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Drs. Kennedy & Kergan

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WEftK,NERVOUSDISEASEDMEN. I ' Thousanda of Ymmg and Midille Aged Men are annually 6wept to a premature grave ■ through early indiscretion and later excesos. Self abuso and Constitntional Blood B Discaaes have ruined and wrecked the Ufe of many a promising young man. Hav you m any of the following Symptoms: Nervousand Despondent; Tired ia Mormng; :o AmbiM tion; Memory Foor; Èasily Patigued; Excitable and Irritable; Eyes Blur; Pimples on H the Dreams and Drains at Night; Kestless; Haggard Looking; Blotchts; 8ore Throat; Hair Loose; Pains in Body; Sunken Eyes; Lifeless; Distrustful and back ot Enersy and btrength. Out New Mettod Trwtment will build you up mentally, phytically and sexnally. jHr SS DRS. KENNEDY & KERGAN T, H?1 ÍS"! " ■'■ years ' age I learned a bad habit which almost niined iw " Yj i became nervoua and weak. My back troubled me. Icimld o-i stand no exertion. Head and eyes became dulï. Dreams and S drains at night weakened me. I tried seven Medical Firma, Elecwk ■WÊï trio Be!ts' Patent Medicines and Family Doctors. They gave me K 'yÊËk no help. A friond advised me totry Drs. Kennedy & Kergan. ïhey S-oV sent me one month's treatment and it curod me. I could feel IÍÍÍÉoÉAlp myself gaining every day. Their New Method Treatment cures when I CurïoTiioi' S all else f." ïhey havo cured many of my friends." I TL Ml B111IT1JE_IIIIBI ffliED. I 7 ' ■- W " Some 8 years ago I contracted a serious constitntional blood 8 W WlSl diseaso. 1 went to Hot Springs to treat for syphilis. Mercury almoat r "jPÏll kille1 ALter a whilo the Bymptoma again appeared. Throat I v ._ Tyl becam0 sore, pains in limbs, pimples on face, blotches, eye3 red, n yixls losa of hair, glands enlarged, etc. A medical friend advised Drs. 7 T73?wk Kennedy & Kergan's New Method Treatment. It cured me, and I have k -JZ liad no evmptoms for ñve years. I am married and happy. As a eB%L'tia doctor, ï heartily recomend it to all wlio have this terrible diseaae - tja CnrfZTyuyTi !T syphitis." It will eradicate the poison froni the bloed." ! C2iir;d 15 years in detroit. 150.000 cüped. H { ftt "I nm 33 years of aste, and inirried. Whn yonng I led a H fs ■ _-„ BS gav life. Early indiscretions a:d later excesses made trouble M ï'1 WZ H for me. I became wat ancl nerrous. My kidneys became Hl f ' 4 r.ffecte.l and I f-ared Bright's disenso. Married lif wlis unsatis(■ . 'J .' , factory and my home unhfippy. I tried Bvery'luns- all failed .tilt ■ M -&' WcvSn I toiik treatment from Un and Ker-tan. Their Nsw ■ & ■" -jgfR-Method built me up mentaily, piiysic illy aad saxually. I feel H .. j""-""!-'' and actlikjaman inevery leapecc. ïry them." 1 V J m No Namcs Used Without Written iÑj Consant of Patiënt, I OuTlNÍew Method Treatment ïrCTSS? WïSW drains and loases, purifie3 the blood, cleara the brain, buüda uy the nervous and sexual systems and restores lost vitality tothe body. We enarantee to Cnre Nervons "blllty, FaUing: Mannood, KyphUi varicocele, 'ïrietarcGleet.l'nnataraliilschargeSi Wcak r 'arts auci All Kldueyaad ladder uiseases. nillí"íáf)rn rirs. Kennedy & Kergan aro the loadin? specialiste of K t nfl t" n1 K 1" f ! .■nrica. They goarantee to cura or no pay. Their repuIICIF19. lIMfc,H tation and fifteen yeari of basinosa are at stake. Yoa run no risk. Write them for ar honsst opinioa, no mafctor who treted yoa. It may save 5 011 years of reícret and sallirin','. Ctiargea reasonable. Write for a Question L,ist anti Sook Free. Consaltation Free. 148 Shelby Si Detroit, Mich. - '. ■'■; -V


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