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NOTICE. Office of Washtknaw Ml tlai.Fire Ins.' o.I Ann Arbor, Micli.. Jan. ai. 1894.J The animal meeting of the Washtenaw Mutual pire Insurance Company wfll 'be toeld in the office Of the company in the eourt house in the city of Ann Arbor. Michiirnn. on Wednesdiiy, the liith dav of .lanuary. 1894, al 11 o'clock a.m.,for tlie purpose 01 lu-arinji tUereport of rlie compaov lor is;;-, and thé eleCtion of three ors for two yeara in piade ol Win. K. Cojlde, Kmory K. Lcland. and Wm. E.stm'kIng, whose terms of office will tlien expire: and t( elect tlirt'f auditors for One yrar in l]iicc of Rtisséll C. Reeve, Fred B. ünum, and James V. Wing, wboflB term s of Office wlU tlicn expire: and to transaet siu'li ollier business as ïnay proj'erly come liefere sueli annuul meeting. JOHN F. SPAFFARD, W-M. K. Chii.ds, President. Mrn-tary. 1894. HARPER'S MAGAZINE. ILLÜ8TBATKD. Hahi'kii's Ma;azink for li9) will maintaln the character thut bas made it the f vori te ilittsi rattd periódica] for the home. Among the resalta of enterprisc Dndertaken by the pubhshers, tbere will appear dnrlDjt the year superhly ilUiM riilcil papers on Indiii by Euwi.v Lok the Japanese Seasone by Alpbbd Parsohs, on Germán; by l'oui.isi i BiOKLOW.on Parla by Richard Hakdinc: Davis, and on Mexico by Fkkdi:kiRemihgton. Amooa the otber notable features of the year wilf be novela by Georoe dd S aukikjs and Charles Dudleï Wabhkr, tne perHonal remin Isceucea of w. D. lluwti,i.s, and short stories of western rrontler llfeby Owek Wisikii short Morios will aluo be conii iiiut cl i Brander Mattbews, ükhAi'.n il; Davis, Mari k. Wilkins, i;i in McEnery Stuaht, .Mis Laukenck Alm Tadi ma, Ueo. a. Hibbakd, :;r ds Beadkbpaikk, Thomas Nklsos Page, and others. Artfcles on toptcs ol curfem lnterest will oe contrltmted by dletlngulshed speoia HARPER'S PER10DICALS. PUR VEAK: BABPHR'a MAGAZINE ii OC HAHPEB'S WEKKLY 4 00 HARFER'S BAZAIi 4 00 HARPEK'.S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 00 Postage Frte to all subscriber in the Umi-d States, Lunada or MtLco . The volumes of the Magazine begin wlth the Numbera for Juue and December ot each year When no time 1 specifled, 8ubscriptiong will begin with the Number current at time of receipt of order. Bound Volumes of H akper's Magazine, for tliree yejvrs back. In neat cloth bindiiiu', will be sent by mail, postpald, on receipt of Ï3.00 per volnme. Cloth Cases, for binding, 50 cents each- by mail, poslpairl. Remittitnces should be made by Post-Offlce Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. tieuspapers are nol to copy ttis adcertisenunt without tie expreet order o] H akpkk L BkuTHeks. Address: HARPER & BROTHERS, Ne York. 1894. Harper's WeekJy. ILLUSTRATED. Haki'kks Wk.kki.v Ii bayond all iupstion the leadlDii jouroMl lu America, in lts apleniliil UliiKtratlona, in lts corps of dlstingufshed contrlbntors, and in lts vastarmy ol readers. In special lints it draws on tbe hlirnefit order of talent, tlie men oest QUed by rxwltlon and training ! treat the leadlng topte of the day. In flctlon, the most popular storvwrltera contribute ki üs columns. Supero drawings bytb foremost artlsts lllnslratee its sperfal arUclen, lts moriee, and evei-v notable eventol public Interest; it oontains portraltsof tne dl'sllngalsbed men nnd vromen who are mak 1 Dg ilie hlstory of ilie time, wnlle special attention Is glven to the Ariny and Navy, Ameteur Sport, and Muele and Inania, by dlatlngulshed experts. Jn a word IlAiti'Kits Wkim.v combines the news featif the dally paper nnl the artlstlc and literary qualltles of the magazine witli the solid erilicul cliaracterof tlie review. