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Here's the Idea j Of the Non-pull-out Bow The great watch saver. Saves the watch from thieves and falls - cannot be pulled off I the case - costs nothing extra. f f The bow has a groove I f QO 1 on each end. A collar CJ"3 I I runs down insidc the V VnL3X JE pendant (stem) and VJOlol " fS "ts 'nt0 tne grooves, . --L firmly locking the -fw bow to the pendant, -"_=- """. so that it cannot be s ' ' ' c pucd r twisten off. Can only be had with cases 3R5? stamped with thistrade mark. 4Öp Jas. Boss Filled Watch Cases are now fitted with this great bow (ring). They look and wear like solid gold cases. Cost only about half as much, and are guaranteed I for twenty years. Sold only through watch I dealersReraemberthename ' PHILADELPHIA. BOOK AGENT8 PRIZE HISTORY OF THE GREAT FAIR. The World'; Columbian Ssposition Illustrated reéelred the Highkst sd ONLY Awabd t the World's Fair ns the Rlchest Illustrated and the Most Aiitheiitic and l'oiBplete History of the World's ColumbUn Kxposition. Bell at slght. Lurge Commisslons. Exclu sivc Territory. Enclose H'c in stamps for terms nnd particulars. Address .7. B. CAMPBELL, 159-161 Admns Street, Chicago, 1 11. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE k ét Savinp Bank At Aun Arlpor Michigan, at the oloae of baiiD8S, Der. l'.l. UK, RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $410,724 48 Stocks, bonds, mortgages, etc 379,li;i 58 Ovi-rdrnfts 92 09 licnl IKstate, Furnitiiro. and fixtures and safety deposlt ... .'. 87,873 64 Current ezpenns and taxeapaid; r. CASH. Due from tjanks in reserve eltles J101.902 07 Duc fromother banks ... 17u iki Checks and cash Iteras .... 1.111 ."."■ Nickcls and penniea '12" 4." Sllver roln 2,'wki 00 Uoldjcoln... 27,üoo uo I'. 6. and N'ational Bank Notes 29.41H 00-$1B2)30 07 (996,148 2- I.IAHII.ITIKS. al stock paid in $ 50,000 00 Surplus f und j.vumo 00 Undivided proflts 18576 1: Dividends unpald sao 00 DEPO8IT8. Banks and Bankers. . 8.285 93 Certlflcats of depi i.l t u'i !om merclal 1 ■ t,988 9 Savlngs deposita :.;:.i:i üg-fTi 8,148 39 STATE OF MICHIGAN, County 01 Wa oaw, Bs. I, Charlea E. Hl named bank, do solemnly swear tlmt toe above Btateraent la ime to the best of my knou ledge and belief. ( HABLES E. HI8COCK.I 1 l- Attest: Chrletlan Ma ■... H . D. ] 1, David Rlnsej . I Sub8cribed and sworn tobefore methisaist day of December. 1 i9S. MICHAEL .1. FRITZ. Notarr Public, It Cures Colds. Coughs. Sore Throat. Croup. Influenza, Whooping Coug-h. Bronchitis and Asthma. A certain cure for Consumption in flrst stages, and a sure relief in advanced stages. Use at once. You -will see the excellent effect after taking the flrst dose. Sold by dealers everywhere. Large bettlrs 50 cents and í 1.00. JNO. BAUMGARDNER, o ...MONUMENTAL .. CEIETEET " o BUILDING Also, Stone Walks. - Kstimates cheerluily furulahed. Cor. Detroit anri Catherine Sts., ANN ARBOR, MICH woor phosphodinü The Great Enfflish Remedy. v ri96fe ProPtly and pormanently ÊËp&cuves all forms of Nervous Jw; Jn -- r&lVejkní3S,Emissionfit Sperm ?Sk x-5l a'orr'iea Impotency and all nÖiBi effects of Abuse or Exccsses. fiStW.T üeen prescribed over 35 HlVflÉ Hyarsn thousands of cases; i attdAfUr. iztheonlvEelmbteavdBon. J J est medicine known. Astc druggist for Wood's Plioaphodine; if ho offers some worthless medicino In placo of this, leavo hia dlshonest store, inclose prico ïn letter, and we will send by return mail. Price, one package. $l;8lx, 5. One will rlease,slx will cure, ramphlet 1ü philn sealed euvelope, 2 cents postage. Address The Wood Chemical Co., 131 Woodward avenue. Detroit. Mica. Sold in Aun Arbor añd everywhere by all drugtfists. Qre (oa a ViendVo tKe cause oj$ öj OmnerVoaw "uevesVs ? Are you Willing to work {orthe causa of Protection in placing reliable information in the hands of your acquairv. tances ? IL you are, you should be identified with THE AMERICAN PROTECTIVE TARIFF LEAGUE. 13S W. 23D St.. New York. Cut thls notice out and send It to the League, ■teling your posltion, and give a helpm hand. THIS YEAR TUK BOYS WILL WANT TO economizo: Imt vou can't aflord to always walk lien POLHEMUS has addcdalot of Dew stylisli ries, before hard times were upon DS, and Dow is determiued to make the prices so low.thal ituil] be a pleaaure to apenas dollar now and then. Sflddle llorses for Ladies and Gentlemen. I am prepared to anewer all calis for Hackl wlth the liiu't turnouts in the city. Culi up POLHEMU8 by 'Photie. or order at Imru. corner Main and (uthorine streets. Ctirs from I'nlversity stop at our office. 8Svr Sept. 27, 13Ö4. PROPOSiLSJOiTwOOi Bealed proporail forabout 100 corda of hard wood, four feet long. sawed ends, young, green, body or straight hickory. hard maple, and second growth white or yellow upland oak, in quantltlea not less than ten cords, and { about 25 cords of basswood, good qimlity wil Uf recelved by the underolgned muil theifth (lay oí Decemoer, to-fro'gjOL'k iw The wood to be 'deltvorrd witliii next thirty dnys after awarding the contract. , t the school houses, in such quautities as dlrected. The right to reject nny and all offers is reservad. h GHUNER.Treasurer. Ko. 8 South MiiiuSt. K. N. BILBIE, TEACHER OF VIOLIN. Pupil of Emil Sauret, Belin Germany. Can be seen Tuesdays and Frldayg at his rooms, 51 N. Mal i irün Companys' i' flnf ff MBffC th' fro8mOrtnefdUia Ht 1 V 11 li cpvery of Amerloa to Wr I COLUMBIA For special terras apply at once to PALE3TINE PUB'G CO., Elkhart, Ind.


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