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Motor Lm e Time. Taking effect Uonday, Dec. 11,1893. leave Ann Arbor, irom (Jourt House, at 7:25, . m., and 1:104:40 G:40, l:10 p. m.Xeave Ypsilanti 7:16,9:00 a. m. and 1 :u0, 1 ::0 6:30 and 10:U0 p. m. SINDAY TIME. Leave nn Arbor from Court House at 1:10, 4:40.6:40,aud 10:10 p, m. Leave Ypsilanti from Congress St. at ï.uu. 4:30. 6:30. aud 10:00 p. n. Nlghts of entertainments the last train wlll be held to accommodate those wishing to altend ií conductor is, notified. U carí run on city time. Coupon tickets 15 cents, for sale by conductora. J.E. BEAL.Pres. DOTO kW CLOSIMi OF THE MAILS OFFICE HUURS. LOCAI TIME. General Delivery and j 7.30 a. M. to 6.00 P M. Stamp Windows.. (7.15 r. m. to 7.45 p. m. Money-Order and Registry Departments 8.00 a. m. to b.oo p. m. Carrier Windows 7.15 P. M. to 7.45 P. M. sundays - General Delivery, Stamp and Carrier dOWS. 0.00 A. M.tO 10.00 A. M Maiis Mails GOING EA8T. close. DistRIBEx. Pouch to Detroit 8.16 a... ... . 'ouch from Chicago.. S.00 a. m. Detroit & Grand Rapios j 2' O IO.oO A. M. 11.4o A. SE. Ex.Pouches from Battle Creek and Ktilamnzoo 6.16 p. M. Detroit, Tuit. Elvers and Chicago K. P. O 4.15 P. M 5.15 Je. B. Detroit Chicago K. P. O. 5.05 P.M. 7.15 P.M. Detroit & Chicago R. P. O. East of Battle Creek .. 8.00 P. M. 7.30 A. M. Express Pouci to Detroit 800 f. m GOING WEST. Detroit & Grand Rapids R. p 0 7.80 A. M Detroit Three Rivers and Chicago R. P. O. 8.50 a. m. 9.30 a. m. Detroit & Chicago II. P. O. 10.S5 a. m. 11 15 a. h Kx. Ponches to CIiícreo. Kalama.oo. Battle Treek and .lackson .. 1 50 P. m. Express Pouch from Detroit ■ ■ 2.43 P.M. Detroit & Grand Rapids K o tfW) 7-ir' HDetirolt Chicago R. P. O. ö.oo r. m. 7.S0 A.M. GOING NORTH. Frankfort &Toledoll.P.i 7.1 A. M. 8.00 A. M. Express Pouch from Toledo ■■ 1243 r-MFrankfort & Toledo R P.O. 4.15 r. m. 5.15 p. m. GOING SOUTH. ress Ponches to T0-1 ledo and Hilan. 7.15 a. m. Frankfort & Toledo R.P.0 11.25 v. M. 12 30 P. M. Frankfort & Toledo B.P.O. 8.00 P. M. 7.30 A. u MESSEXGER SERVICE: Mail leaves for Weinsburgh, Tnesdays, Thuredays and Saturdays 1-2.00 m Mail arrivés from Weinsburgh, Tuesdays. Thuredays and Saturdays... .5.45 P.M. Mailairives from Dixboro and Geer. úay.s.ThursdaysandSaturdays, 11.00 a. m. Mail leaves for Dixboro and Geer, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, 12.00 M EUGENE E. BEAL, Ann Arbor. Wch., Oct.l,lbS$. Poitmastler. WANT CüJ_aiviN. 3hort advertisements not to exceed three unes, or Lost or Found Houses for Sale or Rent, Wants, etc, inserted three weeks for 2 5 cents. Situations wanted. free. FO1" NP- Ou the Dixboro Koad, a pair of -■ Ui'Knïcets. Ovn ei eau btrrc tlmm by paying for this ad. F.B &C. Braun. 99 Thave tine farm near Ann Arbor I ill scll eheap or I will take smal! farm or liouse and lot as part pay. For particular, ad. lic-box 1254, Ann Arbor. 99 FOR SALE- Two Farms. Mrs. North's farro near county farm and Bullock-Everett farm ín Salem t.own. Andrew E. Gibson. 80 Maynard street, Ann Arbor (m KOOMS TO LET for lieht housekeeping- 3rd fioor Hamiltou lilock. Stuum heat, water- all modera improvements. Apply ;it Koom 3, Srd Hoor. tf IÏTANTED to correspoud with parties havVV iiisi farms tu let. Addre?5S lock box -i. Chelsea, Mich. 98 WANÏED- By a student, employment from two to four hours daily at book-keepin, waitinKon table, or other vvork. Inquire t 24 X State streèt. as IpAKM. A yaluabls farm of 62 acres 4V- 1 miles Erdm ('ourt house, on the south Ypsilaati road. Terms easy. Euquire of J. I. Williams, North Cniversity Ae., .'o 25. Sw28


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