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Nervejfc. Bíood " Mtfr FS&aMjÉr descriptivo L WLvAM " punij.' ti let, c ior ScLenectady, N.Y.' Yorii FUTURE 6%y5 J' ÉVV '.-Mooi ' v L 3 Y_3rLtcewLL2,yf j IS IN YOÜR OWN HAND. Palmistry asBume to teil what the lines in yonr hand indícate. It will amnee yoa, if noihiiig uiore. The above diagram almot exptahn Itielf. The leugth of the LINE OF LIFE indícales probable afre to whtch yon wlll Uve. Each BUACELET rtrea vou thirty ycars. Wellmaiked LINE OF IIEM) il. 'iiotes brain power; cIpm LINE F FOIÏTUNE. fuinp or rii.ins. Lii; combined i'io;in sinlife; bir beejï au wlih modern 'm win it,. Yon wlil lina picnty of ihef-e in Demorefs Family Magazine, so iitiractively pieeentüd ihat eTery memoer of the family is enter tained. Il ie a diiz n iiia LINE OF HBAKT bespeaks tenderne: a Btn Ighl LINE OP FAT!:, peacefnl Hfe: tbe reverse if crooked. A well - deflned LINE OF HEALTH epares you doctors biils ; fo w:1i the licuitti hints in Demorest's. No oth i many storiep to intT''st the home circfe. "i be sñbiect to extremes of bieb ppb-itf t de.Bpondency if you have the GIRDLE OF VEND8 wel) markcd:"keep np vour Bpiriu b having Den i Magazine to read. By robwribli e " It fr 1S94 yon will receive a nllery of exquisita xyotki 'f art of t'reat valne, besides tiie inperb preminni picture, 17x22inches, " l'm a Baisyl" which is nlmost a real baby. and equal to tbe origina] oil painting which coi-t i:! K): and yon iil have a magazine thntcannot be efualed by any in the world fr its heuiuiful Uliutrationa án 1 "subject matter, tint wlll keep you posted on ali the topics of tlie day. and all the faiis. and different items of Interest abont the honpehold, besides furnishinu inrereptinj; reading matter, botli gravo and iray. for tlie wholefamily ; ind while Demorest's is riot n fashion macazine, lts fashion pasf ara perfect, and you get ith it, tree of cost, all the patterns yr.n wi-li to use ciinin the yoar, and in any eize yon cïh osc. Scnd in your subscription jt once, orily L2 00. and you will ieally get over $25.00 in vnlue. Aridnt k tbe pnblisheV, W. Jenninïrs Demoreet, 15 East 14th St., Nt'v York. If yoa are nracqoainted wilh the Manzine. send fora specimen copy. A largeQUADRANQLB meana honeety: a Isnr.! TIUANOLE, generoBlty, Jone FIRST división OF TI1VMB, Btronewiil; LONG SECOND PmsiON. reasoninEfacnlty. The MOl'NT OF JCPITEK betokeni mbition : that of BATÜEN, prndence ; th BUN, loveof pplendor: MARS. courage; MOON. ima(rination: VENUS, love of plcaxure ; and MEKCÚRT, fütelligence. Take our advice ae above and yos will be surc to ossees tbe last aod mo&t valaabl oalltib I í money and his spare ASmíkVF-J t time obtain a fair dWÊÊ L s l- i ing education. JSTUDYATHOMEJ THBÜUGM THE SPRAGUE UIVERSITY J OF CORRESPONDENCE INSTRUCTION, Comprising the leadiog correspöndence schools in theworld. f SUBJECTS TAUGHT. j II Sil The School of Law prepares puplll for admission t 4 t m9 to the bar, by .in extended, thnronpli cmir Hu ' ï over i.öoo students in every part of the country. ; ' InlIDLi E I ICM Thto ichool I tlisdc i JUUHNAHoiVl ;'i(inaprywork" ll1'""" ! Í U'lfll ICCDIUP Tllls' 'Ily, {OUK-KbtHWb sasj-fïBs ' PlinnT Hl Mrt Tllisscni-101 teaches! rt ! .nü y a (nn I 'Hftllll 'he best system, and from the I BREEK and lATlN s .kb : J tion to the most advanced wovh b i The ahove schools teHcli by Ihe J enre method only, mul recugnize no rival in i 5 thelr respective ttelds. - Addresí, stating in J i "s. -a '■'■ ' ■ ' ■■ "' ï""11 are S Jl' ■ V in ter sted, an 1 ', t ,1 f nts in J ( j" ■ i I jfj&f. -' wïïi&Si Hach school has sep ,. ,lo(íiie. t i 4 ' sSSSSfSHfFl I í DETROIT, MICH. J { SSL iCjfcO"_I?Telephone Bldj;. t f ÍJEOL DIEFPENBACH'8 PROTAGON CAPSULES inre Cure for Wenk Men, ae t7 reporta of leadlnKphj' iutt'Hge in ordering. Pnce. 91. CataloKue Free. ff% Ó á% A safe ana speed; 19 M U cure for Olt't'i, W %A mi Strleture and ull tuina tura! tli--.-l.;irfíes. PriceSa. 'ÍSPEC!FIC(uoau niona Sores RndSyphllltlo AtTcctioii, Vttb ont mercury. FTtos, . Ontor f-om THE PERU DRUG & CHEMICAL CO. LS189 WiuozÚTí Etrecr, MxLWAïïKEE, WIS. ONO BNJOYS Both the method and resulta when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant aud refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet prornptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the system efffectually, dispels colds, headaches aud fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever produced, pleasing to the taste and aceeptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effécts, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its :i::uiy excellent qualities commend it I to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and $1 bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who ! may not have it on hand will pro! cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it, Do not accept any juhstitute. CALIFORNIA FG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO CAL. LOUISVILLE. KY. NEW YORK. N.Y. SÏHLÖÏPs CONSUL PTION CURE. The success of this Great Cough Cure is without a paralle! in tlie history of medicine. All druggists are amhorized to sell it on a positive guarantee, a test that no other cure can successfully stand. ïhat it may become known, tlie Proprietor?, at au enormoua expense, are placing a Sample Bottle Free into every home in the United States and Canada. If you have a Cough, Sore ïhroat, or Bronchitis, use it, for it will cure you. If ycur child has the Croup, orWhooping Coupli, use ií promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious disease Consumption, use i;. Ask your Druggist for SHILOU'S CURE, Price 10 ets., 50 ets. and $1.00. If youi Lungs are sore or Back lame, use Shiloh's Porour. Piaster, Price 25 cisOnlike the Dutch Process tNo Alkalies Other Chemicals are used in the preparation of W. Baker k Co.s Breakfast Gocoa, which is absolutely pure and soluble. It has more than three times the strengtk of Cocoa mixed vith Starch, Arrovrroot or Sugar, nnd is far more economical, cosiing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, and easii.t ÜIGESTED. Sold by Crocars everywhere. W. Baker & Cou Dorchester. Mass. Garifieic" i Billa, tiai ■'■ .ifitbSt., N.T. Gi'rssSickHeadacne I hfi m mm --' - III L 11 HiVJ yifSLli viork hy ad inc the ('onirexville ÍIanvii.le, ];. 1.. ; ■ -,'ui ia cem b fo ' ..:■'! agency IyQuAu I V;: iflAP ■ SCHIFrMANN'SAsrhmaCure Hoever I . wntut ! Triil Pukaft t'KEE of DrnnM tr kr Mali. B Iddrw PK. a. SCHIFF .■■. nia„.


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