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The ladiea molde a flne Bucceaa of the Presbyterian fair at Milan. The Standard tells of severa] casos of lestitution in Clielsca tliat have come a lifiht of late. The new town doek at Nortliville will uil tlieold year out and ring the new year in, its first efforf in keeping time. The editor of the Stockbridge Sun has bond i Bure-pop remedy for gick-headichc. If it will cure it for Bare there's nillions in it. Miss Elva Freer died at the hume of ler danghter, Mrs. .1. P. Wqod, of Ohelgea, un Dec. 21st. Bhe had been aick :or a long time. l'lymouth is reacbing out, te handt very eagerly for the Peninsular Car Works of Detroit. If it sueceeds there will be no holding its Record. Mise Ora Boyce, a foriner resident of Chelsea, but for two years past a teacher in Elizabeth, N. J., is to be married goon to David Decker, of Wïseonsin. The school board of Ypsilanti will have to pay Í'_'(H) a year for the use of the city water for the high school build in_', or else have the Huid ghut oft. Are the lawless acts of tlie Jease ramea reign to be re-enacted right here in Michigan? The Saline post-offlee was robbed of 49 cents, the other night. - Adrián Press. The Sons of Rest hold the second party of the geason at ihe opera house Monday night. - Fenton Independent. Fentun is the lirst place to reporl a project to make the Sons of Best dame. According to the almanac man, yesterday was tlie beginning of winter, but the most of lis were of the opinión that he had been eirculating around ainong us on terms of u good deal of iamiliarity for the past twoorthree weeks. - Wayne Review. Grip lasi week hadtwo editora of the Vpsilanti Sentinel down on iheir backs, a knee on either lireast and a clulch on both throats. The brethren have onr sympathy and W( trust they'll whip, but feel obliged to accord the enemy "belligerent ftghte," according to the rules of war. - Adrián Press. The Milan Lasder slmuld be credited with a pleasing innovation. Instead of the always-in-type annonncement in mnny papers, that "John Doe" "wears a big smile," etc, appears the modest notice that "Anotlier bond of affection bas been established." Thia is good beside the pan. - Adrián Press. On the subject of buckwheat cakes the Northville Record savs : "If olive oil is osed as a "greaser" there will be no Bmndge, lmt wben old fashioned side pork is employed for that purpose the smoke can be cut with a knii'e. Trv olive oil." The Buggestion is commended inasmuch as t has come to be considered vulgar to spit on the griddle. - Adrián l'ress. Randall Bobs, o{ Vpsilanti, died Dec. 17, aged 81 yesrs. Hiram Barton, of Lyndon, died Dec. 13, aged 60 years. Mrs. Jas. Beasl.ey, of Clielsea, died Dec. L4, aged 71 years. Theeaal side e'ngine house at Ypailanti is to have a new liell. . new society of the Epworth League has been organized at Willis. Miss Mac Wood, of Chelsea, is visitinn friciiils in Woodetock, Canada. All the school children of the county, almoBt without exception, are enjoying a vacation DOW. The coinplaint all over tho county is that tax-payers are Blow about paying their taxes tliis year. A valuable liorae was stolen from the harn of Ihc late Irson A. Sober, of Superior, reèently. The Ypsilantian asserts that tlic Keely Institutc oí that city is not closed luit is doing a good business. Mre. Milo Benham died Dec. 1(5, aged 80 years. Bhe had heen a resident oí Vpsitanti town alxmt 25 years. The Southern Washtenaw Farmer's Mutual Ins. is to hold its annual meeting at Manchester, ne-xt Saturday. In the case of Kapp vs. Baur, the sapreme court has rendered jndgjnent in favor of )r. Kapp, of Manchester. It is sald that Grover Cleveland, ven, coul. 1 nol get trusted now it any of the stores in Willis. It is cash or no sigan co. Biggins, of Dexter, has eaptured a yoong egle that be has nimed Young Alie, and he proposes to keep him I'or a )"'t. There are 31 scholars in the Girman school at Manchester, against ■jB last year. There are 17 children in the confirmation class. Il is proposei to have the ptople OÍ Manchester, Btiaron, BridgewaBT and Freedom, unite in raising fundafor the l ■ oí the tJpper Península. Win. Burtles3 shipped the leventh carload of wool to Boston on onday. He hasbought nearly 100,000 pfinds of wool.- Manchester Enterprise. The ttiasonic lode rooms tre now lighted by electricity. Those who in tend to join the order will nowpush the button and the ghost will do tle rest. - Manchester Enterprise. Thp Ladies Aid Society at Willis is one of liveliest organizatioB in the county. lis latest propositan is to build a hall 35x60 feet in sizeAn the lot east o! the M. E. Church. Geo. Wood, who iormerly resided in this village, was found dad in the woods Tuesday, where lie hd gone to ent wood. It was evidenth a case of heart disease.