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16 Worlds Fair Photos for One Dime. Tl. . Milwctukee & Si. Paul Railway bas made aa arrangement wii'.i a : : house bo íuriii-:i a sr.-ifs of beau Wnrlii's f air r i ores, erf a large aainal oost to the pur,íóCio di iiii-,'i Uluetrations. No1 i In reforence bo tie id'a Iiii' iui.s befwe been pub(1. THe series wou ld be wort [it leasi twvlvo dollars il' jiu-tuics wenend publl bed In socb large quaniiiir ■■., .ml we are i'n'refore able to lurnMi tliese viit!;s oí art for only lr;i rcüls. r.i'init yomr ïmwiry 1' George II. l'.r.'i. teraJ Passenger Asent, '■In.a.iio, Milwankee & St. Panl Kailway, at Oliicago, 111., and the ]i-1 iircs will be somt proraptly to any .-luci.ii'ii address. They will make a liaiulsoane Jioliday (;ít. 1894. HARPER'S MAGAZINE. ILLU8TRATED. Habpbr'S Mahazink for 18U wlll malntain the chnriicter thal lia made it the te vori te Illustrated perlodickl fortbe home. Araong the resnlts of ODterprlsea umlertuken by the pabllBhere, there wili appear üurldg tbeyeai superlily illustrateü papers on India by Enwin LoftD WKEKStOD ttie Japanese S6asoill by alfhkd Pahsoks, on GermaDy by Poui.tNKY KlliKI.OW. "Il i'aris by 1ÍUHAHI) llAI!linií Davi8, aml oo Mexico iiy Frbdbeio Rbminoton. Amone the oilier notabli fejitures of the year wlll be novele by Qborgb du Mattrieb aud Charles Dddlky Warner, tne per■onalremlDlBceDcea of v. L). iIovki.j„s. and ciizht short storiea of western iro ulier lift; hy Wistsr. Short storiea wlll also be contrlbated by Brander Matthbws, Richard Harding i . Mabt k. wmkins, Ul ll[ McEjNERY Hilakt, .Miss LaURENCB VlmaTadi í a, Geo. A. Hibbakd, Quesnay . i ai' kki'a i ui:, Thomas Mki.son I and otheis. Anieles on topics of curren! Interest wlll be oonlrlbuted by dlst}ngalsbed speoiai . iiarper's per:odicals. PEK YKAK : HARPBR'S MAGAZINK 4 00 HARPEB'S WEKKLY 4 00 HAIU'KK'S BAZAR I 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 00 PoHage Frte to all subscriben in the ünlteó Btattêt f 'nnala or Mexico. The volumes of the Magazine begin wlth the Nurabers for June aud December ol aeh year Wnen no time is apeolfied, subscriptions wil] begin witli the Kurabcr turrent at time of recelpt of order. Bound Volumes of Ha kpkh's Maoazink, for three jears back, In neat clolh binding, wlll besent by muil, postpald, on receipt of 83.00 per volume. Cioth Cases, lor binding, 50 cents each - by mail, postpaid. Remittances shoiild be made by Post-Offlce Money Order or Draft, to avold chance of loss. JVeivspapers are nol to copy thil adwrHtmuwt Without tht e order Of llAUVl.H & IiHOTlIICHS. Address: HAI1PER& BR0TUER8, N,-w Vork. 1894. Harper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. Habprk'8 Weeki s - bey indall qnestlon ullnic JoarnaJ 111 America, in lts Bpiendid IHiiRtral lons, la lts corps of distlngulsned ou ti lbotorg, and In lts vaut army ol rea In special linea n draws on tnebigbeal order of talent, llie men best fltled by poaitton and training to treat tlxj leadlng toplee of the day, In (iciion, tbe most popular Btorywrlters contrlbute io lts columns. Buperb irau's by the foremost artista lllnstrates iis apen [al anieles, lts ulorles, and every notable event f public Inten-st; it contalns p .rtraltsof tbe diitloguisbed men and nomen who are maklng tbe nlatory of tho time, wbile speclaj atteotion isgiven to the Armv iincl N;ivy. Ameteur Sport, and Magie and Drama, by dlstlngulshed experta. In a word Hahi'kks Weekly oomblnea tbenews featuresof tbe dslly imper and the ar tl s tic and llterary qnalitles of the magaslné with the soliU crltioal cbaraoterof tlie review. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. BARPKB'S MAGAZINE $ 4 00 ilAKI'i-.Us WIOKKI.Y 4 00 11 V.RPER'8 BAZAR 4 nO HARPKB'S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 00 Pottage frte to all tub$etiben In Uu United States, Vanada, tn'i Hezieo, The Volumes of the Wekklv begin wlth the (lrst Numher for January of each year. When do time Is nientloned, subscriptlons wlll begin wlth the Number current at the time of recelpt of order. Bound Volumes of Harpkk's Weekly for three yeare back, In neat clolh binding, wlll besent by mail. postnge palü. or by express, free of charge (provided the frelght does not exceed one dollar per volume.) for $7.00 per volume. Olotb Cases for each volume, sultable for binding, wlll be sint by mail, post-pald, on recelpt of 41.00 each. Ilemlttance should be made by Post-Offlce Money Order or Drafl, to avold chance of loss. Ntwtpavtrt art nol (o eojw (kit adnertUemati u-ithiml tM express order af Habper & Bkos. Address: HARPER & BROTHERS, New Yohk. 1894. Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. IIíri'Ek's Bazar Ík a Journal for the borne, n ïlvee fullist and liucst liifunnallon alxrat Fusilid Ita Dumeroai lllustratlons. Pari designa, :inri pattern-sheet BapplemeDtB are Indispensable allke to the home dress maker and the professional inudlati'. No expense is tpared u make lts artistlc attractlvenessofthehighesl order. lts brlght I amaslng comedies, ana thoughtful essays satlnfy all lütrs. and na last page ís fainous as a budget of wit and In lts veeklj issues everytmng li includríi uiitrh ís of Enteres! to iromen. " The Seríais , iii be wrltten by Wii.j.iam Blaoi ist. Bhon Storleswlll wrlltcn hy E. WlLKINS, M.ici.i LOI lífKII ■ Sn IKT, Mvhimn HiRLAND, and otiléis. Out-door Smirts umi In-door Qames. Social Enter talnment, Embroldery, and ot her tnterestlng x win rectilve constant attention. A new serles is promlsed ol 'Codee and Bepartee." HARPER'S PERIODICALS. BARP IAZINR 4 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY . 4 i fclARPER'S BAZAH ... 4 mi ELA.RPEH'8 YOONQ PEOPIiE......"!." i 00 Ye lo all subscribir in thé Untttd States, Canada (ir Mexico. Tbevolameaof th Bazas begin wltli the Oral miinber lor jHimary of eacli year. When do time i mentloned.subacrlptlons wlll iiogiu wlih Uie Nuinber current at time of reueipt oí order. Boand volume of Hakpbb'8 Bazak, for tbree years baok, Ín neavt eloth binüiii" wlll beseut by malí, postase pald. or by expresa, fre expense (provlded the frelghi doos not exceed one ilollur per volume), for $7 00 per volume. Clotb (':ises for eaeh volunii', saltable tor bindlng wlll in; tent by raall, post-pald, on recelptof $l.U0each. Remlttenoe ahoold be made by Post-offlee Money Order or Dralt, to avold chance of loss. Newspaper are not lo copy this advertisemenl without the txpress order oHAiti'Ku & BnoTHBBS. Addres: HARPER t BB0THER8 New York. H rom bines ÍThe Strongest Features of all other Sporting Journals. . . . 2C. buys $25.00 worth of REST, - - - fRBCRBATHQff, ar}4 OUTIfüQSo ék( FEATURE5 - - lïVy Athletics, Shooting, Military, (YfQ&Á Aquatics, Hunting, Lawn and , ,_, Field Games, Cycling, Eques- : ■'( trianism, Amateur Photografl ' phy, Fishing and Adventure Si i in Every Land. Üa? Busirjess rnzxy read tt for S relaxation. Coliege men n?aKe it a jI4íV b&r)ItOOH, lor it comes in s closer touch v.ith them than any JHf. other publication. Mk College gradúate? find it R a pleasant reminder oi college ü days, and follovvinsi its precepts F U keep good health in attendance. t Toe sportinj eotbusiast i'es it away as a record of L t!ie doinga in h!s particular line of sport. Aotbers anl laugbters ,„'. pronounce it the best because of Wf'. its pure and healthful influence. vln They are especially interested in JSJthe departmcnt of Piction which (Ú Kives " Outin.': " first place about iSjfc the family-hearth and in the =■ reading-room. JS'" Stfo Two CeJts Foq SjtfLE Copr, P THE OUTING CO., Ltd . fijïft 239 FiftH Ave., N. Y. City. The best ii.iniiliuok to Florida- The pure. Deer ;it any price- Ventano. NEW MEAT MARKET Send the girl r boy with your order, and rest assuicd tha't the cjnality and weights will be the sanie as if you canie yourself. I carry in stock everything found in a FIRST-CLASS Meat Market And buy only the best stock. I am better prepared than ever to supply my customers in niy new uiarket, J. F. HOELZLE, Cor. Washington and Fourth. 'Phone 75. 83-105 TERMS OF COUET FOK THE TWEMY-SECOSD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT FOR 1S94-95. TEKMS OF CIRCUIT COORT. Statt of Michigan: The Twenty-êtcond Judicial Circuit. TBBXSOFCOUBT IN AND rol: saii. CIHCDIT FOB tim. vi:.u:s 1894 and lh'.iï. t, E. D. Kinne, Circuit Jmlfte In and fo. rwentysecond Judicial circuit, do hereb and appoiut the times of holding these terma of the Circuit Court in uncí within the Twen ty-second Judicial circuit for ■■ 18M and 1885 aa tollows, (o wit: IN monkoi: COUHTT. The flrsl Tuesdaj ry, the Brst Tuea day oí April, the second Tuesday of September, aud the Brst Tuesday of November. IN u ASIITl.v COTJKTT. The Brst Monday In March, the flrsl Mondav in May, the firsl Monday in October, and thé first Monday In December. Dated, Oct. 20, i E. D. KINNE. i(1 Circuit Judge DO VOU OWN A HORSE? We have removed our business to the shop of M. 8TAEBLEE, south of our former stand, on the other side of Mie Street. We are prepared to give you extra good shoeing for the Baraemoney. Come aud see our uew style of shoes.also our turued ahoea. We are uot offeriug cheup shoeing but good shoeing. Thnnking you for the juist favors, we kimily ask you for a contiuuance of your patronage in the future. Eslinger & Bro. ASTH8SÏ7soEN CÜRËD, but The PEERLESS ASTHMA REMEDYwif) Bive instant relief. 25c and SOc slzes. Sumple iiüi lfl Iree. AtdrusslaUor miiilcdon rceeipt of prico byThe Peerless Romsdy Co., aobluviüe, ilich


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