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BEPOET OF TH3 CONDITION OF THE FARMERS and IJ Aljp MECHANICS QMïk AT ANN ARBOR, MICH.. A't the close of business. Dec. 19, 1893. Il RCES. Loana and discounts- - „$203,862 79 stocks, bonds, tnortgages, etc 76.334 56 Overdrafts - 8,690 85 Due trom Waehienaw County a.v.'ii 19 Furnlture and flxtures 2.0UU 00 Current expenses and taxes iiaid 2.541 83 Interest paid -i Due irom banks in reserve eltiee 27,12a Dl Dnefrom othcr imnkK and bankers. 2. Checks and cash Items '.'"' T Ñickela and penniea '■' 41 - COin - B.817 50 :rcoin i .and National Bank Notes 10. Total Sö ■'■■■" : LIAUILITi B8. Capital stock paid In ..$ 50, Surplus fimd -1 Undivided proflts - l4v4S8 il Divldends Unpaid Commercial depo to check 84 Commercial certifícate of deposit _ 126 321 90 Savinga deposita 72, Uertified checfcs - 63 CO Total $368,660 -iU STATE OF MICHIGAN, .. Coüstï op Washtenaw, ' I, F. I. BBLSKE, Cashier, of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear thai the above tment is true, to the best of my knOM ,ellef. F. II. BELSER, Cashier. Subscribed and swom to bef ore in e, this '22ud day of December, 1893. H. A. WHAIAM8, Notary Public j Cobbect- Attest : ('luis. E. Greene, Am Keanu'y. (4. F. allmendinger. Directora. (hn rn CLEVELANDj LIUÜ BUFFALO VIA "C. & B. LINE." Commencing with openina: of navlEation fabout A.pril Ist). Maguiñceut side-wheel steel steamers. "State of Ohio" and "State of New York." .ILÏ TUIF. TABLE. SONDAY [NCLUDB0. Lv. Cleveland, 6.15 V. M. Lv. Buffalo, 6.15 1'. SI. Ar. Bufl&lo, 7.30 A. M. I Ar. Cleveland, 7.S0 . M. CENTBAL STANDARD TIME. Take the "C. & B. Line" steamers and eiijoy il refreshing night's rest when enroute to Buffalo, Niágara Fails. Toronto, New Vork. Boston, Atbany, 1.000 Islands, or aiiy other Eastern or Canadlan ioint. Cheap Excursions Veekly to Niágara Falls. Write for tourist pamphlet. H. R, ROGERS, T, F. NEWMAN. Gen'l Pass. Agt . Gen'l Manager. CLEVELAND. O. Estray. Carne into the enclosure cf the subscrber, in the citv of Anu Arbor. on Fridaj . the lith day of Jaouary. a span ofsorrel borses. Theowner Is requested to prove property, pay chari?eB and take the name away. A.' V. COCERÁN. Ann Arbor, Jau.'lCth. 1S94. 3 w The Advertising. Of Hood"s Sarsaparilla is always Avichiti the boundi of reason becauie it is true ; it always appeals to the sober, common sense of thinking people because it is trne ; and it is always fully substantiated by endorsements whicii. in the financial world would beaccepted without a momeut's hesitállon. 1894. Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. Habpbr's Bazas is b Journal for the home li el vee the falleat and latest Information about FaahIon, and lts nuiaerous (llustrations. Paria designs, and pattern-sheet supplements are Indispensable allke to the home dreBB maker and the professional modlsce. No expense (s spared Co makc its artlstic attractlvenesa of the higbest order. lts brlght Btoriee, amnsing comedieB, and thonghtful essays satfsfy all bastes, and Ita last page is famous as a budget of wit i and humor. In lts weekly Issues everythfng is cluded wlilch is uf Interest to women. The Serial? ■■; w i i l be written by Wiluam Black and Wai.tkr Bkbant. bhort stories will be w ritten by Mm:v 10. Wii.kins, Maria Lottisb Pool, Kubh MoÈkbkt mt.i:t, Maiuos Hakland, and others. door Sports and In-door (James, Social Enter talnment, Kmbroldery, and other uiteresting toptcs ' win ren i e const aoi attentlon. A new series ís ' promised of "Coffeeanfl Kepartee." HARPER'S PERIODICALS. HARPRK'S MARAJNK fi 0" HARPER'S WHKKI.V 4 0(1 llAlll'WiS BAZA.H 4 OU HARPEU'8 YOUNO HEOPLE ï 0(1 Pogtagê Vree i o all ynhscribern in the Un BLates, Canada or Mexico. ThevolumeHOf t!ie Bazak begin wlth the first numl)er for January of each year. When notime is mentiontd, subscriptione wil] bej4 i 1 1 wlth the Nuraber current at time of oeipl of order, Bound volumes ftf Harpeb's Bazab, (or tliree years buck, in neat cloth binding, wil] be sent, by mail, poRtage paid or by e.xpress, ! i; ■ of expense (provided die frelirlit does nol ■i one dollar per volume), for f7. 