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The Ajax Of Protection

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A liiindivd years ago yèsterd&y Ihere was hura lo Phllndèlphla, l'a., ,-i iiiiiii xvho during his liïc (lid as iiiiirh to establish the poHcy oí profcectlon In America, if no't in other íiMtidiis, than any óther perBon ot this century. lic was not a politician in the ordlnary sensi of the word, nover filled nr aapired to fill any ofíice in the state or Xation, but his pen wil lor years one of the buslest in America. It wat on Dt-r. 1.". 1798, Henry Charles Carey, was born. He died in the city of his blrth in 1879, havng lived enere his enfire long Ufe. Hls fatlier. M;ittliew Carey, was an Irish polltical refugee, wiio oniy through the llberality of Marquls de La Layetle was emibled to establish liiniselí in business in Phlladelphla. He be carne a pabllsher and Bucceeded well, retiring from business in lsi'.', lr.i ni; liis ion as his successor. The son was atoo a suceesstu] iu- ness man. retlring from business in 1836. Retlrement, how'ever, dld mu mean Idleness. His genius was one of activity in the inlorest of liis fellowman. While a deliuhtfnl man goclally, rejoictng in the society of hls friends and an elegaiTt entertainer, he was still a greal student and worker. When be was not wrlting liooks he contrlbutlng to magazines and newspapers. Everything he wrote was aiined to increase the prosperity of the country and Improve the conditions of the people. lic was not in the beglnnlsg a protectlonlst. in iact, in his oarller years he snpposed himseli a treetrader. It in the niaturhy ol his ni.'inliood that he became tlior oughly inipiessed with the principies of protectiou as lie afterward expounded them. The disaster and bankruptcy thai came upon the country as tii.' resul) of low barifl in 1837 and the succeedlng years, tollowi'd by the revival in 1842, appear t have cha&ged the eurreni of his thoughts and starled him on a new line oí l&veetlgatlon. Speaking oí lliis time his t'riend and disriple. Dr. ESder, Baya : lp to this time Mr. Carey liad been. as he gupposed, a tree trader ; bul in the elOSlng nionths oí Is IJ. sccíiil;' i wonderful change elfected by the protective tarlff then in operation, he Buggested tli.n there musí be some greal law that would explain the i.ii-t thal we always grew rich under prOtectlon, whereas w.e always ended in bankruptcy ander fte trade. A year or tWO later there eame to him as with a flash oí Ughtning the convlctlon that thi' whole EUcardo-Maltlmsian sysiem is ,-in error, and thal with it must fall the system ot' liritIsh Iree trade. In 18ts his "Past, Present and Future'' was put int o print within ninety daya of its tirst conception. That book inarks an era in the hlítory oí politisal eonomy from which it niay count its A. D. '.. its hegira, or its declaration of independence. l'rorn that time he was very properly called ''the Ajnx of Proteetion." Hls services to that cause cannot be estlmated, as he had the ear of the thinkinu world. He spread the truth not only in America, but among ''the nations of the earth." His works not only met with a large sale in this country, but were translated into elght foreign langnages, and circulated in most of the nations from France to Japan.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier