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I 8EVEN MAGAZINES IS 0E. ST. NICHOLAS FOR YOUNG FOLKS, "WIDE A WAKE," Now Merged in it. Enlarged by 100 additional pages in the volume. Ecerytliing Illustrated. Of all publications for boys and girls, St. ! Nicnolas, conducted by Mary .Mapes Dodge is nnquestlonably the best. lt has been pralsed by the press and the peopleof two continent- lts circulatlon is unpreceuented among magazines for young folks. Beeinnlng witb ílie Dumber In November. 1898, it is enlarged by the additlon of aboufiOU pages in Ihevolume, and lor 1893-94 it wil] have the greatest program in its history, includiug A NATURAL HISTORY SERIES, brllllantly illnstrated, describlng the quadrupeds of Nortb America in a popular way. by W, T. Hornaday, recent ly ('niet Taxidermist of Mie U. ÍS. National Museum; "TOM SAWTER ABROAD, " a Serial Story by Mark Twaiu, n which tlie great huinorist's i'-unous ereallons. "Tom Sawyer" and "Huckleberry '■'ini!.' vislt the eastern herjai&phere (In a rlylug-irachine); a serles on AMERICAN AUTHORS, by Bradner Mattbews, setting fort li in olear and Blmple form m&ln biorapbical faols altd the chiei' lin-rary (tüiüties af fanious men In American llteratnre, includlng Irviitü. Cooper, lii'ant, Hawthorne, Kmerson, Lowell, etc.; Stories of India by Rudyard Kipling. Wtaen Rudyard Kipling was a boy !n India he used to read st. Nicbolaa, and now he takes hlsturu at brlnglng dellgbt to the thonsands o young foiks wbo read it to-tlay. He has written íor Ht. Nlcholas a serles of remarkable stoiies of boy and girl life in the jungle and with animáis. "Recoilections of VTild Life," by Dr. Charles Kastman, a fnll-blooded Slous fndtan, and a gradúate o) a white man's college (Dartmouih); a descriptlon of Ind'an Ufe,- In camp and on the war patb,- desoribed fiom the lubide. A novelty Ín llterature. Papéis ou the Government. "How money is Mude,'' (the Mint ),"IIow the Treasnry is Gaarded," "How the ment Promotes lngenulty" (the Patent-OXfice), "The Dead-Letter OíBce," "With the West, Folnt Cadets," "How Armies Talk to Eacli Other,'' "Life on a Man-of-War," etc. SERIAL STORIES BY Howard Pyle, Francis Courtenay Baylor, James Otis, Molly Elliot Sewell and The Author of "Lady Jane." THE FAMOUS ''BROWNIES," by Palmer Cox, wlüalsojbea feature of St. NicholaS. Are yon sciing to have St. Xkholas in your homein'91? New snbscrlbers should begin with Xovember. The price of St. Nlcholan 1838.00a year. Everything in it is illnstrated. Subscribe through book-sellers and nmvsdoalers, or remit to the publisherfi by check, draft money, or express-order. Dorit miê9 the CltrttiHtx ytmibfr. The Century Co., 33 E. 17th St. N. Y. WríU " Mint'itht re SL Nicholas'-free. Ann Arbor Fruit Farm Smal! Fruit and trees from Ellwanger and Barry, the oldest nursery in tlie United States. Raspberry and Blackberry Shrubs, Domestic Wines, Plymonth Rock Eftgs, and Articliokes. E. BAUR, Ann Arbor Mieh. " fis place at the head of (dl popular pcriwi published i n the English Languaffe ts no Umger disputi d anywhere.-AíBAH'x Aegus. MAGAZINE n 1894. THE GREATE6T OF ALL THE MAGAZINES. 2000 Pages of the Best Literature. 1000 Illustrations by the Greatest Artists of the World. Tlie Program me of the new volume nf The Centry Magazine, beginning wlih the November nurober, is one of rare interest t every reader of literature. The chief serial feature is a New Ne-vel by Mark Twain The most dramatic story everwritten by Amertoa's ttreatesl humorist. Like severa'l of Mark Twain's stories, il has lor lts scène as team boa t town on the Misslssippi i: nuly years agp. ' PinUVnliead Wilsou," B hard-beaded country lawyer, the nero of the story, furnlshes much of ihe lun tbat one naturally expectsto Qnd in a work writien by the autnorof "Tlie jnnocents Abroad " but. he appears in (juite another light in the in u ii Ier trial which form? the thrilling climax of the story. Tlie plot Introduces a no - el aml ingenlous employmeDt of science in the detection of crime, and thecharacters are wel ld ra n and t hei r every actioli is lnteresting. The Century will contain a A Series of Supeib Engravings of the Old Dutch Masters; Articles on Hunting of Fierce Game ; Articles describtng ARTISTS ADVBNTURBS, by leadlrjg Ameriean artists, with theirou-n Illustrations; Articles descripttve of Important Expeditions in all ti'e great continente, includiny: llie adventares oftwo youtig Americang wlm tniversed on bleyeles; A novel series on Tramping with Tramps ; How a young man dlsgaised as a trnmp, traveled over America rnd learned all the s&crets of the "professlon"; Important Papers on Music by the ereatest living composers and n cians; Unpuhlished essays by James Russell Lowell ; Short stories and novelettes by all the lendIng story-wrlters, essays on timeh subject s, humor and lun in tlie "J.igtnei Veln" department, etc. etc. Tlie The Great Christmas Number eontainsa sermón byFliillip complete stories, a magnlflcent array of fullpage enirravinfis, a ni-w picture ot' Genera] Grant, letters from Edwin Boóth, etc. Subscribe Now. Price ■;■;.'■' (i Di Uons, or remittanci may bi mmii to ,'' pnbl by check, ilnit, mum y-order, ■ by cash in r t r' 'I f' ttt r. Addretus THE CENTURY C0MPAM. No, 33 East 17th Street, New York Write for a "iliniature Century," free. WANTED Men towork for uswhodeslre tomake monpy this fall and winter duiine ; slack times. Excellent chance. Liberal pay. If you hRve spare time, out of work, or looking for a puying laisiness write me at once. Fred. E. Young, Nurseryman. ROCHESTER N. Y.


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Ann Arbor Courier