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One tiran in Milán sold 536 Valentines last week. The Clinton Plow Co. has been reduclng it.s ïurce oí hands. Chelsea wants the Corbett-Jackson fight. What queer taste. The revival meetings :it Mllan have resulted in 150 conversions. Revival meetings in Unadilla resulted in thirty conversions. Teachr's instilute in seseion all this week in Jacskon county. Howell i pretty sure of getting that macintosh rubber iactory. There te a young (ump in Milán. It beloaigs to Mr. and Mrs. Joe K. The Val-entine box was not allowed In the Ypsüanü schuols this year. Mre. E. P. I'elton, oï Clinton, celebrated lier 86th birthday Feb. 8. The Observer onnounees íew candidatos i'or municipal offlees in Saline. ThiB has been a queer winter.- Manchester Enterprise. Yes. Sort 'o íl'ghty like. Chas. Diirand, a resident oí Kansas, s paj jng liis first visit to Chelsea tn 25 years. Wayne county pays one-sixth oí the entire amuiint oí taxes of the state, her share being $324,717.51. Mr. W. II. Sv.-eet, oí Ypsilanti, eelebrated tbe l anniversary oí his Ufe as a merctiant last Muntiay. Clinton has been having a series oí revival meetings that have done the plaee good, lt te eaid. May they continue. The Chelsea school children buy pcbh which to adorn the walls o: their school rooms. A worthy oliject. All of our county exchanges report a heavy storm on Monday oí last week. On one thing they have all agreed. The greatest interest i:- being taken in the revival meetings at Whittaker. Over 75 eonversions have been made, already. Mr. and Mrs. Myrou Webb will celébrate the 50th anniversary oí their marriage to-day, Feb. 21st, at their home in Saline. Hon. E. P. Allen, of Ypeilanti, is to deliver an address belore the Ingh;u!i eounty Sunday School Association Mareh 6th. A Xorthville man has diseovered that ihe reason his wiie's stockings coat the more, is because his do not come so high.- Record. Geo. J. Nissly is meeting with such success with his new patent Incubator, that he expects to establish a manufactory in Saline soon. According to one of tlie up to date weather prophete, we ave to have a great deal more rain that we want trom now until the middle of April. Any pers-on desiring a sample copy of the N:. Y. Tribune can obtaiu it by cnlling at this office. The Tribune and the Courier only ?1.5 per year, remember. A young Waterloo glrl tried to elope the other day, but her daddy caught her, look her home and helped hor mother spank her and put her in bed. Another romance smashed. A couple oí Flylng Rollers I hard to convert the people of Chelsea to Prlnce Mike's cause the other nighi. but fa;led ignobly. High Roll- , -hi have been more suceesslul. Bev. and Mrs. Henry F. Shler, of Whitmore Lake were afflicted last Saturday by the death of their two yeara oíd son Louis.' Funeral Monday, and burlal at Leland's church. Tne foUowing is the motto oí one of the grades In tlv Manchester high school: 'Succe"K r.oesti't happen, it is organize : ro-empted, captured by consecr t?d common sense." Dr. A. F. Kinna, the oldest practicing pliysician of YpsllanM, died Feb. 14th, of heart failure, aged 81 years. Tic had been a prominent man in the counsels of that elty for many years. Capt. Nel. White, "the flrst white man that made tracks In this neck of woode," liero of the Toledo war, etc, reached his 86th blrthday yesterdayi and is as young as ever.- Dimdee Reporter. Col. Fenn, of oratoriical famc, walketl from his home in Bridgewater to Mancheeter, on tlxe day of tlie greal stown, Monday of last week. Th( Oolonel is soinething of a walker as well as talker. The new pastor oí the Baptist cliurch at -Milán is Rev. .T. "Ward Stone, formerly of Clinton. It is su id that lie is a very good minister notwlthBtandlng the fact that he parta his name in the middle. The Wayme Pilot asserts that the recent great blizzard blew 22 people into that office who paid for the paper one year in advance. That: wns indeed a cyclone. Must lia ve knoeked th Pilot out of the box. Iet us honor the pioneers. Thej bullt. that we may orcupy : thcj a, ihat wa miglit reap : thoj scattered favors along ouratlnvay we might garner them n as i beiiodictlon.- Clinton Local. 1 The 80th blrthday i' "Grandma Crowell" was celebrated on the 13th iiisi . About Efty of lier friends dropped in -111(1 surprised her. She was pretty oíd to be surprise;!, bul: Khe v,-;s, and enjoyed it, too. Tilia was ai Cheteea. August Mtnieter recently dlsposeil oí hi-j farm oue mile south of the village, in Riga fcownship, at $100 per por acre. Talk about your Blga Bwamps ! Thoroughly drained there is no letter land in the state.