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The Democrats Who Follow Mr.

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eveiaod in hig wild eourse ori the Bawaüan qpiestlon certainly have bo mareh to Dote-iül musfc.-lowosso Times. Queen UI was glven lier walking papers ome yar ago Wectaeeday, and has been waJJtlag ever gince, although "lier great and g0OI frtend" wanted lwr to get up anl ride.-Three Uivers Th!' Hawalian tongue is exceedlngly musieal.-Ypsilanti Commercial. Mr Cleveland, who at first Uotened to its aflvery tañed, lias changed lüs raiiid. He doesn't even like to hear the musical worde HJ1 or lulu. A Germán medical paper i-ecomoiends peanutsaa a valuable article f food, riel, ln albumen and olí and mlvises their nse roasted and made iucíalSUP Ot' mushYP'sllanti CommerWouldn't tliat be eruelty to many members of coagrese ? CannlbaUsm, so to speak. The Fenton Independent very pertïnenUy remarks : "Both conductor and enginer of the train whJch eatmed tlie frightful wreek and loss of life at Battle Creek laat fall, have been toargeó In the eourte, and the "' la tlicreliy jiot flxed where it ftelon-s. When Avill these colllsiong coaae 11 no example is made of persons whose carelessness causes them :' As a result of the expiration of the Bell patent, teleplwmes wül be placed cm the mai-ket for sale alter January 30. Heretofore they could not be liought ai any price, l.ut were placed in offic-es or dwelllags and exnoriiitani rente charged. n is aow estlmated that instrumonts can be purohased outright for much less tlian one year-s rent- BeHerue Gazette. Remarked in dead earnest by th Adrián Prese : -The Ann Arbor Cou rter is thirty-three years old am is not asliamed of its age. It had no reasoo to bé, nor of lts news columns lrat it ought to be In state pi-ison for liïe, tor its murderous assaults on the democratie party." About which the Couiicr honestly believes the Press Tvill. in the near future, change its mind. One objectlonaWe feature of the Wllifon tariff Irill is tluit it poatpones indehmtely the admiastan of Canada into tlie Union. With this bilí a law Canada can make her own berma with Q .nul will iiavc no toducemem to enter tlie United States.- Dundee I (■!■■■- er. K tliis were tlie o-nly objection to be urged agalnst the Wüson bill, it mighi -iH beoome a law at once. .iuvvition o! Canada is an ignls-fataas thnt .-. goodmaay Amjerlcans are puraulng wiili a falth and zeal that were not surpaeed by Ponee de Leon and hls foilowers in thelr search (or the fonntain of youtli. Vet annexaI":1 is a bhlag that will npt resuli fiom aggresstv actdon on the part of oer Carnada ar the United States. 80 long as Great Brttain wishes to retato poseessioo o! the country north of iis. or tliat country iteelj hotöa alooi, annexatiton is imposslble. The eonquest of Camoda, ÍS n be ever achlevd, musí bea peaceable one, resultlng trom the irresistible logic of cvi-n;-. worked on1 along commercial ilnes through scores, perhaps hunflreds oi years. PolitieianB who seek bo make anión an issue to-day are


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Ann Arbor Courier