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Nerve A. Blood ír raFMfe nnLjffi' descriptivo YOUB FDTURE csh 2 'Moon..' IS IN TOUR OWN HAND. Falmistry assume- to teil what the lines in yonr hand indícate. Ii '-vill amuse yoo, it' nothiDg more. The above dia-Tam almost explains itself. The length of Ihe LINiS Ob' UFJS índicates probable ae tcj whicli yon will live. Eacli BKACELET g"ïves you ihirty yenra. Well nunketl LINK OF HEAD denotes u-ain power : cUaT LÍNE OB FORTUNE, f.ime or riches. Boili combined mean success in lifc; but yoa nm?t keu]) np with modern ideas to win it. Yon ill fmd pknty of these in Demore-fs Family Magazine, so utiractively presentiül chat evöry memoer of the faniiiy is entertained. It. is a doz :i ni!irniin'S iir onc. A OLEAR LINE OF HEAKT Uespeaks tendemess: a straight LIN'E OF FATE. peacefnl life: the reverse if crooked. A well - deflncti Ll.NE OF HEALTH epares you doctora' biils ; so will the health hints ín DeuioresLV. No ot.i'-r magazine publishes eo manv glories to interest tiie home circRi. You w i!l be subject, to estremeíi of high spirits or despondBncy it' you have the GIRDLB OF VENUS well marked: keep up your spirits by liaving ))einorest's Magazine to read. By enbixribing tu it for 189 you will recelve a gítllery cf exciuistte works of art of great valué, besídes the snperD premiuiii picture, 17x2-2 niches, " l'm a Duisy !" u hich ie r.imost a real baby. md equ-il to the original oil pain t ing whicb cost $3J0: and yon wiil have amngazine thutcannot be eqnaled by any iti '!:ü wotlti for iis beauilful Ulnstrations án : subject matter, that will keep you posted on :ill the topics of the d:iy, and all the fads. and different item of interest abint the honsehold, besldus furnishiuL' intejesting reafiing matter. í)otii grave nnd ray, for the whole family ; nd while Detnorest's is not a fasbion maeazinp, lts fashion pausare perfect, ft'id yon get with it, free of cost, nll the pftttenis yon wi-h to use !mint; ihe year. and ín any size yon choope. Send in your' 8ubscription .Tt once, prily 2 00. nnd you will ■eallygi-t over 25.00 in Víüne. Adclreísthe publisher, V. Jennings Bemove-t. 15 Ëast 14th St., New York. Xf yon are ntiacqnainted with the Magazine, strid fora specimen copy. A largeQUADRANGLE means honesty; a [Tero TISaNGLE, generosity: FTEST DIVISIÓN OF THUMB, stronwiil; T.ONG SECONT) niVTSION, reasoningfacalty. The MOUST OP JUPiTEK betokens ïmbition'; that of SATUEN, prudc-nct; the SUN, loveof splendor: MAKS. comavc; MOOf , imaginationt VENUS, loveof pieasure; and MEECURY, tatelligriiice. Take our advice as above and yor will be sure to ossces the last and inott yaluablf ualiu. 1 5 At the expense of I i tt I e i,-áXí i mcney ar,d his spare &$$)■ PvSf f I time obtain a fair f-X wík ' ' i ng education. ISTUDYATHOMEj THROUGH THE SPRASÜE USIVERSITY OF CORRESPONDENCE INSTRUCTIOÜ, í t ComprisingtlicieadingCürrespondence schools inthcworld. f SUBJECTS TAUGHT. I A 110 The Scliool of Law prepares pupils foradinission i t 1 H vu t0 f'ie ar' ')y an ösct enclecl . thorough course. Has 9 over i,6oo studciits in every part of the country. " f Ift&mftlAl ICRI "IliS school beaches joutnalistic j JUUnWAUaWI adna;;i!,r;ap'y "ork fr"'" th0 f'"": ! ioniTll lCCDIftlO This school is condurtedby' S nlllln-Krrrlnil one of tlie ablest teacliers of '. j UMI' l-t-l 'HM book-kccpini; in America. J PiintlT UI Ml Tliisschool teache&shott-handby 4 Arllln I ■n&llll the best system, and Groin the Iw 1 j OIIUIII II gilming the best expert work. f í nnrrl _! 1 ITIU This school t GREER and LATÍN fc,$ts J t tiun to Se most advanced work in tl, e classics. The above schools teach by the i r enc3 metliod unly, and recoguize no rival s in i their respective ilelds. t f ■ AdHress statine in 9 QE3L DIEFFENBACH'S @PRQTAG0N CAPSULK3: Sure Cureior TTeak Men, as prqvedby reporta of leudi lig phy sicians. State age in orderinj?. Price.íSl. Catalogue Free. A & tfft A safe and speedy El S 131 cure für CHeet, lM wli xW Strlcture and all nnnaturaldisehurges. Price3. fJREEKSPEC!F!CkT„8 Wand SkEn Dlseases, Scrof rcloiih Sores andSyphilïïïe Affections, with outmercury. I'rice, S2. Order from THE PERU DRUGS, CHEMICAL CO. gÏÏS139 WiscoEsin Street, MILWAÜKEE, VIS. Both the inethod aud results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant aud refreshiug to the taste, aud acts gently yet prousptly on the Kidneys, Liver aud Bowels, cleanses the system eííectuaüy, dispels colds, headaches and fevers and cures habitual coustipatkm. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever produced, pleasing to the taste and acceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its eftècts, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substauces, it3 many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c aud SI bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable drnggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA F6 SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. LOUISV1LLE. KV. NEW YORK. f.Y. HILOfTS CONSUMPTION CURE. The suecess of this Great Cough Cure is without a parallel in the history of medicine. All druggists are authorized to sell it on a positive guarantee, a test thai. no other cure can successíully stand. That it may become known, the Propnetor?, at aii enormous expense, are placing a Sample Eottle Free into every home in the United States and Canada. If youhave a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for it will cure you. If your child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and relief is sure. If yoa dread that insidious disease Consumption, use it. Ask your Druggist for SHILOH'S CURE, Piice 10 ets., 50 ets. and $1.00. If youi Lunps are sore or Back lame, use Shiloh's Porous Piaster, Price 25 ets. Onlike the Dutch Process ÍKo Álkalies Otber Cöemicals are tised in the preparation of f.Büte&M Breakfast Cocoa, tvhich is absolutely pure and soluble. It has more {han ihree times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is far more economical, cosiing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, and easilt DIGESTED. Sold by Crocers everywhere. WBakerJi Cc, Dorchester.Mass. (C? La 5 1 "ff 3rZ ft WC S ft 8 f? ÍÍÍS Overeóme ban Ss! i O ieass Oures Uoiihíipit;(J!., ;■:. niv. Co!ntJit'Xiuii. tíaves Doctors' Bills. Siuuplefree. CtARfikldTkaOo., W.45ihSt.,N.Y. Cu res Sick Headache MFN IN8 WOMFN 111 L il HllU II UlIiLII work baddress iner tlie conip.exvii.le Mfg. Co., Manvii.le. K. I., xnfgrs. oï Noniiandic Plushes. Seud 12 ceuts for samples, particulars, ind secure ageney. Mention this paper. isCHSFFM ANN'S Asthma Curel WlMever fails to give instant relief in the worstH 3 cases, and effecCa onrea wliere others i til. e ! Trial i'ackagc 1'1,'EK of DruggistB or hy Mali. j WllMl ■■■?■ 'mtrn ?mmmStSmÍmJí!nm't M


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