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IT IS III lATUBE To Want Somethina; for Nothing. wimm ra mi t f, LOOHOLZ' Grocery Store, 4 & 6 BROADWAY. Tliis is tlie v.av t s Jone: With every cash sale, whethfr i le I0cor$60, we give you :i coupon showing the aniount purchased, anrl when yon have boiijihl ffroceries or auy goods in our Km to the nniount of $-10.00, $45.00 or $50.00, you fan have your dioice nf the 29 Bsauiiful hm of Silverware ! Such as Silgar Bowls, Spoon Holders, Creani, Fruit, Caster, Berry, Purkle and Butter 1 iihcs, Etc. CALL AND SEE. Bemember, everythingin theGrocery ! sold cheap for cash. W. F. LODHOLZ 4 & 6 BKOADWAY. Mortgage Sale. DEFAUIT liaviim been made in the condit ion of n certain mortgage made by John Illlani Keatfng to Mary A. Keating, at Aun Arbor, Mlch., da tod Marcb Reven th, A. ISU2, and recorded In the office of Register of Deedsfor theCouoty of Washteuaw and Btate of M iciiiiijin 011 tbe Beventhday of April. A. D. 1892, in über 79 of mortgages, oii pa on whieh mortgage there fa claim ed to be due ut the dute of tliis notiee tbe süra of oue thou Band tb ree bundied and fifteen dollars and au attorney'n fee of twenty-flve dollars, provided ior in said mortgage, and no sult or p roe eed - inga at law having been instituted tn recover the moneye secured by said moi tgage, or any pan thereof. Now. therefore, by vlrtue of the power of sale cóntaíoed in said mortgage. and the Bt&tute in Bucb case made and provided, notioe ïaherebv given ïhat on Thursduy, the ten tb dayofMay.A.D IMH. at ten o'clock in the lorenoon. I sball i tictiou, to the hfghesi bidder, al the uortb front door of the Court House in the city of Aun Arbor (th at beiQg the place where the Circu t Uourt i'or Was h ten rw Oonnty is holden), the pre mises deecribed Ïd said mortgage, orsomucb thereof as ma ry to pay i be aunouut due on .■. i ■ li five per cent Entere all legal costa, tOKether witli au attornej s fee of twenty-five dollars covenunted for therein, the premises belng described in aoid mongage i i that f rtain tot, piece, aud parcel (.'i land situabe in the City of Aun Arbor.inthe Coanty of Washtenav and State ol Michigan, and known and described na follows: Block two {'2) north of Huron street in range thirteen f 1?.) east. excepting 6vi i parcele o1 land iour by eight (4x8) roda sold to Thomas icy, John O'Mara, VV'illiam Bnbb%. Michael and Ellen O'Mara and Mary A. Keating, which transfers are of record in the office of the Regiöter of Deeds for Washteuaw Conntv. MARY A. KEATINÜ, Mortgagee. CHA6. H. KLINE, Att'y for Mortvfl Estáte of James ]. Winans, STATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Washtenaw, --. Al n sessiou of the Probute Courtforthe Connty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office In the city of Aun Amor, on Thuïsdiiy. the 25th day of January in the year oue thousanrt eight huudred and niuety-fonr. Present -l Willard Babbitt, Judge of Probate. In the matter oí the estáte of James 1. TVinans, deceased. On reading and filiug the petition. duly verified, of Stephen J). winans, praying Chat 'n certHin instrument now on file in ihis Court, pnrportlng to be the last u-ill and testament of said deeeased may be admitted to probate and that administration of said estáte may be grauted to himself and Niles H. Winans, the executor in said will nained or some olher ötiitable person. Thereupou it is ordered, that Monday, the 26th day of February next, at ten ü'clock in the forenoon, be assiuned for the hearing of said petitiou, aud that the devisees, legatees, aud heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said Conrt, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Aun Arbor. and show cause, if any there'be.why the prayer of the petitioner shonld not be granted: And it is further ordered, tliat said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Arm Arbor Courier, a newspaper printed aud circulated in said county, three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. J. WILLARD BABBITT, (A true copy.) Judge of Probate. Wm, Ci. Doty, Probate Register. Sheeiff's Sai.e. CÍTATE OF MICHIGAN, Counly of WashO Notice Is hereby gi ven that by virtue of awrltof flerifaciat Issued out of and under the -seal of ihe ClrcoH Court for the County of Wuslitenaw, in favor of John W Dunklee ngalnnt tbe goods and chattels and kinds ;uul tencinents of George H. Hainmond and Annie E. Wilson. execiitrixof Mie estáte of V. H. Wilson, deeeased, in said eounty, to medireeted and deüvereil. I did. on the slxteenth day of October, A. I). lSli.'ï, levy npon and seizeall ihe rlgbt, title and interest of said Gfeo. H. Hammond, in and to the followingdescribed real estate,land8and teuenients sitúate in ihe townshlpof Ypsilanti, County o( Wasbtenaw, State of Mtcnlganaa folio ws: First piei;e beinj; the norlheast fractlonal quarter of sec. twenty (20) in township three (3) south range seven (7) eabt. .secund piece beiog that parcel of land deseribed as beginnlog at the sonthwest corner of the A. H. Ballard fifly(5U) acres (so calledjand on the west line of section twenty-one (21) in saiii lowtiship ii ïpMIauti, State of Michigan, eleven (11) chalas and eighty-seven hundredlhs (7-1IU) of a chain south of llie section corner, tlience running north sevent.yone(71)desrrees east eight (8) chains and seventy-l.hree (73) links to tce center of the hlghway, tlienee south along llie center of eafd hiirhway twenty-two (22) chai ds and nlnety-flve (93) links to a stake, thence north I elghty-nine(89) degrees westseveD (7) chains I and forty-one (41) links to the center o! the , highway, thenee north along the center of the highway lo the place of beginning Third piwe heing part of sectton twentyone (21) begmning at a point in the center of the highway on the south line of Frenen claim number slx hundred and elghty-oue (681) running thenee westerly alone Raid Frencli claim line to land owned hv Dan Potter on the seoond day of August, A D., 1W4, thenee Bontherly along Raid Potl r'n eat line to tand owned by sald l'oiierat the last uamed date, thenee eaRterly along said Potter's norih line tu the center i highway, thenee nortlierly along tlie center ol Ihe hlghway to the place of beginning. The said tliird piece of land belng I sanie land conveyed to Hald Dan Polier by .InsepiiineC. Ballard bj deed bear iHg date August seventh. Iü7l and recorded in the Register' office for said county of Washtenawtn Liber 81 ofdeedson page 164 eontainlng in all hundred and forty-nlne (14i) acres of land te the saine more örless, allofwblcb I sliall expofe for salent public auction, to the bigben! bidder, ai the loutb front door of tbe Courl House, in Ihe City or Ann Arbor, In said oonnty, on Monday, l-ifth dayof March, A. D., 1894, at ten o'clocb a m Michakl Brennee. Sheriff. I latei this 15tb day of Japoary, 1894. MCr AUn Ulíl&ir&l C'!U1 olllli pleas■II L II HI1U work by add lag the COM REXVILLE Mi-i;. (;,., Manvillk. K.I., mfgrs. 01' Normandie Flushes. Send 12 centa for samples, particulars, and secure agency. Mention tbis paper. How's Your Complexión? Most toilet preprations ruin tho faee. Rozodoro tloasuüt. Il Isguaranted to remove i mi. Bunburn and blotches oí ali klndf teavlnethefacea natura! white, and impartiDe n youthful delicacy and soítness to the skii Thousanda oí ladlea haye used t for vears and would nol be without it. If Hiere is' no agent íu your locallty, seu;l 78 ets. to the Rozodoro Co.. South Bend. I uu., for a larjie bottle sent in plain wrapper. Agenta wanti Mt Float5 BEST FOK SHIRTS. THÉ PROCTER & GAMBLE CO-, CIN'T!. "ONLÏ ONE NIGHT OUT." QuJckest Time Ever Made TO Florida OR New Orleans, VIA I'CSA BH m fa 1 I a r:=rCTÑCI N N AT 1 - FROM Toledo or Detroit. For Rates or Information, write to D. B. TRACY, Northern Passenger Agent, 135 Jefferson Avenue, Detroit, Mich. JOHN BASTABLE, District Passenger Agt., 5 Bridge Street, Toledo, Ohio. D. G. EDWARDS, General Passenger Agent, Cincinnati, Ohio. UNIVERSITY W& OF MB, SECOND SEMESTER. February 19 Make application as soon as possible. OFFICE HOURS: 9 :00 to 10 :00 a. m. 1 :00 to 2 :00 p. in. A. A. STANLEY DIRECTOR. FULTON MMT Mil GBOCERY Opens February 15th, Vi tli full lines of Choice Meats and Groceries. An Entire New Store and New Stock. GIVE US A CALL! YOCH PATRONAGE RESPECTFULLY SOLICITUD. I Í 111, tefe. 33 E. Washington St. E. ]ST. BILBIE, TEACHER OF VIOLIN. Pupil of Emil Sauret, Berlin Germán y . Cau he seen Tuesdays and Fridnys at nis rooms. r,i s. Main Streot, Aun Arbor Oran Companys' Block. 'PH1S YEAR THE BOYS WILLWANT ÏO JL economlze : ijut yon can't afford to always walk Hhcn P0LHEMU8 h:is addedalot of new i-ius. beföre hard times were upon us, and now is determlned to makc the prices so low, that it will be a pleaaure to spend a dollar ïiow and then. Sftddle Horses ior Ladies and Gentlemen; I am prepared to answer all ealls for Haoka witli the Bnest turnouts In the city. Cali up POLHEMTJS by 'Phone, or order at barn, corner Main and Catherine streets. Cars ironi üniverelty stop at ourollir,'. 8Hyr ept. 27, 1864. BO YOÜ OWH A HOBSE? Wc have removed our business to the shop of M. STAEBLER, south of ounformet Btand on the other sido oí the atreet. We are prepared to give you extra good shochig for the same money.' Come and seeournew&tvle of . also our turued Bhoes. Weare uot"offeriufr cheap Bhoelng but good ehoi Thankfng you for I !.■ pasl tavors, we kindly ast you for i continuanco oí yourpatr In the future. Esslinger& Bro.


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Ann Arbor Courier