01) per volume, Cloth ('iisi's lor v:c volume, suitable toi binding will be sent by mail, posl-i)aid, on recelpi ol il.düeacb. Remltta-nce .sbould be made by Post-office Mouey Order or Draft, to avout chance of loss Novspapere ere not to copi this advertisemeni without the express order of Hakpek &, Bhoth BBS. Addrcss: HARPER & BROTHERS, New Voiik. 1894. Harper's Weekly, ILLUSTRATED, Hakper's Wm.ulv ia beyond all quosrinn the leaüinii journal iu Araerica, in iis spienditl tllUKtrat i ons, in its corps of dlstiQgulsbecl contributors, and In its vast army oí readers. ! n special Unes it draws on the highest order of talent, the men best ritted by position and training to treat Ihe leading topics of the day. In ilction, the most popular storywriters con tribu te lo iis columns. Superb orawings bythe foremost artista 11 lústrales its special artlcles, its s tori es, and every notaile event of public interest; it con taina portruits of tlie dlstiuguished men and women who are making the bïstory of the time, wblle special attentlon isgiven to the Army and Navy, Ameteur Sport, and Muslo and Drama, by dlstingulshed experts. In a word Harper's Weeklt combines the newa featuresof the daily paper and the artlstle and literary qualities ol the magazine with tle i solid critical cbaracterof the review. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. HARPER'S MAGAZINE $4 00 HARPKR'S WKKKLY 4 00 HARPER'8 BAZAB 4 (fi HAKI'KHS YOÜNG PEOPLE 'ISO Post ■ ■ bscribt ra in tin ' States, Canaria, and Mexico. The Volumes of the AVeekly begin with the flrst Niimber for, January of eaeh year. Wlien no lime is mentioned, snbscriptions will begin with the Number current at the time of recelpt of order, liound Volumes of HARPBR'S Weekly for Ihree years back, in neat cloth will besent by mail, postare paid. or by expresa, free of cliarge (provided i.he frelght does nol excecd one dollar per volume,) for $7.00 per volume. Oloth Cases for each volume, Bllltable for binding, will be sent by mail, post-paid, uu reeeiptof $1.00 each. liftinittiince sbould be made by Post-Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of 1ISS. Newspaven are vot to copy this advertisement without the expr en order oj Hakpek & Hitos. A.hlress: HARPER & BROTHERS, Nxw Yohk. Estáte of Joseph .). Ellis. STATE OF .MICHIGAN, County oí Washteíiaw, ss. At a session of the Trobate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office ín the city of Arm Arbor, on Tucsdny, the sixtecutli day of January, in the vuar onc thousand eight hundred and ninety-four. Present.J. Wlllard Babbitt, Judge of Probate. Iu the matter oï the estáte of Joseph J. Kllis. deceased. Leonard Gruner uid Caroline P. lillis. executors of the last will and testament of said deceused, come iuto court and represent thul they aro now prepared to render their annnal account as snel) executors. Thereupou it is ordered, that Tuesday theJflth day of February nest, at teno'clockin" theforenoon. be assigned foi examining and allowing such account, and that the devlsees, legj and helre-atlaw ui said deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, ure required to ajipear at a session of said oourt, thcn to bc holden at the Probate Office in the city of Aun Árbor, in said County, and show cause, il' any there be, the said account should not be ftllowed : And It is further ordered, that said Executors give notlce to the persons interested in said e of the peudeuey of said account, and the heining causing a copy of order to be publishcd in the Aun Arbor Courier, a newspaper printed and circulatin in Baid connty, three suecessive weeks previoiis to said day of hearing. J. WILLARD BABBITT, (A truecopy.) Judge of PbobatE' Wm. (. Doty, Probate Résister.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier