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The glad New Year is almost here, When better things we always seek, When new voffs we make, resolves we take, And we keep theni all- about a week. A Happy New Year to you. Revenue cutters - Coupon cutters. May 1894 be better to you iban 1893 has been. There were probably some 500 or 600 Christmas packages sent through the postoffice here altogether. The lines at the postoffice Monday were enormoua ones, and it took just au hour and a half for the carriers to hand out the mail in the forenoon. The Christmas entertainment of the M. K. Church Sunday School is to take place in the M. E. Church next Friday evening, at 7:30 o'clock. Everybody is invited. The American Express Co. did a fine business Christmas day, as usual. It took three delivery wagons and fuur men to take cara of the packages that came and went by exprese that day. An exchange is correct in the following: "The man vvho gets inad at whai the newspapers say about him, should return thanks three times a day for what the newspapers know about him and don't say." The gathering together of families, and the greeting of old friends and acqnaintances this holiday season, makea it pleasant. Many of tlie former Ann Arbor boys and girlfl are home again to Me the old place and meet tUe old faces familiar in younger days. Steam, escaping Erom the Ann Arbor court house, caused i spin of the lire department last week. The Judge should caution the attomeys against running at hijxh presaure, with onJy one gauge. - Adrián Press. Respectfully reierred to the gentlemen referred to. The charity hall propositionia Bssuming definite shape, and will be one of the greatesl events of the year. A number of the prominent ladiea of the citj have consented to act as patron!8, and the afifair will be on a scale tliat will bring iiiany dollars to the coffers oí the poor in the northern jirninMila. ' iiciicr commence to practlce writing it 1894 now. Those good resolatlOBB aro due ht tliis particular time. The i.Moiid.-iv evenlng mail from Chicago liad 88 regtetered letten in it for thls city. The social held by the ladlea of St. Thomas' church last week, brougbi in $116 net Rain to them. The remains of Mrs. E. F. Beckwith who dled in Detroit Monday, were taken to Columbus for interment. There is to be a Young Men'H Meeting at 3 o'clock Bunday afternoon, over l'irst National Bank, third floor. 'Die rnail to a brtter life befiins ipiite often in people's lives wlth Jan. Lst, though it is proper to begin at ■■iny time. Marriril. in Ann Arlxir. on Dee. 28(1, by Bev. Bamnel D. Breed, Wm. Turner and Miss Huldah Klng, lioth of Ann Arbor. Dr. 'A. W. Ball, l-nt . "!t:i, now of Big Rapids, is home for the holiilays. V. II. Butler hns been in Allegan over the Christmas vacation. Clnist mas coinés but once a year, When ii oomea it bringi good eheer, But when it Roes, ah out unkind, It leaves a trail of bilis beblnd. There is one thing the hard times do not bother- the grip. It comea to all, the prince and pauper, millionaire and beggar, wage-wörker and capitalist. A reunión Of the family of -Mrs. J. B. Sage took place at her home on Spring t., Christmas Day. There were twelve ol her lmmedlate relat [vea preseni . Money i- accumnl itlng in the banks, bul there is e Bcarclty In the pockete of the people. Laei year the money was in circulatie and everybody was dolng a good business. Wm. Beach, oí s. Thayer streef dled Christmaa moraïng, alter a few daye Ulness wit h tagrlppe. Mr. Beach had heen a residrnt of Ann Arbor for the pas1 '■'' yeai-s. Xcxt Monday belng New ïeays, there will be i general closiutí up of Imsinrss housi'.s and the people wlio tabor therein will enjoy Ui" pleaaare of havinii two Sundays come together'i The union revival service at the M. E. churcli nert Swnday evening, wlll le íollowed by a waten meeting:. m the mornlng Dr. Cobem will preacli 8 New ïeara sermón on "The Drama of Life" in flve acts. Henry Smith, of Belser st., who died last Sunday, was L?7 years of age, and had been in the eniploy of the Eberbach Hardware Co., in 1he Btove department for 10 years. He was a laithful. hard working colored boy. A rural debatlng society is discutssing the (inestii)a as tO whifli is the aniiiier, the husband who goes liome and fiiulsnhat the dinner is not ready or the wiíe who lias dinner ready nnd wliose hnsbanil does not come home. Ex-Aiderman Bpokes, who is HOW the engineer in charge of the water works pumplng station, was quite badly burned Suturday by the explo slon of eome kerosene oil being used in the boiler. Dr. Hale dressed his injuries and he is now doing well. It is to be hoped that 1894 wlll deal more leniently with and act more kindly toward the people of this n.ition tbaa did 1893. And yct whli so many yenrs ol prosperity as this country has had, it seenu wrong to complaln abont a Uttle ádveraity. The Charity Ball is going to be a huge success. Arrangements are being made to accommodate everybody and generous business men are offering to bear all the expenses, free of cost. The event wlll occur some■where about the last of January. The Sewing School teachers are to give a dlnner in their rooms, 2nd story of the Courier building, Saturday of this week, and would ask their friends to send in sandwiches, cake or money, either to Miss Brown before 11 o'clock Saturday a. m., or to the Courier building before om o'clock. May they have a generoua response. The taz collector is abroad in the land, but nu one cares to bu introduced to hini.- Livingston Republi c:in. They do not need to - he intro duces hlmself.- Pinckney Dispatch Being pretty well acquainted wltl one of that class, we are moved to reniark that they are not such a bad lot after all. They never nave yoi on their list unles.s yon are worth something. Aun Arbor should use the jail Just ;is other Miliilivisions ol ilie county use it ; Imt she hits no more rlght to make it ;i iiiy loekup than Tpsilaní has, or than Dexter, Chelsea, Man chester, or Saline have. And that i. uliai Bherlfl Brenner proposea. - Ypsli.i 1 1 1 i Sentlnel. Indeed. Ann Arbor Unes use the jail ju-i as ui her subdivisions of the countj do. li the placea mentloned have a local lock-up they have 11 foi their own conveniencd tliat's all.


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Ann Arbor Courier