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. HARPER'S MAGAZINE M 00 ÜAUl'I.KS Wl.KKI.1) 4 00 KR'S BAZAR .. 4 nri HARPER'8 ÏOÜNG PEOPLE 20 Postaai fret to aU m United ico, The Volumes of the Wkfki.v begin wlth the flrst Number for .lannary of eaeh year. Wherj no time is mentloned, BQbsoriptions wlll begin wltb the Nurnber ourrent at the time of reoeipi of order. Boand Volumes of Uabpbr's WBKKXYfor three yeare back, in t cloth binding, wlll hesent by mail. postage paid. or by express free of charge 'provlded Ibe frelght does n.t exceed one dollar per volume,) for $7.üt) per volume. Oloth Cases lor eaeh volume, snitable for binding, win hesent Dy mail, post-paid on receiptof ïl.Wleaeh. Remittanee should he made by Post-Offloe Money Order or Draft, lo avoid chance of loss. Newepantr ri nol io eop tliis advertU intlimit tin ' o Harper & Bros. Address: HARPER 4 BROTHKU-s Xtw VnJtK. 1894. Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. Harpbk's Bazar 1 a journal for the liome. It alveB the rullest and late hifornmtion nlioat Puhluns. mul uw nuiiK-rouH Illustriittons. l'urls deaiina and pattern-aheei supplemeau are indlapeiiaable aliketo the home dren maker umi the professional modlste. Koezvenae it. apared to mate its irtlstlc attractlvenessof Hu; lilKhtm orilcr. lts liright st orles amualng comedies, and thooghtlul .-say aatisfsan and lt laai page is fomoaa as sHudgel of wit and liiiniur. In lts weekly Issue everythlnK Is Included whicli is of IntriTU to women. The Seríais for I8W will !„ wrltten hy w ,,.i.,am Black and Ai.-iKi; Uksa.vt. Bhorl ttoriea wlll ba wiitteo bj Majt E. Wir.KiNs. m.mua Loüiai Pool, Rubh MoEkkei Stuaet, Mabiox Haki.axd. and othen Ouidoor Siiorts and in-door Samea. Social Knter Mlnment, Bmbroldery, and other Intereating toplcg win r-eceive conatani attention. A n. w atiiea i. promfaed f Coneeand Repartee.11 HARPER'S PERIODICALS. HARPBR'8 MAQAZINK 4 or HAIU'KKS WBEKLY... j i, HARPER'8 BAZAK HARPER'8 roDNG PEÖPLE Z.Z.'" ï olí Postage Free to all subscriben! in the United States, Vanada or Mexico. The volumes of tbe Kazak tieijin witli the inimlier for .Iiiniinry of eachyear When nottme is mentloned, subseriptlons wlll begin wlth the Number eurreut at time of re oeipt of order. Boand volumes of Haopkb'b Bazab rot tbreeyean back.lnneat cloth binding win be aeni by muil, postage paid. or by exprese expense (provlded the frelght does Dot 'volume""" per volu"'). for íT.un peí Oloth Cases for eaeh volume, suimhle tot relpiOToitaor by " . .tn„paper are not to copy thü tutu, , Hum, nt wUAout the xpres ordtt of IIaiim.i; é Bbotb ress: IIAHPER BROTHERS, New REPORT OF THE CONDÏTION OF THE FARMERS and fUWff MECHANICS MfÜ; AT ANN ARBOR. MICH.. At the close of business. Dec. lü, 1893. RESCM Loana and dlacounta --$203 Stocks, I'oikI-, raortgages, etc 7ti.-::, i 56 Overdrafts . 8,690 85 Duf i'roin WashteBaw (ounty 2.'H1 r.i Kurniturc and lixti.res 1 J)OU 'X Current expenses and taxes paid ','t[ s:; Interest paid 4.489 9C Due trom imnks in reserve cilios 37,120 ui Due f rom other banks and bunkers. 'J'. Checks and cash Items 985 77 Xickcls umi pennies - ::i I! Gold eoiti f,.M7 50 Sllver cotn 1, C. S. nml Xatioiiill Himk Nenes.. . lli.'