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'I'his is the sc'.-isim of the year when papa and mamma stroil along by the Chrlstmaa wlndows witli a far away, abaent-minded sori oí look, nnd when th childreo are witnin hearing distance spi'll important and suggeative wofds to one another. The January nuraber of -'Toilettes ' lias just been received. It marks lUe announcement of the coming year as well as the fourteentli VOlumo of the Journal. Thla is the most attractlve and brightesi perlodlcal of the kind lor American women. lts page8 are lieautiïul witli the choieest designs tor each season of the ycar. aothing bul what is in the besi taste and Btrlctest iasliion obtalnlng place thereln. u is the Buresl gulde in mattere of dress al present publlshed. Toilet íes" can be obtained trom all news dealera, or direel fVom Toilettes Publiahing Co., 126 W. 28d si., New Vork. Bingle copies 15 cents -. yearly subscrlptlons $1 .50. - Ask Your Friends WhO have laken Hood's Saisa])ai-illa wliat they think of it, and the reines will be posltive in its favor. Slmply what Hood's Sarsapnrilla loes, tha1 tells the story of its meril . One has been cnred of Indigestión or lyspepela, another ïinils it Indispensible tor si-k headaehe or bllloueness, wliile others report remarkable cures tl scrofula, catarrh, rheumatlsm, salt rhenin, etc.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier