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They skate by electric light at Manchester- highflyers. The first settlement was made at North L,ake in 1833. The chapter of the order of the Easteru Star at Manchester is booming. The Chelsea Ccmgregationalists realized $110 from their recent donation. The Review has eominenced stirring up the local political cauldron, in Wayne. Alex. Told livmg near AVhitmore Ivake, lost hds hop house by fire reoently. The Northville Record is one of the best patronized papers in the state all thinge considered. The iice men have been harvesting the congealed iluid at a Nancy Hanks pace during the week. The rHspatch thinks that capitalists would find it a fjood investment to build more stores there. ■ Forty-two tons of poultry have been ehippedifrom Yp6ilanti this winter. That is something to crow over Miss Myrtie Eostwick has been appointed to the vacancy in the Dexter ischools caused by her sister"s resigmation. , Some 25 young men of Chelsea havo organiaed the Chelsea Athletic Club. They are bound to improve their jn úseles. The S. W. Farmer's Club is to meet at the home of Wm. Burtless, Manchester, cm Friday, Feb. 2, at ten o'clock a. m. The riymoutli Mail epeaia of the recent fall of the beautiful as "a feugar Snow." That oditor must be (a coal dealer. The Pinckney Creamery was bought a days ago for $750, and the new owncr ;ont(;mplates making the building over into a store. In several localities tlirifty farmers plowed for spring crops during the 2d week of Jaiiuary. Ttoey have slnce given up the vocation, however. ThO Enterprise kicks about the sacks of skunk skins left on the walks of that place occasiioiially. The perfume of musk, even, is preferreö. Why don"t the lyceum start up now that the holiday season Is passed a,nd all are married that want to be ?- Xorth Lake cor. Chelsea Hern.ld. Jiary E.., widow of Wm. Cross, died recently at her home in Ypsilantl. She was one of the oldest residents of that city, and very much esteemed. Tlie faeaviest tax paid in Plymouth township is by the Globe Furniture Co. of Xorthville, $675.27, the next fhighest by J. S. Lapham & Co., $608.02. Surely times must be hard. The stove works stops the leak in its tin drilnking water pail with a wooden plug.- Chelsea Herald. Woodn't it kffll ye? C. J. Chaadler & Co., are to erect some new buiSlings on the site of the M. C. R. R. stockya.rds and Gilbert & Crowell's evaperator workg in Ohelsea. The Congregational society of this village have decided to have their church repaired and an vddition 12 by 18 feet added to the rear.- Chelsea Herald. Chelsea has a prize fighter and the Gov. of MdcMgan may have to cali out the militia to keep him from knockimg the everlasting daylights out of some one. Up at Xorth Lake the iice is so clear that the fisli can see the fishermen through it, and are so scared at their fterceness that they refuse to bite. ■Wilse, sharp-sighted fisli. Baldness ís either hereditary or cansed by sdckness.- Fowlerville Obeerver. That does away with the dld theory that it was caused by wearing a testament ín one's hat. M'. A. Shaver, of Chelsea, who by the way Is an excellent shaver, was made happy recently by a company of friends dropping in to remind him and hits wlfe of their 5th anniversary. One of South Lyon's M. Ds. became so exhausted by hls practice that he feil asleep on the train the other day and whoii he awoke he found he had about three miles more rkle than he ipald for and had to walk back. He was 'hot"- Excelsior. It was a hot doe. instead of a hot box then, was it not ? Mrs. Fred Seeger, of Lima, has some hens that are trylmg to break the record. One of them one day last week laid an egg that measured 8 1-2 by 7 fhches in circumference.- Chelsea Herald. We hear of a young man ivho complaisied bitterly because his girl had read the slaughter sale ''ads" so much that when she sat on hüs lap she insisted om being one-quarter off.- Hudson Post. Our Grass Lake neighbors are enjoying pansy blossoms and lilac buds picked from outdoor. Some of their farmers 'too, are plowiiig. Saline Observer. Kow see here ! AYhat are ye givin' us ? Speaking of Preacher Iiorn and Adam Porth's libel suit, the Adrian Press remarks : The preacher is umderstood to have said : ''I don't care, A-dan, foir $3,000; it'a vindication I seek." Jlrs. Mary A. Ottmar, of Lodi, -vlio had been confined in the Insane Asylum for 30 years, dted last Thursday at Pontiac. Comstock P. Hill has been her guardián, and reports some $2,400 yt teft. The cáptate of the Hillsdale college foot ball team broke through the ice last week and was so thoroughly washed that he is Hable to lose his posi'tion as captain of the aïoresaid organizatdon.- Hudson Post. Tlie Hillsdale Ieader, speaking of the Ypsilanti girl and her appetite says : "Xo wonder she sighed. She must be a girl of great sighs, if the above indicates her capacity. Doubtless her Ln-sighed sighed too." Too many people do not seem to realizo 'tha't it is considered just as much ;i a crime to find an article and make no attempt toward discovertag the owner as to direotly steal the artille in the first place. - Dundee Reporter. The farmers need not be afraid that aa income tax will effect them if they keep om raising wheat at present prices. - Manchester Enterprise. No, indeed ! The $1.25 wheat promised us under Cleveland doesn't materlalixi, does it ? Another effort is being made to extend Cross street to' the street that rtwis noirth and south, east of I. V. Harris' and the DeMosh place. Pelitioms have been largely signed, and it is to be Hoped the improvement Will be made. - Ypsllantian. A pedagogie rally at Iansing Feb. 2 and 3, for teachers in Washtenaw, Calhoun, Hillsdale, Jackson and Ingham counties. Tlie place of meeting is a little at wie side, but the vailrn.uls, with their usual generosity(?) will no doubt make up for that. little Freddie Schweikerath, an 8 years oíd son of Eobert Schweikrath, oí Chelsea, was instantly killed by a M. G. fred'ght train last week Wednesday. He was standing on the track witli his llttle gister, who was saved only by a hair's breadth. Two confldence men in Sioux City trled to swindle a farmer. The prebise cliaracter of their game is not known, 'but as the farmer killed them both and calmly went his agricultural way, unbiased observers of the situation do not believe that it worked.- Ex. The iron-hearted tax collector of Manchester has levied on the only anvil in a blacksmith shop, to satisfy a dog tax, and wou ld laugh to see the Vulcan try to "turn a shoe"' cm the "horn" of the dilemma. This is peelimg the "bark'' pretty close.- Adrián Press. Ön Jan. 18th the farmers of Syïvan townsbip met at the Center, and adopted a resolutlon opposing the placing of wool on the free list, and also signed a petltion to congress askmg that wool le retained on the protected list. It was slgned by forty farmers of all parties. There -.-is no politics in it. The carriage factory has resumed operations, and it lias also made a "horizontal reduction'' of 10 per cent. m the wages of its employés formerly re&elving over $1 per day. This reduction coupled with eight hours work per day, will make rather hard lines for some of the men working there.- "Wayne Pilot. An ed'iltor of an exchange says he knows eome people so exceeddngly modest that in speaking of a person's leg they perslst in calling it a limb ; but the young lady who in speafciing of a certain breed of j eins, called them Browm Llmbhorns, is, he thinks, entitled to the cake and whole bakery. - Dundee I.edger. Dexter is the Latin word for right, "on the right hand" from this word ís derived "dexterity" wliich means treadiiness, expertness, skill and ability. AVhy should not Dexter have the best organized, the best equipped and tlie best instructed school in the country ? We are aiming at it, and Bhall get there, too.- Dexter Leader. "WTien people go into the big swamp in Sharon they pin notices to a tree before entering, stating the fact, so that if they are never heard of again thelr families may know of their fate. Of the 47 cases commenced in the circuit court of this county the past year only five were criminal. So says the clerk's report.- rïiickney Dispatch. That class of people probably all went to Chicago. We are informeel that one of our citizens on going to hls barn Monday marnilng to milk his covv, could not filnd her. After a va-in search of all apartments below, he went to the loït to put down some hay for lite horses and there stood bossy calmly e-atimg as if nothing had gone wrong. It required most of the forenooai to get lier cow-ship down the stairs.- Pinckney Dispatch. It iB quite evident that yellow covered literature of the rankest kind (hias quite a hold on some of the youngsters oí Howell. Of late a mumber of tltem have been carrying revolvers and have made a practice of attackiiig other lads who were in the least timid and who were out after dark, and frightening them in a terrible manner. In one or two histances, boys of a nervous character have been made ill by these things and the authorities have been notiïied that the thing must stop. -


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