.lSI UI Total --$368,660 16 LiADii.rriKs. Capital Btook paid In $ 5o,(ioo oo Surplus fund 2O,(jo (0 L'-.idivided proflts n Dividende Dnpald ._ -x 00 Commercial depo'ts subject to check m Commercial certifícate ot depoait __ i-ü;:,-i 90 Savlngs deposlts 72.m:: 06 üertined checks Totiü $868,060 -m 8TATK OF MICHK.AN. , . ( HINTY OI WasHTKNAW. BS' I. F. Ii. BELSEH, ( alhier. ,n the above aamed Bank, do solemnlv BWear tl. at the above statement is trne, t the bes1 of wy kucuvledge and belief. F. II. BKL8ER, Cashler Subscrlbed and Bworn to befo re me, this -jl'i'kI duy oí December, 1898. H. A. 1V!I.I,!AMS. Notarv Public Correct- Attest: Chae. E Greene, Ar Ki'aniey. (,. F. AHmeudlliger. Ulrectors. lCi W t A I I HAUL M AKKsar P COPYRIGHTS. CAIV T OBTATN A PATENT ? Fora prorapt answer anï an bonest opinión, write to !I IJ N N & _'O., who have had nearly fifty years1 experionce in the patent busioess. Communications strictly confldential. A Ilniulbook of Information conceminu I'ntentN and bow to obtiiin theia 8tnt f ree. Also a catalogue of mechanical and scieutiflc books sent free. Patents taken throuRh Munn & Co. receivo speciHÏ noticelnthe Scientiüp Americnn, and thus are brouht widoly beiore t!ie public without cont to the inventor. This splendid paper, ).sup(iweeklyteleiïuntlyilluptratel,bosbyfartho larpest rirculation of any scientific work In tho worhi. 83 a resr Specimen copies sent free. Building Kdition.monthly, $2.50a year. ömplo copies, ï25 cents. Every number contains beautitul platee, in colora, and photoirraphs Of nt?w houses, witn plans, enabllng builders to show the latest desipns and eocure contracts. Adiirrss MÜNN & CO., NKW YOiiK, 3Ü1 BKOADWAT. Im f!" ■- ."- rf HU ír Overeóme! Ml (4 6i : L LI V? iA bad eatinff. Billa. Sunplsfn ü Oaxstoj) ■ .n;-t.,N.Y. Cures Constspation NEW ME AT MARKET Send tlie girl or boy vnth yoar order, and resi assured that the quality and weighte vrill be the same as ii you caine yourself. I earry in stock everything found FIRST-CLASS Meat Market And buy only the besl stock. I ain better prepared than ever to supply mycuitqmere in rny new mai J. F. HOELZLE, Cor. Washington and Foupth. 'l'iione 75. S5.HJ.-, OF COLRT FOR THE TWEMFSMt JUDICIAL CIRCUIT FOR 1894-95. TKUMs OF CIRCUIT COURT. iKBmorcoi et in and for said ciKcviT roa TUK YKAKS 18M ANII 1WÖ. I,E.D. Kinne, Clrcuil Judge In nnd for the ! iventy-iecond Judicial circuit, do herebs lix aud apppint the timen of holding theseveral terms of the Circuit Court in and witblu the rwenty-second Judicial circuit for the 1894 und 1SH as followg, to I-V MONROK COUNTT Theflnt Tiu-sday of February. the flrst Tuesaay i kpril, the second Tuesday oí Septemcl the flrst Tuesday of Novel IN WAS.MTKNAW ((IIJNTV. Thefirst Mondaj In Maroh.the Bral Moi In May, the flrst Monday in October and nrst Ni December Dati k,. K. Ii. KIN1 .il do you own 4 mm We have remoTed onr bminesi to the - ofíl. 8TAEBLBK, iouth of our fonncr .-■ i! dde of tbe stiet. We aft prepared togive on extra good ahoeing for the loney. Come and tee ourni bJbo our turned Bhoes. We are aot offering ehesp hoeing but good shoi Thanking you for the past iavors, we kindly aekyoufora oontinnauco of your patro in the future. Eslinger & Bro. ASTHWA soEN OÜRÈD, mil ll freo. AtririiKKKtbnrmi'.i itloii ruetiinto; byThe Peerlesi, Remsdy Co..GoblnïUa,ML A


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Ann Arbor Courier