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The New York Sun Tells Us Why An

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lncome tax wouW be rery acceptable to the deraoeracy. It would furnish omplnyineiit to about" 25.000 officials. Judge Long won lii-; suit against Commissloner Loehren, Justlce I!rulU'.v deciding tlial iliat official exceeded bis autliority in euspending him. Did Hoke Sniitli hare lite car to the ground with tiio decisión was made v Free lur.iber is provided for n the AVilsou l:ill. lml a t:riff ia placed on wood pulp. Why ? For t lic benefit of newspaper publdshers ? Or eome of the friends of this admlnisigtration ? ''lie demócrata of Detroit are not all altogether happy over the appointruent by J're-iili'ni Cleveland of John I!. Molonêy ;is collector of l '.n-i ni Detroit. John has soine red hot enemlee. The reply of President Dole. of Hawali, provea him to be a bright, patriotJc man. and the way lie ''does üp" our president in rlght down solid argnmeni i. something astonishing. Mr. Cleveland oan take lessons of Mr. Dole. not only in patrlotism bat in statesmanship as well. The ways r,v.:l mean commlttee oí the Hou&e have kuocked out the income lax, and the coramittee on banking and currency have declded not to report the repeal oí the state bank tax ! Wh&t's the matter Avith the öemocrats ? Their platform promIsed lioih of these reformsi?). The soul of heavy tragedy is at work in Dexter trylng to organlze a ! democratie club and one rill be ! ed there, or tne hand of the mover v.ill be "thicker than itself ■tl! hidther's blood." - Adrián Press. What oan thia terrible ''democratie club'1 Ijl1 ? A new K u Klnx? Or a premature result of the WHboh bill? Mondar the demócrata mustered íorees enough to order the prevlous questlon on taking up the report of 11)0 cojnmifrtee on rules, that brought the tariif bül before the house. ISoutelle oï Maine, fllibustered, and Reed objected, but the motion carried. ! Atnong those not voting was Gorman of Michigan. - Adrián Prees. The great petitioa against the Wilson bül from 1oy, N. Y.. containlng i7,(i)t) name, Diaktng a book ;i ïoot thlck. six feet long;, etc, was presented to conjrress by Mr. Halnes, formerly ol the A. A. & Ypsi, St. K, R. He had a page place it on a wlieelbarrow and run it up tti the speakcr's desk. A pretty lrave deed tor a lemorat in lii.s position. J. Proctor Knott was at first offered the Misaton to llawaii, but he &aya tlnit when be learned whát was expected of him, he at onee said that he was too good a poker playet to make etich a bhiff as that. ''Had I known, however, that the adniinistration wanted a queen, I ghould have consultad my eook." Not bad for Knol t.- National Tribune. The strangely mild winter which lias so far been experienced lierc, lias its opposite in the severely. cold weather tnat lias visited England and continental Ehirope. The laek of preparation or such a winter, which we generally enjoy, lias caused much suffering acrosa th AtlKutic- Ypsllan! i ï-cnlinei. The ''kick ol preparatlon tor such a j win', er. which we generally enjoy.'' ■.rond. Pass the Wlteon iiill and Jielp keep the laok.


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