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Xow ('orne'! proposes tu make the law counse one of three years. President Angelí delivered an addresa a1 Chicago last Saturday. The Fresh anfl Bopn lite, expect to hold soclals during (he coming week. New classes are belng fornied in the 8. C. A. Iüble school in Newberry Hall. Ou Frlday evenlng the s. ('. A. gare a fine receptdon to the Illinois stulll'llt S. About l."o nt'w bonks have been reeeived at the general library trom Yit'ima. The first Sophomore so'ial is to be aeld at Nlckel's Hall Priday evening Jan. 26. .Miss [da Clendening, lit. "92 hns ■. - cepted the chair of Botahy in the Vniverslty ot Louislana. Studente must not register at Brown Undversity alter the first day, under a penalty oí $5. On Friday evening. Jan. 26, the S. ('. A. is to glve a reeeption to the stiid 'ïits of the middle western si ates. The S. ('. A. is discussing the subject oí ''College Honeety."' The ■'pony'' will be introducert incidentally, it is hint cd. The sum of $85,000 has been approprlated by tbe Wïscoosia legislature for building purposes and athletic grounds for their university. The propositioii to construct a walk aero--; the grounda used for practice in athletics, is met with a storm of opposition from the students. The ah üerital by Miss Griggs, assisted by Prof. Trueblood's pupils, will take lace to-morrow nlght, liavling 'neen post poned from the noïiuny season. Sports tadulged in last Saturday vivr varied. Some played tennis, others took to thelr wheeles, while the majority took to ska; es and had a g-ood lim? on ice. ít was a great day. Prof. Geo. I). Herrón, of Iowa Tniversity, is to deliver a series oí leetures (n Sociology under the auspices of the S. C. A.. commencing in U. of M. Hall Jan. 28, aml glving two lecbures a day in Newberry Hall until Feb. 2nd. Rev. F. W. Gunsalus is to deliver the next lecture in the S. I. A. course, at ttaiversity Hall, next Friday eventog. T1ie gentleman Las always entertained his audience when lie has lectured her?, and "vill cali out a Eull house. An alumnus of Yale has left by wil] $70,000 to thar unlversity I i estabiish a proíessorship in English Literatura, the salary to be $3,500 per year. The graduates ; the U. of M. as has been proven by statistics, selrtom rich. Do not forget that the nexi Choral Umlon concert is to take place on Tuesday eveñíng, Jan. 30, to be givcn ly M. ilc Pachmann, in University Hall. It will be one of the aio-.: in teresting ín !he entire series to lovers of piamo music. The regents are to m'eel to-day, a1 whieh time Regeni Fletcher, of Alpena, wfll take the place of Regeat Whitman, whose time lias expired. ïhe other new regeni is Dr. Kiefer, ■ui suceeeds himself. The summer school will occupy considerable of their lime, it is supposed. Robert Wilcox, Ut. '90, of Grand Rápida, has been appodnted to r lic chair of Agriculture at the Agrlculfural College at Lanslng, to succeed Prof. Cook who went to California, at .-n advanced salary. Prof. Wilcox lias heen in the governinent employ as a scientist since graduating. The talk of Miss Susan I!. Anthony Saturday eventag at üniversity Hall was hut a repelitiun of her former lectures upon the suffrage question She presented nothing new but rehashed her oltl familiar story. M!ss Anthony is begining to show her age, not only in appearances, but In her i Miic and power of expression. i The catalogue of Harvard Unlversity just issued, gives the names of 322 teachers of all sorts and descriptions and the names of 3.156 studente in attendance upon all the different schools. There is an inerease oí G2 teachers and 190 students over last year, and places Harvard at the head of American Universities once again in point of attendance. It also provee that the people of the east have not been effected by the hard times as have the people of the west. On Wafibdngton's Birthday an association of Chicago lawyei's and prominent men, known as the Union League, holds meetings in various parta of that city, addressed usually by undergraduates of various universities selected by the presidenta thereof. These young gentlemen speakers go to Chicago as the guests of the League and are royally entertained by them. Mr. Wm. W. Wedemeyer, lit. '94, president of the S. L. A., has been selected as the representativo of this Üniversity this year. An honor upon whieh he is to be congratulated. Mr. Wedemeyer has won this through merlt alone.


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