot Introduces a novel and ingenlous employment of science in the detectlon of crime, and the characters are welldrawn and their every action is lnteresting. The Century will eontaln a A Series of Superb Engravings of the Old Dutch Masters; Article8 on Hunting of Fierce ; Arttcles describlng ARTISTS ADVENTURES, by leading Ameritan irtlsis, with thelrowc illustrations ; Artlcles descriptive of Important Expeditions in all the great eontlnents. i nclmlini.' tl) e atlventnrea of two yoncig A.merlcans who traversed on bicycles; A novel series on Tramping with Tramps ; How ayoung man disenlMd as a tramp, traveied over America rnd learned all s Of Ilie -'prorrssion'; Important Papers on Musio by the greatest living composer 8 and muilofans; rjnpubllBtaed eaiaya by James Russell Lowell ; short BtortM and novelette by all the ins; story-writcrs. essays on tlmelt bu6 humor and fan In lh "Llghter Veln" department, etc.. etc. Tlje The Great Christrnas Number contalns n sermón by Pbllllp Bn complete ntn fuïl, a ni w pli i ;nin t . via Booth. i Subscribe Now. - TIIK CENTDBT C0MPA5Y. No, 33 East 17th Street, New Nork. Write fora 'Minialnre Ontur ." free. "wantÊ Hen ti work fbroswhodeslre tomake money tliis fall and winter c: Black times. Excellent chance. Liberal pay. [fyou bave upare time, oat of work, or looking for a paying busini'ss writr me aL once. Fred. E. Young, Nurseryman. ROCKESTER, N, Y.


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