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A. W. HAMILTON'S Lifg asi Fire Insua&Gfl No. 11, Second Floor, Hamilton Block. Firc Insurance wríttcn Ín first-class companies. Low Katcs. Lomn liberally adjusted and promptly paid. Cali and examine the Mutual Mfp Insurance Conipany's nen form of loliris. The Income inri Continuóte Instalment l'olirio will return large divIdeii'U. A roliry in thr Mutual Mf Insurance Company Ís a Safe, Sure and Satisfactory Investment. It will py better than a 4 per cent, investment. Whi-ii you insure take the be3t and write n policy in The Mutual Life through my agancy. a. v. HAMILTON. BnMs Water Bad' ! A very important invention whicb will be hailed with delight by every body using a stove or range for hot water circulation. After years of ex perience we have Gucceeded in pro dnnng a simple and perfect WATER BACK. It overcomes all the present troubles of extracting lime and other sediments which accumulate in water backs, often making them useless I and in great iivany instances becoring dangerous. The outlay of dollars is reduced te dimes. No household using a rangt can afford to be without it. No more trouble by using cit water for hot water circulation. Can be used in any stove. Ask vour stove dealer for Hutzel's Water Bark. Masón & Davis Co's. ranges foi sale at C. Eberbach are provided with nr improvement. Rveryhody cali and examine thlf [ useful invention. HUTZEL & OO., P'umbers and Steam fitters. ANN ARBOR, . MICB. LUMBER ! LUMBER! LUMBER! lt vou contémplate building, cali at FERDON'S LUMBER YARD I Comer Fourth and Depoc Sts., and get our figures for all kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture our own Lumber and guaranlee VERY LOW PRICES 1%. Give us a cali and we will roake it to your interest, as our large and well graded stock fully sustains our asaertion. Telephone Connections witb office. T. J. KEECH, Supt. JAMES TOLBERT Prop. GOOD ADVICE. Every patriotic citizen should give hla personal effort and infiuence to increaso the circulation of his home paper which teaches the American policy of Protection. It is his duty to aid in this respect in every way pr.ssible. After the homo paper is taken care of, why not subscribe for the American Economist, published by the American Protectivo Tariff League ? One of its corresponden ts says : "No true American can get along without it. I consider it the greatest and truest political teacher in the United States." Send postal card request for free sample copy. AddressWilburF Wakeman, General Secretary, 135 West 23c! St., New York. SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES TO RE"T. In the New Vnults of m m iwiiiwi mi Absolutely Kiro and Burglar Prooi. CALL AND INSPECT THEM. Michigan (Central " The Manara Falls Route." TIME TABLE (REVISED) NOV. 19, 18 CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. I : ; =: i i : i : d j t : a - j M SS : : SS rf B : : : : L 4 ij m ; : : ■ SSii; .; ÍC8S8S I g 53SI. S i [ SSB : x ' 3 i o ücíóí -o ■ - i-H - ■" " H - "" ■ L o " . é. 8S8S9S3338 : 38B8S?888S óí - i H ' í h -j o - o de ü óc m i ói w í iás i i i i ;hs 3 eá ; ; ; j ; e i '■■■■'■■ ja sh::;;íÍs a ::: : J g.' ::: ::: a ??? I i :?? :?? ?Y.!!':?':! :??? _ JJ S áá :j :J8H f Ifl j ! JU S a = : : : : : . - I a ; - í- 22 ! i =8 i Í23 88 i? 8 j [M " I a " .i S S S 3 á = = -. BSSÍÍSSSBSSa S BSSíSSíS ■ L - fi n r: - 'i ("- ■■■Tr.j.SN ïïTïïmW Tïïïïïïïmï r ::::::: : = c C :::::::: : s s ;i 7 s ::::;;;:;; .::::::: w ■ : " 8:i : : ■ ; : : ; ; : ; : o ..::.:::-;: c - .- : k ::::::" S : :u : := : . ■ ■ - a..,Q.fl _ O O O o :=:-:■= =:: a :;r :s::::cG. W. BCJGGL H. W. HAYKS, (.. 1'. & T. Agt.. ChlcaKO. Agt.. Aun Arbor A TOLEDO pv AníIARBop? NORTH MICHIGAN) if RAILWAY. 1-r- -1 , I'"ti5%L. RcBcommon K( i 1 lis - ;.SL_Wye,Tyl - MUSKEGON 5ttA7Sf M TIME TABLE. TAKIN-G EFFECT S-CTXT3D.-S-. ITOT. S. 1893. Trains leave Ann Arbnr bv Central Standar time. NORTH. SOUTH. 7:15 A. M. 7:15 A. M. 12:15 P. M. 11:30 A. M. 4:15 P. M. 9:00 P. M. Trains run between Ann Arbor and Toledo onlv. W. H. Benkett, G. P. A. R. S. Gbeenwood, Aot EBERBACH & SONS, ANN ARBOR, SELL BELOW PILLS. T A TVTTT'C! TRY DR. LE DUC'S "PEX-lI.DLÏLi(3i RIODICAL" PILLS from Paris. France. Establlshed Ín Europe 1839, Canada In 1878. For Suppresslons, Irregularitie9, and Monthly Derangements. A reliable montbly medicine. They always relieve. Any druggist, $3. American Pili Co., Proprietors Spencer, Iowa. Robert Sjephenson & Co., wnolesale agents, and all other druRftists in Ann Arbor. These pilla are warranted to brineon the "chance. ' GET TICKET OF W. F. L0DH0LZ 4 & 6 BROADWAY. And you are entltled to a cholee of TheHome Instructor, the Life of General Sherman, or the Ltfeof P. T. Barnura (free). when cash purchase to the amount ol Í15.00 has been made. THE HOME INSTRUCTOR, LABGE OCTAVO, 478 PAGES, ILLUSTRATKD. A compendium of useful knowledge necessary for the practical uses of every-day life. A complete and perfect gulde to lile in publlo and private. THE LIFE AND DEEOS OF GEN, W, T, SHEMN, CROWN OCTAVO, 568 PAGES,' II.LUSTRATKD. A graphic narrativo of hls boyhood and onrly life, educatlou, carcer in Florida and california, military nohicvements, Ufe asa citizen, last sickness and deuth; wlth fine steel po'-trait. THE LIFE ÚF ?, T, MEI The Worldïenovised Shovmas. CROWN OCTAVO, 520 PA(ES, ILLUSTRATED. ITis eiirlyllfp anil struggles, 'iold ventures and brilliant suceess; hls wonderrul oareer. hiswtt. ._'.'iiius uid eloqaence, bis life as a oitlien, etc.- tj wbich is added hla famous book, "The Art of Money Gettlng." W. F. LODHOLZ 1 & 6 BKOADWAT. 1692


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Ann Arbor Courier