- Stockhridge Era. The Farmer' Clubs arehelpiug to pass the winter very profltplj now-adays with tbeir clubs. AJother good way is tn take the Courier aid the N. Y. Tribune at $1.25 tor both oii year. Mr. and Mrs. Austin eorge, celebrated the 25th anuiverary of their narriage yesterday p. m.,H their liome n Ypsilanti, by a fai.ily reunión. Many relatives from abroa were present. One hundred and fiftyfhickens were )urned in a faetory ne;' Adrián, last week. Coming so goon ajer the lecture of the great single tax eponent, it wan iretty tough ou Henry by George ! - rludson Post. The Upper Península telief Conimittee, of Ypsilanti, have been meeting with excellent success.and contributions aniountiug to $2(.tí5, besides a large quautity of clothiul and groceries have beeu sent to the siiferers. The Stockbridge Era 3 the name of a new newspaper pabllhed at Stockhridg, by Fred A. BusL It is a geven column folio, and star) out with a fine supplement. It gives idence of being well patronized. and a healthy looki il jr youngster. The farmers of S;-lau will meet at the Sylvan Center sipool liouse, Jan. 4th, 18!t4, to talk o-et the tariff question, in regard to wool, and to send a petition to Congres i: deemed advisable, asking that bidyti leave the tariff mi wool. - Chelsealleiald. William Johns'ii, of Webster, bas smashed all previms records for raising big pigs. Tvvo wieks ago he sold to E. Jedele six springpigs, 81... month'a old that weighed 1,80 pounds, au average of 3OC73' pounds. Can any of you farmers beat that? - Jexter Leader. A petition to he Senate remonstrating against the (wssage of the Wilson 1)111 was circulalM in the woolen mili a few days ago, lid all but two of the voters signed ï These two were in favor of it, but 1 ifl notsign on account of personal (ircumstances. - Clinton Local. I. ast Sinidaj evening as Herbert W. Chiida was retirniug home, he slipped and feil breakhg the bone of bis riglit leg near the knee. This makes the fourth time tiis leg lias been broken and the docto testa that it will result in a permanentstiffiess of the leg. - Y"psilanlian. For 4,500mya "Old lüll" has served the 1 . S. Ixprtss Cp-, at Ypsilanti, without havnir nisscii a working day, or a nieal, o cos a cent for medicine. !leenyuus if unbroken service! It is said he cmld actually pronounce "C. O. D.," ani 25 c-'nts, pli Ra t' be understod. Neigh, tis true.- Adrián Press. A Pinckney boy says lie killed ei: hl rabbitfl at one shot recently. ís tlie boy crosseyed? Freeman Wygant, of Williamston, died Pee. 18, aged 60 years. He resided n Lima up tu 1SSO, and liad inany friends and acquaintances iu that section. Notn itlislainling the hard times, the Clinton Woolen Manufacturing Co., with thelr usual generosity, will banquet their operativos at towO hall, on Saturday evening, Dec 80th. This ís their liítli annual banquet and certainly shows un excellent feeling between employer and employee. - Clinton Local. The Plymonth Mail publisbes this for atine story: "A farmer up in Clare county lost about ten dollar'a worth of chlckena a few nights since, by thieves, and he as very mad about it. Shortly afterwarda lie foand a pocketbook containing $80 which the thievea had lost, and he s feeling mocil better. Since the buxning of the Catholic churcfa at Williamston, the Methodist Bociety of that village has thrown open the doors of its edifiee for the use of ita unfortunate neígtíbors. Livingston Democrat. That thing couldn't have happened :i few years auro. Prejudice would have forbidden it. The world is ■_;ii w iiiLi broader. Andrew Cantpbell did nol get his appointment as delégate frona the sceond listriet to the Fanner's National Congress at Savanah. G., which met on he I2th nst. until last Tuesday. The ippointnient had lain in the Pittsfield ost office. Wall, the Cougress missed i good rppresentative and Andrew a chance to uain ninch usefwl int'onnation. - Ypsilantian. Look out for the fellow whu is going about the country looking fer a farm to my. He usnally stays and boards while he waita tor his rnoney to arrive, md sometiines horrows a few dollars on the stren;tli of its expectod ariival, bnt 'or some unaeeoimtable reason, leaves lefore the inoney arrivés, and never reurns. It is an old game, Imt it is coninually being worked anew. - Plymouth Mail. A rat her fortúnate accident occurred n one of our groceries Tuesday. One of the clerks was banded a revolver aud upou RSking if it was loaded understood that it was not ( whioh is always the ase) lie CftUght it in proper sliape and gave it a wliirl, wlien it discharged, the ullet piercing soine articles suspended ïom the ceiling and passed out of the Vont window. No one was hart, hut a ittle seare was manifest soon ufter. - Saline Obseryer. Aboottheonly case on record wlien it didn't kill. "I won't talk mean about any one, quarrel with any one, become Meeply nterested' in any young gentleman, be cross, stay up late Dighte, worrv, use any slang, gifjgle, chew gum, read novels, play jokes, occupy a hammock, ossip, think so mach about my clothes, put on airs or niake believe." The foregoiug are the New Year's resolutions the girls of Chelsea have put up their pretty wnite banda and sworn not to break during 1894. What a gmashing of oaths there will be in that little town before a week is up. If all the mayors, presidenta, etc., were one man, what a great good man that woold be. If all the towns were one town, what a great town that would be. If all the clubs were one club, what a great dub that would be. If all the cranks were one crank, what a great crank that would be, and if all the seas were one sea, wliat a great sea that woulil be. Xow, if this great Rood man of this great town should take this great club and kill this great crank what a glorious good thing for the country that


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