- Blissdvance. At a recent Farraer's Club meeting at Milford, -3 ladies aggregated 3,550 Ibs. and averaged 136 1-2 lbs., while 19 others aggregated 2,750 lbs., averaglng 144 lbs. Pretty solid girls over tftat way. Tlie men averaged 152 11). A branch oí' tlie Michigan Young People's Reading Circle has been established at Manchester. Tho puroí the organization is to cncourage the r.eading of good books, and foster a taste for the right kind of literatnre. It is a good t hing. According to the Dispatch, Pinckiii;.- will hereafter pay her city clerk er meeting of the council ; her treasurer $5 per year ; assessor $15 per year; and marshal $25 per year ■ Bome one olfeTB to do the vork for less. üp to date there had been no underbidding. It was a mean hoy who threw Iris ïiitle brother into a suow drift and golng into the house, told 'nis fathér h had made a deposit in the bank.- Huilson Post. About like the party tha1 is to-day trying to levy an income tax off th rich and making the poor man pay it by tiie reduction in hls vfrages. Teachers oí the county wlll not;.ee that the noxt examinations are to be held ás follows : A special examination on the second Friday in March. The regular examination on the last Thursday and Friday in March, and and another special on the last Friday in April. All in the court house a1 Ann Arbor. Whoever wrote this item, sot it straight: "The boy on the farm v, :!l soon be the farmer. ït is well hi earlier inipressimia oï the calling to which he belongs avüI be such as to make him believe there is no place to live on like a farm, instead of believing it to be the place from which he will escape as soon as he is old enough." Tred Marvin, of Cetro: t, Is wantefl in the United States eourt on a charge of embezzlmg i?100,000 while cashier of the Third National Bank, of Detroit. His arrest is in the hands of a United States marshal, who will doubtless find his man sooner or later. Howell people have much sympathy for Mr. MarYin's family.- Howcll Republican. Mr. Marvin has since üïven himself up. A determined eifort is betag made by school principáis and the presa to stamp out the cigarette habit in the public school. The vice has ed a í'irm grip on boys from 3 to 14 vears old, and the results are seen ín the remarkable tncrease oí crimináis if tender years and of deaths irom whai the doctors cali the "clgarette ;c.ii-t.'"- Chelsea Herald. The Mock Congress held a stormy session last Saturday. A brand new tariü bilí was uni'ev discussion. For two mortal hours enthusiastie partisans Aviltlly .t-laimert tbe iloor and ml deelaimd to a full house, argumente calculated to settle iorever this vexed question. It didn't settle, however, but was laid on the table lor discussion next Saturday.- Ypsilanti Sentinel. The worE at the U. S. fish hatchery here this season we Judge has been of no small Importance. They have careil for eggs as lollows : 2,500,000 lakc trout ; 450,000 brook trout ; 250,000 Lochleven ; 250,000 Van Behr. These with the exception of 600,000 Uept for rearing, have all been shipped away, going to all parts of i ne world. There has been in additirm to this about 100,000 yearllngs Bhipped and plantea from this sta tfcm.- Northville Record. George Niesly has bought the resi di-iiee of his nephew Geo. ,T. Nissly in Saline, and will move into tovrv whlie Geo. J. will build a new dweil Ing next to hls poultry farm. What is more amusing to au unobserved bystander than to see the head ol a famSly during a storm, apon the house top trylmg lus best to adjust a rtekety stove-pipe-chimmey, the good wile standing on the ground beside the house glving orders, each belng In ill humor.- Saline Observer. Maple syrup time is near at hand. li N sweeier than a convention of school ma'ams, and stickier than a bare-legged boy seated on a sheet of ny paper. There to mucli happiness in sugaring-ofi time. Church socials are popnlar, for the raw product of sweetness te a1 Lts best when two ,ny young people both bite the Bame piece of solld syrup, at the same time, andtryto pull it apart. Tliere is also a pleasant financial sffle to maple sugar time, for many a farmer geta a sood supply of pin money from maple trees.-Hudson Post, A prominent lady member ol the M. E. cliurch donned her cloak and oihcr wearlng apparël Smrl :y evenlng last, preparatory to going to the house o: worship, but discovering ili it sbe had overlooked a pieee oí work, tied a dish apron over her finery urtd proceade 1 to straighten up th'.ns'.s. Aiter the work was fimJeh&d she Btarted tor church, and taiagine her mortification, when aiter walking up the middle aisle and taking a front seat, she discovered that she had iorgotten to remove the aforesaid apron. All her interest in the services were gone and now the oifendïng kitchen garment ifi payimg the penalty for


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Ann Arbor Courier