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Life is Misery. ïo many people who have the taint of scrolula in their blood. The agonies causad by the dreadful running sores and other manifestations of this disease are beyond deseription. There is no otter remedy equal to Hood's Sarsaparilla for scrofula, salt rheum and every iorm of blood disease. It is reasonably sure to benefit all who give it a fair trial. Maavy oí them ïniiss-directed- Wedding iiiTitiatiO'iis. FARM TO RENT. Two hundred and twenty acres of land iu Brooklyn, Jackson County, Mlch. A very desirable loeatiou andgood neighborliood. Buildings good and everything in good shape Two miles froni three good markets; wíl] rent for three yenrs at $60ü per year. Apply to h. Palmer, Mi Kingsley stteet, Aun Arbor, Mich. 01 Estatk of James G. Kaymond. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Couuty of Washtenaw, ss. At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Wiishteuaw, holden at the Probate Office iu the City of Ann Albor, on Thursday, the fourth day of .lanuarv in the year one thousand eight hundred and nlnety-fdur. Present, J. Willard Babbitt, Judge of Proiate. In the matter of the estáte of James G. Rayinoud, deceased. On reading and flling the petition, duly verified, of Naucy Jane Kaymond, praying'that a certain instrument noiv on file in 'tliis court, purportlng to be the last will and testament of said deceased, may be ndmitted to probate and that administratiou uith the will annexed of 01 saia estáte may be granted to Morton L. Raymoud. the executor in said wlll naraed, mviug refused to accept the trust, or to some other suitable persou. Thereupon it is ordered, that Mouday, :he flfth day of February next, at ten o'cloek in the ïoreuoon, be assiued for he hearing of said petition, and that the devisees, legatees, and heirs at law j!' sjiid deceasea, and all other persons mterested in said estáte, are rcquired to ippear at a sesslon of said court, then to be lolden at the Probate Office, in the City of Aun Arbor, in said (Jounty, anti show cause, if any there bc, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted. And it is further ordered, that said petitiouer give notice to the persons interestfid ín said estáte, of the pendency of said petition. and the hearing thereof, ) causing a oopy of this order to be published in the Ann Arbor Courier, a newspaperprinted ind clrculating iu gald County, three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. [A true copy.) J. VVILLARD BABBITT, Juago of Probate. W. G. DOTY. Probate Register. DO VOU OWN 1 HORSE ? We liavo removed onr business to the shop of M. STAEBLEK, south of our former stand, on the otlier side of the street. Weareprepared to give you extra good shoetng for the same niouey. Come and see our uew style of shoes. also our turned slioos. We are uot ofiferiug cheap shoeing uut good shoetng. Thanklng you for the past favors, we kindly ask you lor i eontinuance of your patronage [11 the future. Esslinger & Bro. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OK THE MICHIGAN FURNITURE CO. OF ANN ARHOR, MICH., ON JANUAEY 1, 1894, Made as Requlred l,v Law. RESOURCES. Merchandise, Lumber, 8n1sbed and unfinished work on band is per inventory $25,546 38 Real Estáte 16,000 0Q Machlnery and Tools S,(HM 00 Book Accounts 19,034 00 Cash on hand 3.4J4 97 Í(i7,ü2.) 35 LIABILIT] KS. Capital Stock $60.000 00 Surplus Fund 2,018 46 Bills Payable l,Jü6 89 Divldends :i,0U m. We do hereby certify tliat the above statement Is cornet, to the best of our knowledge and belief. Wm. D. Harbuian, "i M_ioritT LEO5HABD GKUNKK, I MaJm3 Moses Seabolt, f ni-pi,. ... Chas. E. Hiscocx. J DliectolsSubscribed and sworn to before me this óth day of January, 1894. MichaelJ. Fritz. Notary Public. At the last regular meeting of the Directors of this Company a dividend of six per cent. was declared, paya ble; three per cent. on January 10, and three per cent. on Jnly 10, '94, at the office oftheAnn Arbor Snvings Bank. CHARLES E. HISCOCK, Secretary. IT IS HUMAN ÍATÜES To Want Somethina; for Nothing. ram om mr t F, lODHfllZ' Grocery Store, 4 & 6 BROADWAY. Tlus is the vva3' it is done: "VVith every cash sale, whether it be 10c or $50, we give you a coupon showing the amount purchased, and when you have bought groceries or any goods in our line to the amount oi $40. 00, $45.00 or $50.00, you can have yóur choice of the 20 Beautiful Fieces of Silverware ! Such as Sugar Bowls, Spoon Holder?, Cream, Fruit, Caster, Berry, Pickle and Butter Dishes, Etc. CALL AND SEE. Eemember, everything in the Grocery Line sold cheap for cash. W. F. LODHOLZ 4 & 6 BROADWAY. How's Your Complexion? Most toilet preprations ruin the face. Eozodorodoes not. Itisguaranted to remove freck les, tan, simburn and blotches of all kinds leavingthe face a natural white, and imparting a youthful delieacy and softness to the skii . Thousands of ladies have used it for years aud would not be without it. If there is no agent In your locality, seud 75 ets. to the Kozodoro Co.,. South Bend,Iua.,foralarge bottle seut in plain wrapper. Agents wanted. NOTICZ Orpicx of Washtenaw Mutual Fibb Ins. Co.) Aun Albor, Mich., Jan. 2li, IS'IJ.) The annual meeting of the Washtenaw Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held in the office of the coinpanv in the court house in the city oí AnnArbor, Michigan, on Wednesday, the loth dav of Jauuary, 1894, at llo'clock a. m., for the purpose of hearing the report of the company for 1893; aud the eleotion of three directors for two years in place of Wm K Chllds, Emory E. Leiand, aud Wm, E. Stockïng, whose terms of office will theu expireand to clect three auditors for ouë year in place of Russell C. Reeve, Fred B. Braun, aud lames W. Wing, whose terms of oftice will then expire; and to transact such other business as may properjy come before such annual meeting. JOHN F. SPAFFARD, Wm. K. Childs, President, Secretary.


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Ann Arbor Courier