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MEMORIES OF THE WAR. The Horrors of Libby Prison Revived. An Evenl VFhich Wil! Surprise Even 0!d Soldiers. The Most Wond perienee of the j Ariny Ever Recorded. We never tire of hearing of the thrllling adyentures of the war and the wonderful escapes from Libby J-iison. 'liic receñí removal of this famoue jaifl to Chicago renders any facts about it at this time ! ly interest-Ing. A most iuscinating story lias just Í oome to us o a man wno paused live inouths ui agony Ln this prison. Tlie experiences oi tuis person during aud simce the war are the most reniarkable that have ever been brought tö I)nblic notice. This man is none other than tlie well-known Mr. -L. W. Porter, o: West Berltn, VI. He writes the following Lnteresting letter : 'Sioce my retmn from tlie war my health h-is been growlng poorer from exposure and hard service and the horrors of a live months' imprlsonment In FJbby prison. f came home a complete wreek and was sick for a whole year, during which time I did no work at allbedng confined to my bed for about half th'j time. "After I got up I was so weak that í could not wallc but a sliort. distance and then was obliged to stop and rest. Aboul twq yeara ago i found myself ín a ver.v bad eondilion v,-i!h nervous prostration, the resülts i tny long time poor health. I took Diosi every kind oí medi y. ■ MI!. I.. V. PORTEE. cine that 1 could henr oí, wlth no goód results mu il 1 commenced ou In-. Greene's tíervura blood and nerve remedy, whieh relieved me oí nervpusnesa and gave me strength so thrit i ivas able to walk and work. I consider Dr. Greene's Nervure blood and iK-i-vL' remedy the best medicine there is for i rvousness and to give strength to any weak person."' "Tlien personally appeared be me l; W. Porter, of West Berlín, Vt ., to me personally known. and subscrlbed and swore to the truth of the foregoing statement." CARLOS L. SMITH, Notary Public. Well may Mr. Porter be ealled íx hero, well may every Inhabitant oí the civilized world read of his experience and weli may all mankind rejoice at its términatlon. The horrible sufferlngs whlch lie oxperienced from disease Avere even worse than Iliose of the war and prison. But lie is a well man at last: and cannot s;y enough in praise of tliis remarkable remedy. His restoratlon to health afteí so many years of sufferin,; ís indeed most wonderful. II yon are suffertog from any form of nervous or ahronlc disease, Indigestión, -weakness, kidney or llver complaimt, take Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve nei .. n :i! cure yon. Dr. Greene the noted specialist in the cure of all nervous and cbronic disefiPes, can be consultad at lüs ol■' e ■' W ■ I4tli st.. New York, iree. or by letter.


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Ann Arbor Courier