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Grover's Policy Punctured

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lo quote a few Senteos trom the Independeni and gemocratlc presa oí the n.iiiciii that liave been supporting Mr. flcvcl.-uKl. muy ot interest to our readers : The W.-isiiiniíton st.-ir. m solidEleve tand organ, eayi : "The Preeldenfa courseln HawaUpreí usa huiuüiatiiiK spectacle." The Intensely mugwump SprlngHeld licpubiii-an remarks : "Mr deve-land h.-is made a very serlous Wunder, wé fear." The Boston Serald, Clevi 1 infl to the core: "It luis to be admltted th.-it Mr. Cteveland'a Hawallan pollcy is nol supported by a majorlty ol íiis party." The PHtsburg tíimo-. an ; tiiUi-n ipnt paper says : 'The lmlk Ol las message is a laborious rehash o( hia former dellverance, based ob Prívate Detective Blounfg one slded testt111 llll.V." The Chicago Daily News doesnM minee mattera much : "When Mr. Cleveland offeréd to ald Ullnokalanl to re-establish nerself apon the thronc he conTmltted an ael ol war, and was jriülty oí a niosi Berious violatlon oí the 'oiisi i utioii." The Washington Pos1 looks hopefully Into the (ature tor the Hawallans : "w congratúlate the people oí Hawai) apon havlng escaped re-enBlavemeni to an Ignorani and vlcious depotlam, and the people ot the Dnlted Btatea apon havlng been Bpared the sii.unc o! even a vlcarions com pllclty in Buch an oui rage."" These are Bpeclmen quotatlons rrom papers that have heretofore anfalter iimiy Bupported Mr. Cleveland. Do i hink he hears them ? The or al leasi one ot e or Is- happy. Wayne MeVeagli lias received the prlce tor hls flop. .!!'■ lias been appolnted minister i" [taly. lie will noi nave manhood pt VanAllen, the $50,000 appolntee, and decliné, bul he wlll iiaim mi llke ixiiiii divith to the colored Individual. He probably thinks thal hls Influeneé as worth more than Van Allcn's $50,000. lint Cleve land. in appolntlng Van Alien first. plainly Bhowed his preterence tor the nionry.


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