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The Wilson Bill Strikes Every

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er and every laborlng man in the northern Btates, directly In the facel Geo. Gould paid his taxes the otheT . amounting m (182,000. The lii.doo pald to Mrs. Nicöl&ua is nm IDcluded 11 tlini tas. The Wtteon I)ill will directly ald erery manulacturer in Bngland and every farmer in Canada. It is an insult to every American citlzen, The Hawaiin message i Presiden) Cleveland as pnblisbed in the Adrián - is about i jj: 1 1 1 , fully one-third of it apeide down. The Press is a masterof ksea and liitiiiL' sarcasni. Ir. ('Icvcland, in his massage on the flawaüun 'Hii'stinn, says tliat Mr. Harrison was dcceived. Not mucli, Mr. Cleveland is the fellow who has been deceived. Tlic hard times now are bul the repetition of former hard linies when the demorracy of ibis nat ion liad full swiiiK. i t li the southern portion of it worklng the buitness end of the machine. TVie Ann Arbor Courier prints, with nmneicius ili'tisive interjections, the free list of the naw Wilscm tariff bill. The Oourier shmil.l show nierey, and not rul) it in too hard - beoause--those artilles against rbich its irony is especially ditecteil, are ideatically those in the re. publican free schedule of 1890. Aisy tber, lad ! - Adrián Press. Iron-y is on the free list, remembor. The prfce of barley thla ye&r is the lowest ever recorded, and in order to kreji it in the Interest ol the English brewlng monopoly In iliis country, it is proponed to reduce the duty by 20 per cent., thns giving Canadlan farmers a better opportunHy to supply the Britten lieer trust in ibis country. - Harbor Sprlngs 15eDubltean Mr. Cleveland, in a very egotistical ay, inginuates tliat Mr. Ilarrison, liis predecessor in the presideutial chair, iras nol very bright, and allowod some patriotic people over in Hawaiia to t.nll the ui over liis eyes. It' be, Cleveland, coull sit down and commune with himsolf íor a few moments, be '.niu'lit. possibly, come to the conclusión ;hat ;i man by the name of Blount, ai.led aml abetted by a speculator, named Glans Spreckles, had deceived him, and made a humiliating gpectacle of him, uot imiy before the people of his own pountry, but of the world. Take a moinont nr tvvn, Grover, it clown all liy jroorself and think about it, and tlms iscertain where yon are at. Wha1 .: a Xlr. Wil on. of the Wil-on bill. represent In ('iiimrrss 7 ny Lndusi T-ii-s ? No. Any factoriea ? No. Any marta of trade ? x. iiy commercial it les 1 No. ii business enterpriaes 1 No. Aiiythiiiii ! No. Not much. ix mónntaln countlea tUled with moonshlne whisky outlawe. And a Btraggllng plantations hall f:11ed with hal(-pald and halt-fed colored laborers. He bas been to college they say, -,m i-, a gentleman and a acholar, füled wii b tree t rade i heorles as many eolleglans are. He knows nothlng about practical business. And be the man called apon to formúlate business laws tor the natlon.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier